Recently I saw the two film:Butterfly Effection,The 4400.If  we can,I think everyone want
to pass through the time channel to change something,to change someone.The song tell us:”Another day,Another life,I can feel your heart beat.Remember me,it’s not a dream.I will find a place in time.You are the only one.”
Yes,If We can get to our purpose.But we need how many times?We change one bad to one well,but another terrible thing comes.We make one lover stay,but another leave.That’s our lives.
We can design our lives,But it will not always happen in time.
       These days,I read so much different technique material.I am researching the Oracle Application service.My god,When I change the config files and deploy my websphere ejb project on it, the service doesn’t tell me any error. But when I wait for the result,it always tell me waiting,deploying.For an afternoon,it’s no result,who can help me?
On another side,I read the books about the software project.It refers to every parts of a software program project.So many chinese software companies only do software programs,not projects.The leaders of our offices always think that design is waste time,test is waste time,refactor is waste time.The boss commands us to hand on code,hand on result.That’s our jobs.
But if we design good,the code line numbers will be reduced.If we test carefully,the bugs will be decreased.If bosses give us time to create partern library,We can refactor it into our new projects.The time must be distributed by 40% in design,30% in test,30% in coding at so many foreign company.But at china so much situation,the time is distributed by 10% in design,5% in test,85% in coding.In our compnies no accumulation,no future designs.Only for now.
    I think so many bosses doesn't know softerware at china.How can we change it?I think we developer must not leave softerware development fields when we 30 ages.We must learn software management,then we can become a boss.So more and more developers can be understand by their bosses,because their bosses were a developer some years ago.

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