
  • 前言
    • 作业内容
      • 综合题
      • 思考题
    • 宠物商店部分
      • 源码
      • 设计思路
      • 功能说明
        • 基本模式
        • 撸猫模式
      • 项目总结
      • UML类图
    • 博客链接
    • 思考题
      • 1.
      • 2.






  • 基本要求:
  • 加分点:
  • 提交要求:




public class Cat extends Pet {private int age;private int sex;//0为雌性1为雄性private String color;private String special;private String name;private String like;private boolean eat;//是否饥饿private boolean mood;//是否开心private long price;public Cat() {}public Cat(int age, int sex, String color, String special, String name, long price) {this.age = age;this.sex = sex;this.color = color;this.special = special;this.name = name;this.price = price;}public Cat(String special) {this.special = special;}public void shout(boolean mood) {if (mood == true) {System.out.println("喵呜");} else {System.out.println("噜噜噜");}}@Overridepublic String getColor() {return color;}@Overridepublic void setColor(String color) {this.color = color;}public int getAge() {return age;}public void setAge(int age) {this.age = age;}public int getSex() {return sex;}public void setSex(int sex) {this.sex = sex;}public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) {this.name = name;}public String getSpecial() {return special;}public void setSpecial(String special) {this.special = special;}public String getLike() {return like;}public void setLike(String like) {this.like = like;}public boolean isEat() {return eat;}public void setEat(boolean eat) {this.eat = eat;}public boolean isMood() {return mood;}public void setMood(boolean mood) {this.mood = mood;}@Overridepublic void moren() {System.out.println("呜噜噜噜噜(好像在睡觉)");}@Overridepublic void shengqi() {System.out.println("喵!(目露凶光)");}@Overridepublic void sajiao() {System.out.println("呜!(蹭了蹭你)");}@Overridepublic void ele() {System.out.println("喵~(摊在地上)");}@Overridepublic long getPrice() {return price;}@Overridepublic void setPrice(long price) {this.price = price;}@Overridepublic String getZhiCheng() {return null;}
import java.util.Calendar;public class Date {Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();public int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);   //年public int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;  //月public int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);  //日public int hour = cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY);  //小时public int minute = cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE);   //分public int second = cal.get(Calendar.SECOND);  //秒//拼接成字符串String date = year + "-" + month + "-" + day + " " + hour + ":" + minute + ":" + second;
import java.util.Random;public class DianYuan extends Pet {private int age;private int sex;//0为女性1为男性private String color;//用于标记是否白班private String special;//储存职称private String name;private String like;private boolean eat;//是否饥饿private boolean mood;//是否开心private long price;private String ZhiCheng;boolean BaiBan;//是否上白班(6点到20点白班)public DianYuan() {}public DianYuan(int age, int sex, String color, String special, String name) {this.age = age;this.sex = sex;this.color = color;this.special = special;this.name = name;}@Overridepublic String getColor() {return color;}@Overridepublic void setColor(String color) {this.color = color;}public int getAge() {return age;}public void setAge(int age) {this.age = age;}public int getSex() {return sex;}public void setSex(int sex) {this.sex = sex;}public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) {this.name = name;}public String getSpecial() {return special;}public void setSpecial(String special) {this.special = special;}public String getLike() {return like;}public void setLike(String like) {this.like = like;}public boolean isEat() {return eat;}public void setEat(boolean eat) {this.eat = eat;}public boolean isMood() {return mood;}public void setMood(boolean mood) {this.mood = mood;}@Overridepublic void moren() {System.out.println("呜噜噜噜噜(好像在睡觉)");}@Overridepublic void shengqi() {System.out.println("喵!(目露凶光)");}@Overridepublic void sajiao() {System.out.println("呜!(蹭了蹭你)");}@Overridepublic void ele() {System.out.println("喵~(摊在地上)");}@Overridepublic long getPrice() {return price;}@Overridepublic void setPrice(long price) {this.price = price;}@Overridepublic String getZhiCheng() {return null;}
public class Dog extends Pet {private int age;private int sex;//0为雌性1为雄性private String color;private String special;private String name;private String like;private boolean eat;//是否饥饿private boolean mood;//是否开心private long price;public Dog() {}public Dog(int age, int sex, String color, String special, String name, long price) {this.age = age;this.sex = sex;this.color = color;this.special = special;this.name = name;this.price = price;}public Dog(String special) {this.special = special;}public void shout(boolean mood) {if (mood == true) {System.out.println("汪汪");} else {System.out.println("噜噜噜");}}@Overridepublic String getColor() {return color;}@Overridepublic void setColor(String color) {this.color = color;}public int getAge() {return age;}public void setAge(int age) {this.age = age;}public int getSex() {return sex;}public void setSex(int sex) {this.sex = sex;}public String getName() {return name;}public void setName(String name) {this.name = name;}public String getSpecial() {return special;}public void setSpecial(String special) {this.special = special;}public String getLike() {return like;}public void setLike(String like) {this.like = like;}public boolean isEat() {return eat;}public void setEat(boolean eat) {this.eat = eat;}public boolean isMood() {return mood;}public void setMood(boolean mood) {this.mood = mood;}@Overridepublic void moren() {System.out.println("呜噜噜噜噜(好像在睡觉)");}@Overridepublic void shengqi() {System.out.println("呜呜~汪!(目露凶光)");}@Overridepublic void sajiao() {System.out.println("汪~ha~ha~(摇尾巴)");}@Overridepublic void ele() {System.out.println("呜汪~(摊在地上)");}@Overridepublic long getPrice() {return price;}@Overridepublic void setPrice(long price) {this.price = price;}@Overridepublic String getZhiCheng() {return null;}
public abstract class Pet implements PetMoods,PetTools{private int age;private int sex;//0为雌性1为雄性private String name;private String color;private String special;private String like;private boolean eat;//是否饥饿private boolean mood;//是否开心private long price; private String ZhiCheng;boolean BaiBan;//是否上白班(6点到20点白班)boolean ZaiDian;//是否在店里public abstract String getZhiCheng();
public class PetCage { // 宠物商店private Pet[] pets ;    // 保存一组宠物private int foot ;public PetCage(int len){if(len>0){this.pets = new Pet[len] ;  // 开辟数组大小}else{this.pets = new Pet[1] ;    // 至少开辟一个空间}}public boolean add(Pet pet){    // 增加的是一个宠物if(this.foot<this.pets.length){this.pets[this.foot] = pet ;    // 增加宠物this.foot ++ ;return true ;}else{return false ;}}public Pet[] search(String keyWord){// 应该确定有多少个宠物符合要求Pet p[] = null ;int count = 0 ; // 记录下会有多少个宠物符合查询结果for(int i=0;i<this.pets.length;i++){if(this.pets[i]!=null){     // 表示此位置有宠物if(this.pets[i].getName().indexOf(keyWord)!=-1||this.pets[i].getColor().indexOf(keyWord)!=-1){count++ ;   // 修改查找到的记录数}}}p = new Pet[count] ;    // 开辟指定的大小空间int f = 0 ; // 增加元素的位置标记for(int i=0;i<this.pets.length;i++){if(this.pets[i]!=null){     // 表示此位置有宠物if(this.pets[i].getName().indexOf(keyWord)!=-1||this.pets[i].getColor().indexOf(keyWord)!=-1){p[f] = this.pets[i] ;f++ ;}}}return p ;}
/*** 情绪接口* 包含:默认(趴着睡觉)、撒娇、生气、饿了四种情绪*/
public interface PetMoods {public  void moren();public void shengqi();public void sajiao();public void ele();
public interface PetTools {public int getAge();public int getSex();public String getName();public String getColor();public String getSpecial();public String getLike();public boolean isEat();public boolean isMood();public long getPrice();public void setAge(int age);public void setSex(int sex);public void setName(String name);public void setColor(String color);public void setSpecial(String special);public void setLike(String like);public void setEat(boolean eat);public void setMood(boolean mood);public void setPrice(long price);
/*** 宠物商店系统* 每次登入系统随机打折* 白班店员和晚班店员不同* 店里有一只不能卖的白猫,是店长的(实际上要是给好多钱还是会卖的)* 每一只宠物都有自己的名字、性别、年龄、颜色* 每一位店员都有年龄、性别、名称、上班时段*/import com.sun.istack.internal.localization.NullLocalizable;import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;public class Shop {public static void main(String[] args) {//以下添加宠物商店的基本宠物(店长的宠物)和三只可出售的宠物PetCage pets = new PetCage(4);pets.add(new Cat(1, 0, "白色", "白猫", "酸奶", 100000));pets.add(new Cat(1, 1, "灰色", "灰猫", "憨憨", 2000));pets.add(new Dog(2, 1, "黄色", "金毛", "狮子", 5000));pets.add(new Dog(1, 0, "灰色", "哈士奇", "阿呆", 3000));//以下添加宠物商店的店员PetCage dianYuan = new PetCage(4);dianYuan.add(new DianYuan(23, 0, "白班标记", "副店长", "白晶晶"));dianYuan.add(new DianYuan(23, 1, "白班标记", "店长", "唐三"));dianYuan.add(new DianYuan(19, 0, "晚班标记", "店员", "紫霞"));dianYuan.add(new DianYuan(21, 1, "晚班标记", "保洁", "张三"));//以下为基本菜单System.out.println("==================欢迎来到宠物の家==================");Date date = new Date();int N = 9;Random rand1 = new Random();int a = rand1.nextInt(N);if (a == 0) {System.out.println("tip:据说店长很喜欢白猫,今天除了白猫,全场八折。");}if (a == 1 || a == 2) {System.out.println("tip:据说小橘猫弄翻了猫砂,今天橘猫八折。");}if (a == 3 || a == 4 || a == 8) {System.out.println("tip:据说有一只黑和店长的白猫打架了,今天黑猫八折。");}if (a == 5 || a == 6 || a == 7) {System.out.println("tip:据说灰猫不让店长撸,今天灰猫八折。");}if (a == 1 || a == 3) {}if (a == 2 || a == 4) {}if (a == 5 || a == 7) {}if (a == 6) {}System.out.println(date.date);boolean B;if (date.hour < 20 && date.hour > 6) {B = true;System.out.println("现在是是白班时段");Pet p[] = dianYuan.search("白班标记");for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {System.out.println(p[i].getSpecial() + p[i].getName() + "在店营业");}} else {System.out.println("现在是是晚班时间");Pet p[] = dianYuan.search("晚班标记");for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {System.out.println(p[i].getSpecial() + p[i].getName() + "在店营业");}}//以下为功能操作模块boolean key = true;do {System.out.println("***********************菜单***********************");System.out.println("1.进入店长模式");System.out.println("2.进入买家模式");System.out.println("3.撸猫模式");System.out.println("4.退出系统");System.out.println("************************************************");System.out.print("请输入选择:");Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);int model;model = sc.nextInt();if (model == 1) {//店长模式boolean key1 = true;do {System.out.println("************************************************");System.out.println("1.查询当前全部宠物");System.out.println("2.丢弃宠物");System.out.println("3.购进宠物");System.out.println("4.给宠物改名");System.out.println("5.退出");System.out.println("************************************************");System.out.print("请输入选择:");int ch;Scanner sc1 = new Scanner(System.in);ch = sc1.nextInt();switch (ch) {case 1: {printp(pets.search("色"));break;}case 2: {System.out.println("请输入丢弃宠物的名字");String ch100;Scanner sc100 = new Scanner(System.in);ch100 = sc100.nextLine();shanchu(pets.search(ch100));break;}case 3: {System.out.println("1.添加狗狗");System.out.println("2.添加猫猫");int ch1;Scanner sc2 = new Scanner(System.in);ch1 = sc2.nextInt();switch (ch1) {case 1: {zengjia1(pets);break;}case 2: {zengjia2(pets);break;}}break;}case 4: {System.out.println("请输入改名宠物的名字");String ch100;Scanner sc100 = new Scanner(System.in);ch100 = sc100.nextLine();gaiming(pets.search(ch100));break;}case 5: {key1 = false;break;}default: {System.out.println();System.out.println("请正确选择模式");System.out.println();break;}}} while (key1 == true);} else if (model == 2) {//买家模式boolean key2 = true;do {System.out.println("************************************************");System.out.println("1.查询当前全部宠物");System.out.println("2.查询指定");System.out.println("3.购买指定宠物");System.out.println("4.退出");System.out.println("************************************************");System.out.print("请输入选择:");int ch2;Scanner sc3 = new Scanner(System.in);ch2 = sc3.nextInt();switch (ch2) {case 1: {printp(pets.search("色"));break;}case 2: {System.out.println("请输入关键词");String ch99;Scanner sc99 = new Scanner(System.in);ch99 = sc99.nextLine();printp(pets.search(ch99));break;}case 3: {System.out.println("请输入想要购买的宠物的名字");String ch99;Scanner sc99 = new Scanner(System.in);ch99 = sc99.nextLine();System.out.println("您购买的宠物是");printp(pets.search(ch99));System.out.println("请加微信XXXXXX付款");System.out.println("欢迎下次光临");key = key2 = false;break;}case 4: {key2 = false;break;}default: {System.out.println();System.out.println("请正确选择模式");System.out.println();break;}}} while (key2 == true);} else if (model == 4) {key = false;} else if (model == 3) {System.out.println("你推开店内的一扇小门,走了进去");System.out.println("里面有三只猫");boolean mkey = true;Cat cat1 = new Cat();cat1.setColor("白色");Cat cat2 = new Cat();cat1.setColor("灰色");Cat cat3 = new Cat();cat1.setColor("黑色");System.out.println("定下心神,你打算——");int X, Y;X = 0;Y = 0;do {int N1 = 4;Random rand2 = new Random();int b = rand2.nextInt(N1);Random rand3 = new Random();int c = rand2.nextInt(N1);Random rand4 = new Random();int d = rand2.nextInt(N1);System.out.println("1.向前走一步");System.out.println("2.向左走一步");System.out.println("3.向右走一步");System.out.println("4.向后走一步");System.out.println("5.离开");int mm;Scanner scm = new Scanner(System.in);mm = scm.nextInt();switch (mm) {case 1: {Y++;if (Y > 0 && Y < 3) {System.out.println("你向前走了一步");System.out.println("白猫走在你的脚下");switch (b) {case 0: {cat1.shengqi();break;}case 1: {cat1.moren();break;}case 2: {cat1.ele();break;}case 3: {cat1.sajiao();break;}}} else {System.out.println("你撞到了墙");}break;}case 2: {X--;if (X > -4 && X < 4) {System.out.println("你向左走了一步");System.out.println("黑猫走在你的脚下");switch (c) {case 0: {cat2.shengqi();break;}case 1: {cat2.moren();break;}case 2: {cat2.ele();break;}case 3: {cat2.sajiao();break;}}} else {System.out.println("你撞到了墙");}break;}case 3: {X++;if (X > -4 && X < 4) {System.out.println("你向右走了一步");System.out.println("灰猫走在你的脚下");switch (d) {case 0: {cat3.shengqi();break;}case 1: {cat3.moren();break;}case 2: {cat3.ele();break;}case 3: {cat3.sajiao();break;}}} else {System.out.println("你撞到了墙");break;}break;}case 4: {Y--;if (Y <= 0) {System.out.println("你退了出去");mkey = false;break;} else {System.out.println("三只猫一起走到了你的脚下,蹭了蹭你的裤脚");switch (b) {case 0: {cat1.shengqi();break;}case 1: {cat1.moren();break;}case 2: {cat1.ele();break;}case 3: {cat1.sajiao();break;}}switch (d) {case 0: {cat3.shengqi();break;}case 1: {cat3.moren();break;}case 2: {cat3.ele();break;}case 3: {cat3.sajiao();break;}}switch (c) {case 0: {cat2.shengqi();break;}case 1: {cat2.moren();break;}case 2: {cat2.ele();break;}case 3: {cat2.sajiao();break;}}}break;}case 5: {mkey = false;break;}default: {System.out.println("你做了一个奇怪的动作,摔倒了");System.out.println("等你醒来时,发现自己正躺在宠物店的地上,一只白猫正在用看傻子的眼神看你");System.out.println("请正确选择动作");break;}}} while (mkey == true);} else {System.out.println();System.out.println("请正确选择模式");System.out.println();}} while (key);}public static void printp(Pet p[]) {for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {if (p[i] != null) {String XingBie;if (p[i].getSex() == 1) {XingBie = "公";} else {XingBie = "母";}System.out.println(p[i].getAge() + "岁的" + p[i].getColor() + XingBie + p[i].getSpecial()+ p[i].getName() + "价格是" + p[i].getPrice() + "编号是" + i);System.out.println();}}}public static void shanchu(Pet p[]) {for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {if (p[i] != null) {p[i].setAge(0);p[i].setSex(0);p[i].setSpecial(null);p[i].setName(null);p[i].setColor(null);p[i].setPrice(0);}}}public static void zengjia1(PetCage pets) {Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc1 = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc2 = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc3 = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc4 = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc5 = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc6 = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc7 = new Scanner(System.in);int sex, age, prize;String special, name, color;System.out.println("请输入年龄");age = sc.nextInt();System.out.println("请输入性别(公为1,母为0)");sex = sc1.nextInt();System.out.println("请输入品种");special = sc3.nextLine();System.out.println("请输入名字");name = sc4.nextLine();System.out.println("请输入颜色(以色字结尾)");color = sc5.nextLine();System.out.println("请输入价格");prize = sc.nextInt();pets.add(new Dog(age, sex, color, special, name, prize));}public static void zengjia2(PetCage pets) {Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc1 = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc2 = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc3 = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc4 = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc5 = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc6 = new Scanner(System.in);Scanner sc7 = new Scanner(System.in);int sex, age, prize;String special, name, color;System.out.println("请输入年龄");age = sc.nextInt();System.out.println("请输入性别(公为1,母为0)");sex = sc1.nextInt();System.out.println("请输入品种");special = sc3.nextLine();System.out.println("请输入名字");name = sc4.nextLine();System.out.println("请输入颜色");color = sc5.nextLine();System.out.println("请输入价格");prize = sc.nextInt();pets.add(new Cat(age, sex, color, special, name, prize));}public static void gaiming(Pet p[]) {for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) {if (p[i] != null) {Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);String special, name, color;System.out.println("请输入名字");name = sc.nextLine();p[i].setName(name);}}}
































int 一个数时如果在这个范围内时





   private static class IntegerCache {static final int low = -128;static final int high;static final Integer[] cache;static Integer[] archivedCache;
static {// high value may be configured by propertyint h = 127;String integerCacheHighPropValue =VM.getSavedProperty("java.lang.Integer.IntegerCache.high");if (integerCacheHighPropValue != null) {try {h = Math.max(parseInt(integerCacheHighPropValue), 127);// Maximum array size is Integer.MAX_VALUEh = Math.min(h, Integer.MAX_VALUE - (-low) -1);} catch( NumberFormatException nfe) {// If the property cannot be parsed into an int, ignore it.}}high = h;// Load IntegerCache.archivedCache from archive, if possible//(如果可能,从存档中加载整数缓存)VM.initializeFromArchive(IntegerCache.class);int size = (high - low) + 1;// Use the archived cache if it exists and is large enough//(如果存档缓存存在且足够大,则使用存档缓存)if (archivedCache == null || size > archivedCache.length) {Integer[] c = new Integer[size];int j = low;for(int i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {c[i] = new Integer(j++);}archivedCache = c;}cache = archivedCache;// range [-128, 127] must be interned (JLS7 5.1.7)assert IntegerCache.high >= 127;}private IntegerCache() {}





 public class Text2{public static void main(String[] args){int i=1;}}


javap -c Text2.class


Compiled from "Text2.java"
public class Text2 {public Text2();Code:0: aload_01: invokespecial #1         // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V4: returnpublic static void main(java.lang.String[]);Code:0: iconst_1    //我们看这两行1: istore_1    //我们看这两行2: return



再看我放的第一张图,可知运行int i = 1;这条语句的过程中,JVM先将1压入操作数栈,然后将其储存到了局部变量表


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