
There are lots of video players out there, but one that we think gets overlooked is SMPlayer. It can do anything other video players can do and even more – like remembering where you left off in case you get interrupted during a movie.

有很多视频播放器,但我们认为被忽视的是SMPlayer。 它可以做其他视频播放器可以做的任何事情,甚至还可以做更多的事情-例如记住在电影中被打扰的地方。

Yes, SMPlayer remembers where you were when you closed a video and starts up at that spot the next time you open it. In fact, SMPlayer remembers all of your settings for each video, so if you had to delay the audio by 100 milliseconds to sync it up properly, it will stay synced next time. SMPlayer comes with all of the codecs it needs built-in.

是的,SMPlayer会记住您关闭视频时所在的位置,并在下次打开该视频时在该位置启动。 实际上,SMPlayer会记住每个视频的所有设置,因此,如果必须将音频延迟100毫秒才能正确同步,则下次它将保持同步。 SMPlayer内置了它需要的所有编解码器。

It’s fully open source, and available for Windows and Linux. This guide focuses on the Windows version.

它是完全开源的,适用于Windows和Linux。 本指南重点介绍Windows版本。



Installation is straightforward, using the familiar setup wizard. One option that you may or may not want to install are a set of optional codecs. These codecs are stored in SMPlayer’s directory, not in any of the Windows system directories.

使用熟悉的设置向导,安装非常简单。 您可能会或可能不想安装的一个选项是一组可选的编解码器。 这些编解码器存储在SMPlayer的目录中,而不存储在任何Windows系统目录中。

There’s no downside to installing them other than the loss of a few megabytes of hard drive space, but almost all videos will play without these optional codecs.


If you’re using the smaller (recommended) installer, the setup wizard will download some packages during installation.


Setting Options


You can now open up SMPlayer through the start menu or a desktop shortcut if you made one during installation. Once you open SMPlayer you’ll be greeted with its clean and simple interface.

现在,您可以通过开始菜单或桌面快捷方式(如果在安装过程中创建了一个)打开SMPlayer。 打开SMPlayer后,您将获得干净整洁的界面。

While most of the default options for SMPlayer are sensible, there are a few settings we recommend changing. To do this, click on the Options menu item and then Preferences (or just press Ctrl+P).

尽管SMPlayer的大多数默认选项都是明智的,但我们建议您更改一些设置。 为此,请单击“选项”菜单项,然后单击“首选项”(或仅按Ctrl + P)。

Click on the Drives item in the list on the left. If you know the drive letter of your CD / DVD drive, then select them here. If not, click on the Scan for CD/DVD Drives button.

单击左侧列表中的“驱动器”项。 如果您知道CD / DVD驱动器的驱动器号,请在此处选择它们。 如果没有,请单击“扫描CD / DVD驱动器”按钮。

This will eliminate the drives that are not CD / DVD drives from the drop-down boxes. In our case, we just have one CD / DVD drive, F.

这将从下拉框中删除不是CD / DVD驱动器的驱动器。 就我们而言,我们只有一个CD / DVD驱动器F。

Click on the Interface item in the list on the left, and then the Instances tab. Put a checkmark in the box labeled “Use only one running instance of SMPlayer” If you don’t, then when you double-click on a movie while another one is playing, it will open up another instance of SMPlayer, playing both videos at the same time.

单击左侧列表中的“接口”项目,然后单击“实例”选项卡。 选中“仅使用一个正在运行的SMPlayer实例”复选框,如果没有,则在播放另一部电影的同时双击该电影时,它将打开另一个SMPlayer实例,并在同时。

Using the Keyboard


Keyboard shortcuts make SMPlayer simple to control. It won’t take long until these become automatic.

键盘快捷键使SMPlayer易于控制。 不久之后这些将自动变为现实。

Keyboard shortcut Description
F Play movie fullscreen
Ctrl+D Double movie size (toggles back to normal size)
Spacebar Pause / resume movie
Left arrow key Small skip backwards (-10 seconds by default)
Right arrow key Small skip forwards (+10 seconds by default)
Down arrow key Medium skip backwards (-1 minute by default)
Up arrow key Medium skip forwards (+1 minute by default)
Page down Large skip backwards (-10 minutes by default)
Page up Large skip forwards (+10 minutes by default)
键盘快捷键 描述
F 全屏播放电影
Ctrl + D 电影尺寸加倍(切换回正常尺寸)
空格键 暂停/继续播放电影
左箭头键 向后小跳(默认为-10秒)
右箭头键 小前跳(默认情况下+10秒)
向下箭头键 中度后退(默认为-1分钟)
上箭头键 中级跳过(默认为+1分钟)
向下翻页 向后大跳(默认为-10分钟)
向上翻页 大型跳过(默认情况下为+10分钟)

All of the keyboard shortcuts can be changed. Open the preferences window (Options > Preferences or Ctrl+P) and select the Keyboard and Mouse item in the list on the left. Click on the Change short… button to change the shortcut associated with any action.

可以更改所有键盘快捷键。 打开首选项窗口(选项>首选项或Ctrl + P),然后在左侧列表中选择“键盘和鼠标”项。 单击更改快捷方式…按钮以更改与任何操作关联的快捷方式。

You can also change how much time is skipped with the arrow keys and page up / page down shortcuts. To do this, click on the Interface item in the list on the left and then the Seeking tab.

您还可以使用箭头键和向上翻页/向下翻页快捷方式更改跳过多少时间。 为此,请单击左侧列表中的“接口”项目,然后单击“寻找”选项卡。

Always Use SMPlayer to Play Movies


After you’ve tried out SMPlayer, you might want to make it the Windows default so that when you double click on a movie it opens in SMPlayer. If you’re using Windows XP, then in the preferences window there is a File Types section to associate files with SMPlayer.

在试用了SMPlayer之后,您可能希望将其设置为Windows的默认值,以便在双击电影时在SMPlayer中将其打开。 如果使用Windows XP,则在“首选项”窗口中有一个“文件类型”部分,用于将文件与SMPlayer关联。

This won’t work in Windows 7 unless you’re running SMPlayer as an administrator. Instead, it’s easier to use Windows 7’s built-in Default Programs selector.

除非您以管理员身份运行SMPlayer,否则它将无法在Windows 7中使用。 相反,使用Windows 7的内置“默认程序”选择器会更容易。

Select SMPlayer from the list and click “Set this program as default” to associate SMPlayer with all files it can open – which includes both audio and video files.


This might not be ideal if you already have an audio player that you like. If that’s the case, click on the “Choose defaults for this program” option and check the file types that you want to associate with SMPlayer (for videos, common file types are .avi, .mpg, .mkv, etc.).

如果您已经拥有自己喜欢的音频播放器,则可能不理想。 在这种情况下,请单击“为此程序选择默认值”选项,然后检查要与SMPlayer关联的文件类型(对于视频,常见文件类型为.avi,.mpg,.mkv等)。



SMPlayer is a fast feature-rich movie player for Windows and Linux. If you’re having problems with your current movie player, or are just looking for a change of pace, you might want to give SMPlayer a try!

SMPlayer是适用于Windows和Linux的快速功能丰富的电影播放器​​。 如果您当前的电影播放器​​有问题,或者只是想改变节奏,您可能想尝试一下SMPlayer!

Download SMPlayer for Windows and Linux





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