ARP Spoofing (ARP Poisoning):

  1. 概述:A Man in the Middle attack that allows attackers to intercept communication between network devices
  2. 原理:
    • Attacker determine the IP addresses of at least two devices (let’s say a workstation and a router)
    • Attacker uses a spoofing tool (such as Arpspoof or Driftnet) to send out forged ARP responses, which advertise that the MAC address for the workstation and the router is the attacker’s MAC address
    • Then the router and workstation update their ARP cache entries, and future will communicate to the attacker’s machine, instead of to each other
  3. Detect an ARP Cache Poisoning Attack
C:\Users\0701> arp -aInternet Address    Physical Address192.168.5.1        00-14-22-01-23-45      40-d4-48-cr-55-b8      00-14-22-01-23-45

如上述所示,若两个不同的IP地址有相同的MAC地址,就说明一个ARP attack发生了。
对于大型网络来说,要get到一些attack正在carry out的通信信息,可以使用Wireshark

  1. ARP Spoofing Prevention

    • 使用VPN:makes all communication encrypted, and worthless for an ARP spoofing attacker
    • 使用static ARP:define a static ARP entry for an IP address, and prevent devices from listening ARP responses for that address
    • 使用packet filtering:identify poisoned ARP packets by seeing that they contain conflicting source information, and stop them before they reach devices on your network
    • Run a spoofing attack:通过自己搞一个spoofing attack,来查看现有的defenses是否working

ARP Spoofing相关推荐

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  2. 互联网协议 — ARP 地址解析协议

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  3. linux 系统arp检测工具,基于LinuxARP检测与防御系统.doc

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