自从Oracle 去年推出Unbreakable Linux计划和今年年初收购BEA之后,产品线就日趋完善了,覆盖了从操作系统,数据库,中间件,到应用程序的企业级一揽子解决方案。大家可能已经注意到,在Oracle 11g中一个重要的feature就是RAT (real application testing),我感觉这是oracle涉及软件测试市场的一个前兆,现在oracle收购了e-TEST suite并把它集成到Enterprise Manager中去,并和RAT进行集成,更大大加强了Oralce在测试工具和应用测试方面的力量。

目前在企业级的测试工具市场上,HP和IBM主导占据了主导地位,HP-Mercury和IBM-Rational的系列测试解决方案产品占据了绝大多数的市场份额。Oracle现在携e-TEST suite涉足这一领域,也有有自身的优势,那就是跟自己产品的融合以及全套的解决方案系列。另外e-TEST suite本身也是一套完整的测试工具套件,包括功能测试工具e-Tester(类似Mercury Quick Test Professional和WR和Rational Functional Tester),e-Load(类似HP LoadRunner和Rational 的Performance Tester),e-Manager Enterprise (类似Merucyr Quality Center和Rational Test Manager),每一部分的功能都有自己的优势,下面是一个完整的介绍,有兴趣的朋友可以下载试用版试用。


Automated Functional Testing of Web Applications

e-Tester is a flexible, easy-to-use solution for automated functional and regression testing of your Web applications and Web Services. It provides the fastest way to create automated scripts that emulate complex Web transactions. e-Tester then enables you to use these scripts for automated functional and regression testing.


* Keeps you ahead of changing applications by delivering the best capabilities for testing today’s complex and dynamic Web technologies

* Lets you focus on testing rather than programming test scripts by providing the most intuitive scripting interface and the best out-of-box support for automated script generation

* Reduces test cycle times by enabling you to quickly and efficiently run automated tests without having to go through extensive training or learn proprietary scripting techniques

* Improves application quality by allowing you to effectively leverage automated functional and regression testing to increase test coverage and perform more extensive validation


* Integrated WebSmart technology enables the automation of the most complex Web applications and associated technologies out-of-the-box

* Visual Scripting™ provides the fastest and easiest way to create test scripts through an intuitive graphical user interface, with no programming required

* Advanced scripting extensibility with Visual Basic for Applications gives you the flexibility to handle a wide array of testing challenges, using a standard programming environment

* Data Bank Wizard™ simplifies the creation of data-driven tests so you can leverage external data sources to drive your automated Web transactions

* Default and user-defined test cases enable you to validate application functionality and ensure that the correct content is being returned to your users

* OneScript allows you to use the same scripts, without modification, for functional and regression testing, load and performance testing, and application management


Performance Load Testing for Web Applications

e-Load is a powerful solution that enables you to easily and accurately test the performance and scalability of your Web based software and Web Services. With e-Load you can simulate hundreds or thousands of concurrent users, executing real business transactions to analyze the performance of your Web applications under load. It also enables you to monitor the performance of your back-end application infrastructure, during your load test, to identify bottlenecks and help you tune application performance. e-Load is fully accessible via a Web browser interface, which enables testers and developers to collaborate during the application testing and tuning process.


* Maximizes application performance by giving you the ability to tune your application under peak load conditions, so you can get the most out of your Web infrastructure.

* Improves application response times by helping you to quickly identify and address bottlenecks that limit performance under load and cause application slowdowns.

* Pinpoints hard to find bottlenecks by monitoring your back-end application infrastructure while running your load test, to identify performance bottlenecks at their source.

* Reduces testing time by enabling testers and developers to share test results in real-time, via the Web, to enable a collaborative testing approach.


* WebSmart technology enables you to automate the most complex Web applications and associated technologies out-of-the-box to create robust load test scripts.

* Scalable load generation gives you the ability to simulate hundreds or thousand of users while minimizing the hardware required to run your test.

* Integrated ServerStats monitors enable you to gather critical performance metrics from your back-end server and network components to identify bottlenecks that occur under load.

* Intuitive Web-based user interface enables users to access e-Load via any Web browser to easily configure load tests, set up server monitors, run tests and view real-time and post-run results.

* Collaborative load testing allows multiple distributed users to share e-Load results during a live load test session and collaborate on application performance testing and tuning.

e-Manager Enterprise介绍:

e-Manager Enterprise is a comprehensive test management solution that allows you to plan, document, and manage the entire application testing process, including both manual and automated tests. Its intuitive, Web-based interface and integrated management modules allow you to set up a customized testing process to fit the needs of your organization.


* Reduces test cycle times by providing a structured approach to the testing process that integrates requirements management, test planning, test execution, defect tracking and customized reporting

* Improves testing efficiency by allowing testers and developers to collaborate and share information throughout the application development and testing process

* Promotes the reusability of test cases by providing a central location for storing all test assets, including both manual and automated test cases, so they can be accessed by all team members

* Increases visibility by allowing application team members and managers to monitor the testing process and gauge application readiness


* Requirements module allows you to manage application test requirements and associate requirements to test cases to ensure test coverage

* Tests module lets you create detailed test plans where you can document, store, and execute both manual and automated test cases and manage results

* Issues module provides an integrated defect-tracking solution, allowing you to document issues identified during testing and track them through their resolution

* Integrated Reporting enables your entire team to view fully customizable reports to review requirements, analyze testing activity and determine application readiness

* e-Tester integration allows you to document and manage your automated e-Tester scripts, execute those scripts from the test plan

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