
Nagios is an open-source system, network, application monitoring system. Nagios is designed to be run on the Linux operating system or distributions like Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, etc.

Nagios是一个开源系统,网络,应用程序监视系统。 Nagios旨在在Linux操作系统或Ubuntu,Debian,CentOS等发行版上运行。

架构和组件 (Architecture and Components)

Nagios is not a single component to run. Nagios is actually a suite which provides following components.

Nagios不是要运行的单个组件。 Nagios实际上是一个套件,提供以下组件。

纳吉欧九世 (Nagios IX)

Nagios IX is the core of the Nagios suite where it providing core monitoring features. Nagios IX can monitor IT infrastructure and provides visibility. It has a plugin and scripting feature which can be used for customization.

Nagios IX是Nagios套件的核心,它提供了核心监视功能。 Nagios IX可以监视IT基础结构并提供可见性。 它具有可用于自定义的插件和脚本功能。

Nagios IX

Nagios日志服务器(Nagios Log Server)

Nagios Log Server is used as its name suggests collecting logs from different IT components. We can view logs in real-time and quickly analyze them to solve problems.

Nagios Log Server用作其名称,建议从不同的IT组件收集日志。 我们可以实时查看日志,并快速对其进行分析以解决问题。

Nagios Log Server

Nagios融合(Nagios Fusion)

Nagios Fusion is a more concentrated solution to find and solve problems in an IT infrastructure. It can be integrated with Nagios Log and Nagios IX. We can see problems in a glance easily. It also provides outage visibility.

Nagios Fusion是一种更集中的解决方案,用于查找和解决IT基础架构中的问题。 它可以与Nagios Log和Nagios IX集成。 我们可以一目了然地看到问题。 它还提供了停机可见性。

Nagios Fusion

Nagios网络分析仪(Nagios Network Analyzer)

Nagios Network Analyzer provides an in-depth and packet-level look to the network traffic with source, destination IP address, and ports. We can get detailed information about network stats.

Nagios网络分析器通过源,目标IP地址和端口,对网络流量提供了深入的数据包级视图。 我们可以获得有关网络统计信息的详细信息。

Nagios Network Analyzer

许可和定价(Licensing and Pricing)

纳吉欧九世(Nagios IX)

Nagios IX有两个许可选项和版本。(Nagios IX have two licensing options and editions.)

标准版 (Standard Edition)

Starts from $1,995 and have features like GUI configuration, Advenced Reporting, Custom User Views etc.


企业版 (Enterprise Edition)

Starts from $3,495 and have features in Standard Edition plus Scheduled Reports, Audit Logging, SLA Reports

起始价格为$ 3,495,并具有标准版中的功能以及计划的报告,审核日志记录,SLA报告

Nagios日志服务器(Nagios Log Server)

单实例(Single Instance)

Starts From $3,995 and have features Advanced queries and filtering, Unlimited users, Automatic snapshot and backup


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LEARN MORE  How Configure Cisco For Logging?

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2个实例 (2 Instance)

Starts from $4,995 and have features Automatic fail-over, Increased query speed (up to 2x)


Nagios融合 (Nagios Fusion)

Starts from $2,495 and have features Global network analysis, distributed monitoring, customizable views.

起始价格为$ 2,495,并且具有全球网络分析,分布式监视,可自定义视图的功能。

Nagios网络分析仪 (Nagios Network Analyzer)

Starts from $1,995 and have features Extensive Network Analysis, Automated Alerting, Custom Reports, Custom Views.





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