Right now, the only mobile device it"s available on is the iPad, with an iPhone app promised by the end of the year.


What amazed him was that he was the only one not glued to a mobile device.


Measured in watts per kilogram of tissue, it reveals how much radiation parts of the body are exposed to during use of a mobile device.


When this metatag is added to an HTML page, we see that the page is scaled more appropriately for the mobile device, as shown in Figure 2.


Only a year ago, downloading software to an iPhone or other "smart" mobile device was only for technophiles.


A YOUNG man gazes intently at his mobile device, to which he is listening through earphones.


I"m the kind of person who never plugs her mobile device in for syncing, so this over-the-air backup is ideal for me.


Jailbreaking and unlocking the iPhone are two different hacks which allow you to take control of your mobile device in different ways.


Most of the world still calls it a phone because the mobile device started its life as a voice communication device.


We"re now ready to provision the ITSO Recruiting application to the target user"s mobile device.


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