
We’ve featured a lot of nicely designed icons for Windows, but have you ever wondered how to customize your own? Load up a web browser and your favorite image editor, because here’s an easy way to do it.

我们为Windows设计了许多设计精美的图标,但是您是否想知道如何自定义自己的图标? 加载网络浏览器和您喜欢的图像编辑器,因为这是一种简单的方法。

Being able to use high-res icons really goes a long way to making your PC look fantastic, but it’s just so annoying when you can’t find one that looks the way you want it to. So make them yourself, and really give your installation the custom look you’ve been craving.

能够使用高分辨率图标确实会使您的PC看起来很棒,但很长的路要走,但是当您找不到一个看起来像您想要的样子时,这真令人讨厌。 因此,请自己动手制作,并为您的安装提供您一直渴望的自定义​​外观。

在Windows 7上更改图标 (Changing Icons on Windows 7)

Changing some system icons, like the ones on system drives and libraries can be quite problematic. If you need a refresher, you can check out Matthew Guay’s excellent roundup article on how to change icons in Windows 7 and Vista. You’ll find links to some great programs, like the one featured above, that will help you swap out those icons Windows doesn’t normally let you edit.

更改某些系统图标(例如系统驱动器和库中的图标)可能会非常麻烦。 如果您需要复习,可以查看Matthew Guay的精彩综述文章,内容涉及如何在Windows 7和Vista中更改图标。 您会找到一些很棒的程序的链接,例如上面的功能,它可以帮助您换掉Windows通常不允许您编辑的那些图标。

  • Customize Your Icons In Windows 7 and Vista

    在Windows 7和Vista中自定义图标

  • Change Your Windows 7 Library Icons the Easy Way (used in this How-To)

    轻松更改Windows 7库图标 (在本操作方法中使用)

抓取自定义图标的图形 (Grabbing Graphics for Custom Icons)

Your new icons can be themed whatever you want, or whatever you can Google. You can design your own, if you’re feeling arty, but for the sake of demonstration, we’ll simply grab something cool from Google Images. If there are multiple versions of the graphic you’re looking for, grab the best looking one at the highest resolution, which should be above 256 x 256 pixels. Higher is fine, but smaller could give you a low resolution icon!

您可以根据自己的喜好或Google的主题来设置新图标的主题。 您可以设计自己的产品(如果您感觉很狡猾),但是为了演示起见,我们将简单地从Google图片中获取一些有趣的东西。 如果要查找的图形有多个版本,请以最高分辨率(最好在256 x 256像素以上)抓取外观最好的一个。 较高可以,但是较小则可以为您提供低分辨率图标!

The next step is to remove the parts of the image you don’t want in your icon. Have you been practicing removing backgrounds in your favorite image editor? If this is not something that comes easy to you, we’ve covered several simple ways to do it in the past, as well as exhaustive articles on 50+ Ways to get the job done. In this case, we’re using Photoshop, but there’s no reason you can’t use GIMP or Paint.NET to remove your background and save your new icons.

下一步是删除图标中不需要的图像部分。 您是否一直在尝试使用自己喜欢的图像编辑器删除背景? 如果这对您来说不那么容易,那么我们过去已经介绍了几种简单的方法来完成它,并且在50多种完成任务的方法上有详尽的文章。 在这种情况下,我们使用的是Photoshop,但是没有理由不能使用GIMP或Paint.NET删除背景并保存新图标。

You’ll want to create a PNG graphic, because the icon editor works best with PNG and it is the best option for transparent, icon style graphics. If your image is really big, don’t worry about it, we’ll be resizing it in the next step. Simply make sure that you’re saving a transparent PNG in RGB, and you’ll be ready to rock.

您将要创建一个PNG图形,因为图标编辑器最适合PNG,并且它是透明图标样式图形的最佳选择。 如果您的图片确实很大,请不要担心,我们将在下一步中调整其大小。 只需确保以RGB格式保存透明PNG,就可以开始摇滚了。

IcoFX,用于创建图标的软件 (IcoFX, Freeware for Creating Icons)

One of the easiest programs to create Windows 7 icons with is IcoFX, a simple piece of freeware that simply makes icons without any trouble or fuss. Download it here.

创建Windows 7图标最简单的程序之一就是IcoFX,这是一款简单的免费软件,它可以使图标毫无麻烦或大惊小怪。 在这里下载 。

  • Download IcoFX


Admittedly the program is not much to look at. Install it, run it, and then navigate to File > Import Image.

诚然,该程序没什么可看的。 安装它,运行它,然后导航到“文件”>“导入图像”。

Alternately you can use the shortcut key Ctrl + M.

或者,您可以使用快捷键Ctrl +M。

Select your transparent PNG file from where you saved it. In this case it’s the Desktop. Select “Open.”

从保存的位置选择透明的PNG文件。 在这种情况下,它是桌面。 选择“打开”。

This is the dialog box you’re given. You have the choice to make custom sized icons, although using these options will work perfectly fine for nearly all HTG readers. 256 x 256 pixels is the best option for high resolution icons, and True Color + Alpha Channel is the best option for those of you wanting transparency in your icon. If you’d rather have an ordinary square icon, you can simply pick true color and have a marginally smaller icon file. However, that’s not likely to be most of you, so if you’re unsure, simply stick with “True Color + Alpha Channel” and pick “OK.”

这是您得到的对话框。 您可以选择制作自定义尺寸的图标,尽管使用这些选项几乎可以对所有HTG阅读器正常工作。 256 x 256像素是高分辨率图标的最佳选择,“真彩色+ Alpha通道”对于希望透明的图标来说是最佳选择。 如果您希望有一个普通的方形图标,则只需选择真实的颜色,并保留一个较小的图标文件即可。 但是,这可能并不适合您大多数人,因此,如果不确定,只需坚持使用“ True Color + Alpha Channel”并选择“ OK”即可。

You’ll probably not have to change anything in this Dialog box, although you can crop out parts of the image you don’t want to use in the area on the left. This step will also automatically resize large images to fit the 256 x 256 square. When you’re satisfied with these settings, hit “OK.”

尽管可以在左侧区域中裁剪掉不想使用的图像部分,但您可能不必在此对话框中进行任何更改。 此步骤还将自动调整大图像的大小以适合256 x 256平方。 对这些设置满意后,请点击“确定”。

And, voilà, your icon is ready to be saved.


Make sure you use a Windows Icon format (.ico) when you’re saving—IcoFX also saves in Macintosh Icon format.


And, simply done, your new icon is ready to be installed in any way you choose. Make all the custom icons you can dream up and really make your Windows 7 desktop your own!

而且,只需完成操作,即可以您选择的任何方式安装新图标。 使所有您可以梦想的自定义图标真正成为您自己的Windows 7桌面!

Have questions or comments concerning Graphics, Photos, Filetypes, or Photoshop? Send your questions to ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com, and they may be featured in a future How-To Geek Graphics article.

对图形,照片,文件类型或Photoshop有疑问或意见吗? 将您的问题发送到ericgoodnight@howtogeek.com ,它们可能会在以后的How-To Geek Graphics文章中介绍。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/65291/how-to-make-your-own-custom-windows-7-icons-out-of-any-image/


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