SELECT r1.region_id,parent_id          FROM cnl_region r1         WHERE r1.region_id =1         START WITH r1.region_id = 1        CONNECT BY PRIOR r1.region_id = r1.parent_id



SELECT r1.region_id,parent_id          FROM cnl_region r1         WHERE r1.region_id =1         START WITH r1.region_id = 1        CONNECT BY NOCYCLE PRIOR r1.region_id = r1.parent_id

--start with ... connect by 层次查询的用法
create table automobiles(
part_id number(5)
constraint pk_auto_part_id primary key,
parent_id number(5)
constraint fk_auto_ppid_ references automobiles(part_id),
part_cname varchar2(30) not null,
part_ename varchar2(30) not null,
mp_cost number(9,2),
desribe varchar2(20)

insert into automobiles values( 1,1,'汽车','mobile',84321.99,'Assembly');insert into automobiles values( 2,1,'车身','bodywork',19892.99,'Manufacture');insert into automobiles values( 3,1,'发送机','engine',42128,'Purchase');insert into automobiles values( 4,1,'附件','attached',15212,'Assembly');insert into automobiles values( 5,2,'保险杠','bumper',4812.95,'Purchase');insert into automobiles values( 6,2,'底盘','chassis',12795.11,'Manufacture');insert into automobiles values( 7,2,'行李箱','Boot',812.11,'Manufacture');insert into automobiles values( 8,6,'车轮','Wheel',2062.2,'Manufacture');insert into automobiles values( 9,6,'挡泥板','Mudguard',990,'Manufacture');insert into automobiles values( 10,8,'轮胎','Tyre',300,'Purchase');insert into automobiles values( 11,3,'发送机盘','Bonnet',3212,'Manufacture');insert into automobiles values( 12,3,'活塞','Piston',1112.2,'Manufacture');insert into automobiles values( 13,3,'汽化器','Carburetter',712.29,'Manufacture');insert into automobiles values( 14,4,'变速器','Gearbox',5712.25,'Manufacture');insert into automobiles values( 15,4,'仪表板','Dashboard',538.92,'Manufacture');insert into automobiles values( 16,14,'制动器','Carburetter',712.29,'Manufacture');insert into automobiles values( 17,14,'变速杆','Gearshift',2001,'Manufacture');insert into automobiles values( 18,17,'传动轴','Shaft',1101,'Manufacture');insert into automobiles values( 19,15,'里程表','Milometer',350.28,'Purchase');/--分层sql脚本语句练习select level,part_id,parent_id,part_cname,part_ename,mp_cost,desribe from automobilesstart with part_id=1connect by prior part_id=parent_id order by level;--缩进显示select level,    lpad(' ',2*level-1)||part_cname||' '||part_ename as partNamefrom automobilesstart with part_id=1connect by prior part_id=parent_id order by level;

在执行select level语句的时候,报如下错误:ORA-01436: CONNECT BY loop in user data


java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01436: 用户数据中的 CONNECT BY 循环相关推荐

  1. ORA-01436: 用户数据中的CONNECT BY 循环

    起始地     目的地     距离(公里) A             B             1000 A             C             1100 A           ...

  2. ORA-01436: 用户数据中的 CONNECT BY 循环

    SELECT r1.region_id,parent_id           FROM cnl_region r1          WHERE r1.region_id =1         ST ...

  3. 数据库异常---ORA-01436: 用户数据中的 CONNECT BY loop in user data 循环

    数据库 ORA-01436: 用户数据中的 CONNECT BY  loop in user data  循环 技术qq交流群:JavaDream:251572072  教程下载,在线交流:创梦IT社 ...

  4. Java笔记-解决Cause: java.sql.SQLException: 试图在只读事务中修改数据(达梦数据库)

    解决方法: @Transactional(readOnly=false) 这里要注意,可能会失效,一定要放对位置. 要包住所有sql调用的函数的上面,不要只包一部分,不然不会生效的.

  5. ORACLE各种常见java.sql.SQLException归纳

    java.sql.SQLException错误! ORA-00904:     --invalid column name 无效列名 ORA-00942: --table or view does n ...

  6. oracle错误(一) ORA-各种常见java.sql.SQLException小结

    ORA-00904: --invalid column name 无效列名ORA-00942: --table or view does not exist 表或者视图不存在ORA-01400: -- ...

  7. oracle ora-各种常见java.sql.SQLException归纳

    va.sql.SQLException错误! ORA-00904:     --invalid column name 无效列名 ORA-00942: --table or view does not ...

  8. oracle ora-各种常见java.sql.SQLException归结

    oracle ora-各种常见java.sql.SQLException归纳 java.sql.SQLException错误! ORA-00904:     --invalid column name ...

  9. java.sql.SQLException错误

    java.sql.SQLException错误! ORA-00904: –invalid column name 无效列名 ORA-00942: –table or view does not exi ...


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