


1) 首次批量输入每个学生的学号、姓名、和各科考试成绩。

2) 增添一个新学生的信息。

3) 增添一门新的学科的信息。

4) 按学生姓名或学号查询、修改、删除学生信息。

5) 计算每门课程的总分和平均分。

6) 计算每个学生的总分、平均分以及排名。

7) 按总分从高到低(从低到高)排名并输出。

8) 按学号大小排名并输出。

9) 按学生姓名首字母排名并输出。

10) 按优秀(90-100分)、良好(80-90分)、中等(70-80分)、及格(60-70分)、不及格(0-60分)5个类别,对每门课程分别统计每个类别的人数以及所占百分比。

11) 输出每个学生的学号、姓名、各科考试成绩。

12) 将每个学生的成绩写入文件。

13) 从文件读取学生成绩并显示。



图1 程序流程图


Student scores mangement system V2.0
Data structure Final-examination
Written by Charles
2022.11.7 - 11.25
#include<stdbool.h> int n, course;typedef struct _student
{char id[18];            //student idchar name[10];          //student name float score[6];         //student scorefloat sum;              //student sum scorefloat ave_stu;          //student course average course
}Student;typedef struct _Node        //节点
{Student stu;            //studentstruct _Node* pNext;    //指向下一个指针
} Node;Node  *g_pHead = NULL;       //头节点     void lth()                                     //Low to high
{Node *p = g_pHead, *p1;Student temp;int i, j;for(i = 0; i < n; i++){p = g_pHead;for(j = 0; j < n - i - 1;j++){p1 = p->pNext;if (p->stu.sum > p1->stu.sum){temp = p->stu;p->stu = p1->stu;p1->stu = temp;}p = p->pNext;}} for(i = 0; i < n; i++){p = g_pHead;for(j = 0; j < n - i - 1;j++){p1 = p->pNext;if (strcmp(p->stu.name, p1->stu.name) > 0 && p->stu.sum == p1->stu.sum){temp = p->stu;p->stu = p1->stu;p1->stu = temp;}p = p->pNext;}}
}void htl()                                     //High to low
{Node *p = g_pHead, *p1;Student temp;int i, j;for(i = 0; i < n; i++){p = g_pHead;for(j = 0; j < n - i - 1; j++){p1 = p->pNext;if (p->stu.sum < p1->stu.sum){temp = p->stu;p->stu = p1->stu;p1->stu = temp;}p = p->pNext;}}    for(i = 0;i < n;i++){p = g_pHead;for(j = 0; j < n - i - 1;j++){p1 = p->pNext;if (strcmp(p->stu.name, p1->stu.name) > 0 && p->stu.sum == p1->stu.sum){temp = p->stu;p->stu = p1->stu;p1->stu = temp;}p = p->pNext;}}
}  void idsort()
{Node *p = g_pHead, *p1;Student temp;int i, j;for(i = 0; i < n; i++){p = g_pHead;for(j = 0; j < n - i - 1;j++){p1 = p->pNext;if (strcmp(p->stu.id, p1->stu.id) > 0){temp = p->stu;p->stu = p1->stu;p1->stu = temp;}p = p->pNext;}}
} void namesort()                               // The first name sort
{Node *p = g_pHead, *p1;Student temp;int i, j;for(i = 0; i < n; i++){p = g_pHead;for(j = 0; j < n - i - 1;j++){p1 = p->pNext;if (strcmp(p->stu.name, p1->stu.name) > 0){temp = p->stu;p->stu = p1->stu;p1->stu = temp;}p = p->pNext;}}
}void save()                                    // Save information to file
{int i, j;Node *p = g_pHead;FILE *fp;lth();fp = fopen("内部文件.txt", "wt+");   fprintf(fp, "%d %d\n", n, course); for(i = 0; i < n; i++)           {fprintf(fp, "%s %s ", p->stu.id, p->stu.name);for(j = 0; j < course; j++){fprintf(fp, "%.2f ", p->stu.score[j]); }fprintf(fp, "%.2f ", p->stu.sum);fprintf(fp, "%.2f\n", p->stu.ave_stu);p = p->pNext; }fclose(fp);
} void readfile()                                // Read file information
{g_pHead = NULL;FILE *fpp;fpp = fopen("内部文件.txt", "r+");   int i, j, k;                 char t;  while (!feof(fpp)){ fscanf(fpp, "%d%d", &n, &course);for(i = 0; i < n; i++){                                   Node* pNewNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));                 //创建一个新的节点 pNewNode -> pNext = NULL;                                     if(g_pHead == NULL){g_pHead = pNewNode;}else{pNewNode -> pNext = g_pHead;g_pHead = pNewNode; }for(j = 0; j < 18; j++){fscanf(fpp, "%c", &pNewNode->stu.id[j]);if(pNewNode->stu.id[j] == '\n'){j--;}if(pNewNode->stu.id[j] == ' '){pNewNode->stu.id[j] = '\0';break;   } }                        for(j = 0; j < 10; j++){fscanf(fpp, "%c", &pNewNode->stu.name[j]);if(pNewNode->stu.name[j] == ' '){pNewNode->stu.name[j] = '\0';break;   } }for(j = 0; j < course; j++){fscanf(fpp, "%f", &pNewNode->stu.score[j]);       }fscanf(fpp, "%f", &pNewNode->stu.sum);fscanf(fpp, "%f\n", &pNewNode->stu.ave_stu);pNewNode = pNewNode->pNext;}   }fclose(fpp);
} void output(const char name[]) //Output the information
{int i, j;FILE *fp;Node *p = g_pHead; fp = fopen(name, "wt+");  fprintf(fp, "———————————学生成绩表——————————————\n");fprintf(fp, "总排名       学号         姓名");for(j = 1; j < course; j++){fprintf(fp, "%9d  ", j);} fprintf(fp, "%9d", course);fprintf(fp, "         总分      平均分\n"); fprintf(fp, "——————————————————————————————\n");for(i = 0; i < n; i++)           {fprintf(fp, "\n%3d、", i + 1);fprintf(fp, " %10s ", p->stu.id);fprintf(fp, "%10s ", p->stu.name);for(j = 0; j < course; j++){fprintf(fp, "%7.2f ", p->stu.score[j]);} fprintf(fp, "%7.2f %7.2f\n", p->stu.sum, p->stu.ave_stu);p = p->pNext;} fclose(fp); printf("-------------------------------------\n");  printf("已将文件存入%s\n", name);printf("-------------------------------------\n");
}void eachcour()                                    // Add a new course
{printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("      请在出现的名字后面填写\n      该同学的新增科目的成绩\n");                  printf("-------------------------------------\n"); int i;Node *p = g_pHead;for(i = 0; i < n; i++){printf("%s ", p->stu.name);scanf("%f", &p->stu.score[course]);p->stu.sum = p->stu.sum    + p->stu.score[course];p->stu.ave_stu = p->stu.sum / (course + 1); p = p->pNext;}course++;
}void full()                                        // Add a new student
{int j;char t;Node* pNewNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));                 //创建一个新的节点                                     pNewNode -> pNext = g_pHead;g_pHead = pNewNode; printf("(eg:XXXXXXX(学号) XXXXXXXXX(姓名) XXX XXX XXX XXX(各科成绩) )\n");  printf("注意:当前可以输入的科目个数数为%d\n", course); scanf("%c", &t);for(j = 0; j < 18; j++){scanf("%c", &pNewNode->stu.id[j]);if(pNewNode->stu.id[j] == ' '){pNewNode->stu.id[j] = '\0';break;    } }                                     for(j = 0; j < 10; j++){scanf("%c", &pNewNode->stu.name[j]);if(pNewNode->stu.name[j] == ' '){pNewNode->stu.name[j] = '\0';break;    } }pNewNode->stu.sum = 0;for(j = 0; j < course; j++){scanf("%f", &pNewNode->stu.score[j]);pNewNode->stu.sum = pNewNode->stu.sum + pNewNode->stu.score[j];}pNewNode->stu.ave_stu = pNewNode->stu.sum / course;  n++; printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("      已将该同学信息增加到程序中     \n");printf("-------------------------------------\n");
}Node* findstu(const char a[2], int *c)                             //Find student information
{int i, j, choise = 0, t = 0; char ex[30] = {'\0'};Node* p = g_pHead;printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("  请选择查询类型:学号(1);姓名(2)\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n"); scanf("%d", &choise);if(choise == 1){while(1){printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("    请输入需要%s学生信息的学号\n", a);printf("-------------------------------------\n"); scanf("%s", ex);p = g_pHead;for(i = 0; i < n; i++){if(strcmp(ex, p->stu.id) == 0){*c = i;return p;}p = p->pNext;}if(i == n){printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf(" 输入学生信息有误或不存在,请重新输入\n");} }}else if(choise == 2){while(1){printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("    请输入需要%s学生信息的姓名\n", a);printf("-------------------------------------\n"); scanf("%s", ex);p = g_pHead;for(i = 0; i < n; i++){if(strcmp(ex, p->stu.name) == 0){*c = i;return p; }p = p->pNext;}if(i == n){printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf(" 输入学生信息有误或不存在,请重新输入\n");} }}
}void showinfo(const char str[4])                          // Show student information
{int i = 0, j; printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("          学生成绩信息显示           \n");printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("当前显示模式为%s\n", str); printf("总排名     学号      姓名");for(j = 1; j < course; j++){printf("%6d  ", j);} printf("%6d", course);printf("      总分   平均分\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n"); Node* p = g_pHead;while(p != NULL){printf("\n%3d、", ++i);printf(" %10s ", p -> stu.id);printf("%10s  ", p -> stu.name);for(j = 0; j < course; j++){printf("%-7.2f ", p -> stu.score [j]);} printf("%-7.2f %-7.2f\n", p->stu.sum, p->stu.ave_stu);p = p -> pNext; }
}void sum()                                       // Each courses` sum
{Node *p = g_pHead;printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("        各个学科的成绩总和为\n"); printf("-------------------------------------\n"); int i, j;float sum[6] = {0};for(i = 0; i < course; i++){p = g_pHead;for(j = 0;j < n;j++){sum[i] = sum[i] + p->stu.score [i];p = p->pNext;}}for(i = 0; i < course; i++){printf("%d.科目%d:%.2f\n", i + 1, i + 1, sum[i] );}
} void ave()                                        //Each courses` average score
{printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("         各个学科的平均分为\n"); printf("-------------------------------------\n"); int i, j;Node *p = g_pHead;float sum[6] = {0};for(i = 0; i < course; i++){p = g_pHead;for(j = 0;j < n;j++){sum[i] = sum[i] + p->stu.score [i];p = p->pNext;}}for(i = 0; i < course; i++){printf("%d.科目%d:%.2f\n", i + 1, i + 1, sum[i] / n);}
}void max_()                                     // Each courses` maxscore
{printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("        各科最高分如下:\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n"); int i, j, max = 0;float t;Node *p = g_pHead, *p1;for(i = 0; i < course; i++){p = g_pHead;t = p->stu.score[i];for(j = 0; j < n; j++){if(t < p->stu.score[i]){t = p->stu.score[i];p1 = p;}p = p->pNext;}printf("%d.科目%d的最高分是:%s %.2f\n", i + 1, i + 1, p1->stu.name, p1->stu.score[i]);}
} void presents()                                // Each course earch present
{int i, j, nine, eight, seven, six, fail, t;Node *p = g_pHead;for(i = 0; i < course; i++){p = g_pHead;t = 0;nine = 0;eight = 0;seven = 0;six = 0;fail = 0;for(j = 0; j < n; j++){if(p->stu.score[i] > 100.00){p->stu.score[i] = p->stu.score[i] / 1.50;    }       p = p->pNext;}p = g_pHead;for(j = 0; j < n; j++){if(p->stu.score[i] <= 100.00 && p->stu.score[i] >= 90.00){nine++;}else if(p->stu.score[i] < 90.00 && p->stu.score[i] >= 80.00){eight++;}else if(p->stu.score[i] < 80.00 && p->stu.score[i] >= 70.00){seven++;}else if(p->stu.score[i] < 70.00 && p->stu.score[i] >= 60.00){six++;}else if(p->stu.score[i] < 60.00){fail++;}p = p->pNext;}printf("-------------------------------------\n");  printf("%d、科目%d输出结果如下:\n", i + 1, i + 1);printf("90-100:优秀的人数为%3d    占比为%.2f\n", nine,  nine  / (float)n);printf("80-90: 良好的人数为%3d    占比为%.2f\n", eight, eight / (float)n);printf("70-80: 一般的人数为%3d    占比为%.2f\n", seven, seven / (float)n);printf("60-70: 及格的人数为%3d    占比为%.2f\n", six,   six   / (float)n);printf("0-60:  不及格的人数为%3d  占比为%.2f\n", fail,  fail  / (float)n);printf("-------------------------------------\n"); }
}void welcome()                                                    // The start page
{system("cls");printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("          学生成绩管理系统           \n");printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("请输入数字序列号,选择您要执行的操作\n");printf("0.录入学生信息\n");printf("1.添加学生信息\n");printf("2.删除学生信息\n");printf("3.修改学生信息\n");printf("4.查询学生信息\n");printf("5.成绩分析\n");printf("6.输出全班同学信息\n");printf("7.显示全班同学信息\n");printf("8.退出学生管理系统\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n");
}void quitapp()                                                    // Quitapp
{system("cls");printf("\n\n\n\n-------------------------------------\n");printf("       欢迎下次使用( ̄︶ ̄)↗      \n") ;printf("-------------------------------------\n\n\n\n"); system("pause"); exit(0);
}   void InputStudent()                                               //学生信息录入
{   int i, j, re;char t;system("cls");printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("           0.学生信息录入            \n");printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("输入学生个数:\n"); scanf("%d", &n);printf("输入考试科目个数:\n");scanf("%d", &course);printf("输入学生信息:\n");printf("(eg:XXXXXXX(学号) XXXXXXXXX(姓名) XXX XXX XXX XXX(各科成绩) )\n");  for(i = 0; i < n; i++){Node* pNewNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));                 //创建一个新的节点 pNewNode -> pNext = NULL;                                     if(g_pHead == NULL){g_pHead = pNewNode;}else{pNewNode -> pNext = g_pHead;g_pHead = pNewNode; }scanf("%c", &t);for(j = 0; j < 18; j++){scanf("%c", &pNewNode->stu.id[j]);if(pNewNode->stu.id[j] == ' '){pNewNode->stu.id[j] = '\0';break;   } }                                     for(j = 0; j < 10; j++){scanf("%c", &pNewNode->stu.name[j]);if(pNewNode->stu.name[j] == ' '){pNewNode->stu.name[j] = '\0';break;    } }pNewNode->stu.sum = 0;for(j = 0; j < course; j++){scanf("%f", &pNewNode->stu.score[j]);pNewNode->stu.sum = pNewNode->stu.sum   + pNewNode->stu.score[j];}pNewNode->stu.ave_stu = pNewNode->stu.sum / course;    } save();
}void addinfo()           //Add student`s information
{int j, choice;readfile();system("cls");printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("           1.学生信息增添            \n");printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("    请输入需要添加学生信息的类型:\n");printf("一个新的学生(1) 一门新的科目(2)\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n"); scanf("%d", &choice);switch(choice){case 1 : full();break;case 2 : eachcour();break;}save();printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("   是否输出数据:是(1)     否(0)\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n"); scanf("%d", &choice); switch(choice){case 1 : output("学生成绩表.txt"); break; case 0 : break;}
}void deleteinfo()    //Delete student`s information
{int s, i, j, choise;char name[30] = {'\0'};Node *p1, *p2, *p_res;Node *p = NULL;readfile();system("cls");printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("           2.学生信息删除            \n");printf("-------------------------------------\n");p_res = findstu("删除", &s);strcpy(name, p_res->stu.name);printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf(" 是否将%s的信息删除:是(1)  否(0) \n", name);printf("-------------------------------------\n");scanf("%d", &choise); switch(choise){case 1 : if(strcmp(g_pHead->stu.name, name) == 0){p1 = g_pHead;g_pHead = g_pHead->pNext;free(p1); }else{p2 = g_pHead;while(p2 -> pNext != NULL){if(strcmp(p2->pNext->stu.name, name) == 0){p = p2->pNext;p2->pNext = p2->pNext->pNext;free(p);}p2 = p2->pNext;   } }n--;printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("        已将%s的信息删除\n", name);printf("-------------------------------------\n");  printf("   是否输出数据:是(1)     否(0)\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n"); scanf("%d", &choise); switch(choise){case 1 : output("学生成绩表.txt"); break; case 0 : break;}case 0 : break;}save();
}void changeinfo()    //Change student`s information
{int i, j, *s, choice;char change[30] = {'\0'};float ch = 0.00;Node *p_res;readfile();system("cls");printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("           3.学生信息修改            \n");printf("-------------------------------------\n");p_res = findstu("修改", s);printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("请选择需要修改%s的信息选项:\n", p_res->stu.name);printf("学号(1), 姓名(2),成绩(3)\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n"); scanf("%d", &choice);switch(choice){case 1:printf("请输入新的学号:\n");scanf("%s", &p_res->stu.id);printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("         已成功修改%s同学学号\n", p_res->stu.name); printf("-------------------------------------\n"); break;case 2:printf("请输入修改后的姓名:\n");scanf("%s", &p_res->stu.name);printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("         已成功修改%s同学姓名\n", p_res->stu.name); printf("-------------------------------------\n"); break;case 3:printf("请输入想要修改的科目位号:(eg:科目一:1)\n");scanf("%d", &choice);printf("请输入修改后科目%d的分数:\n", choice);p_res->stu.sum = p_res->stu.sum - p_res->stu.score[choice - 1];scanf("%f", &p_res->stu.score[choice - 1]);p_res->stu.sum = p_res->stu.sum + p_res->stu.score[choice - 1];p_res->stu.ave_stu = p_res->stu.sum / course;}printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("   是否输出数据:是(1)     否(0)\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n"); scanf("%d", &choice); switch(choice){case 1 : break; case 0 : break;}save();
}void searchinfo()       //Search student`s information
{int i, j, *s; Node *p_res;readfile();system("cls");printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("           4.学生信息查询            \n");printf("-------------------------------------\n");p_res = findstu("查询", s);printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("总排名    学号        姓名");for(j = 1; j < course; j++){printf("%5d  ", j);} printf("%5d", course);printf("   总分  平均分\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("\n%3d、", *s + 1);printf(" %10s ", p_res->stu.id);printf("%10s ", p_res->stu.name);for(j = 0; j < course; j++){printf("%5.2f ", p_res->stu.score[j]);} printf("%5.2f %5.2f\n", p_res->stu.sum, p_res->stu.ave_stu);
}void infocount()         //Information count
{system("cls");readfile();printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("           5.学生成绩分析            \n");printf("-------------------------------------\n");int i, j, n, m, choice; printf("选择您需要的信息:(请输入数字)\n");printf("1. 各个学科的成绩总和\n"); printf("2. 各个学科的平均分\n"); printf("3. 各个学科的最高分\n");printf("4. 将成绩从低到高排序\n");printf("5. 将成绩从高到低排序\n");printf("6. 各科各个分数段组成占比\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n"); scanf("%d", &choice);switch(choice){case 1 : sum();break;case 2 : ave(); break; case 3 : max_(); break; case 4 : lth();break;case 5 : htl();break;case 6 : presents();break;}if(choice == 4 || choice == 5){printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("   是否显示信息:是(1)    否(0)\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n"); scanf("%d", &n);switch(n){case 1 : switch(choice){case 4 : showinfo("从低到高");break; case 5 : showinfo("从高到低");break;}         case 0 : break;}printf("-------------------------------------\n"); printf("   是否输出数据:是(1)     否(0)\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n"); scanf("%d", &n); switch(n){case 1 : switch(choice){case 4 : output("从低到高排序的成绩单.txt");break; case 5 : output("从高到低排序的成绩单.txt");break;}              case 0 : break;}}}void outtxt()
{int choice; readfile();system("cls");printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("           6.学生信息输出            \n");printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("请输入输出模式:(填写数字)\n"); printf("1.成绩从高到低\n"); printf("2.成绩从低到高\n");printf("3.按姓名首字母排序\n");printf("4.按学号大小排序\n");printf("-------------------------------------\n");scanf("%d", &choice);switch(choice){case 1 : htl();output("从高到低排序的成绩单.txt");break;case 2 : lth();output("从低到高排序的成绩单.txt");break;case 3 : namesort();output("按名称首字母排序的成绩单.txt");break;case 4 : idsort(); output("按学号排序的成绩单.txt");break;               }
}int main()
{int choice = 0, re;while(choice != 9) {system("cls");welcome();scanf("%d", & choice);switch(choice){case 0 : InputStudent();            //Input student informationbreak;case 1 : addinfo();                 //Add student information    break;case 2 : deleteinfo();              //Delete student informationbreak;case 3 : changeinfo();              //Change student informationbreak;case 4 : searchinfo();              //Search student information break;case 5 : infocount();               //Information countbreak;case 6 : outtxt();                  //Output txtbreak;   case 7 : readfile();                //Show classmates informationshowinfo("全体学生");break;          case 8 : quitapp();                 //Quit the applicationbreak;    }printf("-------------------------------------\n");printf("        操作成功,是否继续操作       \n");printf("-------------------------------------\n");   printf("        是:1            否:0       \n"); scanf("%d", &re); switch(re){case 1: ; break;case 0: choice = 9;break;}}quitapp();return 0;


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    学生成绩管理系统C语言代码实现 这篇文章主要为大家详细介绍了C语言代码实现学生成绩管理系统,文中示 代码介绍的非常详细,具有一定的参 考价值,感兴趣的小伙伴们可以参考一下 C语言实现了学生成绩管理系统 ...

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  6. 生成绩管理系统c语言,学生成绩管理系统——C语言版

    <学生成绩管理系统--C语言版>由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关<学生成绩管理系统--C语言版(12页珍藏版)>请在人人文库网上搜索. 1.*常用的标准输入输出函数*/*acc ...

  7. 学生成绩表c语言,学生成绩管理系统C语言(附完整源代码) .doc

    学生成绩管理系统C语言(附完整源代码) 课程设计报告 学生成绩管理系统 院系: 专业: 班级: 完成日期: 2009年1月03日 设计题目:学生成绩管理系统 目录 1.题目描述2.算法设计/设计思想3 ...

  8. c语言编程项目实践报告快递管理系统,学生成绩管理系统C语言程序设计实践报告.doc...

    学生成绩管理系统C语言程序设计实践报告 (此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 中南大学 C语言程序设计实践报告 题 目 学 生 成 绩 管 理 系 统 学生姓名 木雕小象 指导教师 × ...

  9. 成绩处理工具C语言论文,学生成绩管理系统C语言程序论文

    C语言,大型工作语言,大型工作1项目目录1.目标...........22.主题描述和要求........23.报告内容...........3 3.1需求寻求和分析概要设计........3 3.2 ...

  10. 学生成绩统计c语言课程设计,学生成绩管理系统-C语言课程设计

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