


using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
/// <summary>
/// 双边滤波
/// </summary>
public class BilateralFilter<T> where T:TexData,new(){TexData[] originalData,curData;int width, height;//图像宽高double sigma_r, sigma_d;//r,ddouble recip_2r2, recip_2d2;//2sigma平方的倒数/// <summary>/// 预计算空间域权重数组,未计算exp/// </summary>double[,] SpatialWightArray;int len;//窗口长宽int pCent;//窗口中心int depth;double sumWeight;/// <summary>/// 双边滤波/// </summary>/// <param name="texData">实现该接口的类型的数组</param>/// <param name="w">图片宽</param>/// <param name="h">图片高</param>/// <param name="sigma_r">sigma_r</param>/// <param name="sigma_d">sigma_d</param>/// <param name="r">窗口大小 len = 2*r + 1</param>public BilateralFilter(T[] texData,int w,int h,float sigma_r = 0.1f,float sigma_d = 3,int r = 1) {this.originalData = texData as TexData[];this.width = w;this.height = h;this.sigma_r = sigma_r;this.sigma_d = sigma_d;this.recip_2r2 = 1 / (0.5f * sigma_r * sigma_r);this.recip_2d2 = 1 / (0.5f * sigma_d * sigma_d);this.len = r * 2 + 1;pCent = len / 2;this.depth = this.len * this.len;curData = new TexData[texData.Length];Array.Copy(texData, curData, curData.Length);getSpatialWightArray();}/// <summary>/// 滤波/// </summary>public TexData[] Filter() {var tcurData = new TexData[width*height];Array.Copy(curData, tcurData, tcurData.Length);//滑动窗口以滤波for (int j = 0; j < height; j++) {for (int i = 0; i < width; i++) {//计算当前加权窗口double[,] window = new double[len, len];//当前权重窗口TexData tSum = new T();//窗口数据汇总double sumWeight = 0;for (int l = 0; l < len; l++) {for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) {var cent = At(i, j);var cur = At(i, j, k, l);double w1 = SpatialWightArray[k, l];double w2 = similarityWeight(cent, cur);window[k,l] = Math.Exp( w1+ w2);sumWeight += window[k, l];tSum = tSum.ADD(cur.MUL((float)window[k,l]));}}tSum = tSum.DIV((float)sumWeight);tcurData[i+j*width] = tSum;}}curData = tcurData;return curData;}/// <summary>/// 重新设置参数,传入负值则不改动(未实现)/// </summary>public void ResizeParams(float sigma_r,float sigma_d,int r) { }/// <summary>/// 预先计算空间域权重数组/// </summary>protected void getSpatialWightArray() {SpatialWightArray = new double[len,len];for (int k = 0; k < len; k++) {for (int l = 0; l < len; l++) {SpatialWightArray[k, l] = spatialWeight(k, l);}}}/// <summary>/// 空间域权重,未计算exp/// </summary>protected double spatialWeight(int k, int l) {double i_k_2 = Math.Pow(pCent - k, 2);double j_l_2 = Math.Pow(pCent - l, 2);return -(i_k_2 + j_l_2)*recip_2d2;}/// <summary>/// 值域权重,未计算exp/// </summary>protected double similarityWeight(int i, int j, int k, int l) {var cent = At(i, j);var cur = At(i, j, k, l);return similarityWeight(cent,cur); ;}protected double similarityWeight(TexData cent, TexData cur) {float grayij = cent.GetGray();float graykl = cur.GetGray();return -(Math.Pow(Math.Abs(grayij - graykl), 2)) * recip_2r2;}private TexData At(int i,int j) {return At(i,j,pCent,pCent);}/// <summary>/// 窗口内取值/// </summary>/// <returns></returns>private TexData At(int i, int j, int k, int l) {int ti, tj;ti = Clamp(Math.Abs(i + (k - pCent)),0,width-1);tj = Clamp(Math.Abs(j + (l - pCent)),0,height-1);return curData[ti+tj*width];}double Clamp(double v,double min,double max) {if (v < min)return min;else if (v > max)return max;elsereturn v;}int Clamp(int v, int min, int max) {if (v < min)return min;else if (v > max)return max;elsereturn v;}
public interface TexData {float R { get; }float G { get; }float B { get; }float A { get; }float GetGray();TexData ADD(TexData other);TexData SUB(TexData other);TexData MUL(float scale);TexData DIV(float scale);}
public class U3DColor : TexData {private UnityEngine.Color col;public U3DColor() {col = new UnityEngine.Color(1, 1, 1, 1);}public U3DColor(UnityEngine.Color col) {this.col = col;}public float GetGray() {return col.grayscale;}public TexData ADD(TexData other) {return new U3DColor(col + new UnityEngine.Color(other.R, other.G, other.B, other.A));}public TexData SUB(TexData other) {return new U3DColor(col - new UnityEngine.Color(other.R, other.G, other.B, other.A));}public TexData MUL(float scale) {return new U3DColor(col * scale);}public TexData DIV(float scale) {return new U3DColor(col / scale);}public static implicit operator UnityEngine.Color(U3DColor c) {return c.col;}public static implicit operator U3DColor(UnityEngine.Color c) {return new U3DColor(c);}public float R {get { return col.r; }}public float G {get { return col.g; }}public float B {get { return col.b; }}public float A {get { return col.a; }}public override string ToString() {return col.ToString();}


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;public class Test_BilateralFilter : MonoBehaviour {public Texture2D inTex, outTex,combine;public float sigma_r, sigma_d;// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {Color[] inCol = inTex.GetPixels();U3DColor[] u3dInCol = new U3DColor[inCol.Length];for (int i = 0; i < inCol.Length; i++)u3dInCol[i] = inCol[i];BilateralFilter<U3DColor> bf = new BilateralFilter<U3DColor>(u3dInCol, inTex.width, inTex.height, sigma_r, sigma_d,1);float t = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;TexData[] data = bf.Filter();Color[] outCol = new Color[inCol.Length];for (int i = 0; i < inCol.Length; i++)outCol[i] = data[i] as U3DColor;outTex = new Texture2D(inTex.width,inTex.height);outTex.SetPixels(outCol);outTex.Apply();Debug.LogFormat("用时:{0}", Time.realtimeSinceStartup - t);combine = new Texture2D(2, 2);combine.PackTextures(new Texture2D[] { inTex, outTex },0);}






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  6. Bilateral Filtering(双边滤波) for SSAO(转)

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