Ever create a game in 48 hours? That’s exactly what we set out to do this weekend as we celebrated Global Game Jam 2017 at Unity’s HQ in San Francisco!

是否曾在48小时内创建游戏? 这正是我们本周末打算在旧金山的Unity HQ庆祝Global Game Jam 2017时要做的事情!

A three-day event, the Global Game Jam is a special “hackathon” style gathering for tens of thousands of game developers at jam locations across the globe. Participants have 48 hours to team up and make any kind of game representing a yearly secret theme, and the final results are showcased together online. This year’s event took place between January 20 – 22 in 702 jam sites across 95 countries!

为期三天的全球游戏果酱活动是一次特别的“黑客马拉松”式聚会,面向全球果酱场所的数万名游戏开发人员。 参与者有48个小时的团队合作,制作代表年度秘密主题的任何类型的游戏,最终结果将在网上一起展示。 今年的活动于1月20日至22日在95个国家/地区的702个果酱地点举行!

Unity has been a headline sponsor of Global Game Jam since 2008 and we’ve been excited to spend another year jamming with our international community. Even better, our move to the new Unity HQ in San Francisco meant we had the perfect jam site at the ready – so we created the first official Unity HQ jam site just in time for GGJ 2017!

自2008年以来,Unity一直是Global Game Jam的头条赞助商,我们很高兴又度过了与国际社会接轨的一年。 更好的是,我们搬到了旧金山的新Unity HQ,这意味着我们已经有了完善的卡纸站点-因此我们及时为GGJ 2017创建了第一个正式的Unity HQ卡纸站点!

Day 1 of GGJ 2017 at Unity San Francisco commenced with an exciting whirlwind of jammer arrivals and preparation as we waited for the year’s GGJ keynote and theme announcement. Participants came from many different backgrounds – artists, programmers, designers, and more. Many were first-time jammers, and others were seasoned game jam pros. After being greeted by Unity staff, including our CEO John Riccitiello, the keynote began and the theme was finally revealed, games had to be inspired by WAVES – oceanic, sound, or otherwise! Jammers grouped up quickly and got to work, seventeen teams in all. Most went from brainstorming to prototyping in just a matter of hours.

在 我们等待今年的GGJ主旨和主题发布会之际 , GGJ 2017 的 第一 天 在旧金山旧金山举行 ,令人激动的是干扰者的到来和准备。 参与者来自许多不同的背景,包括艺术家,程序员,设计师等等。 许多人是初次使用干扰器,其他人则是经验丰富的游戏干扰专家。 在包括我们的首席执行官John Riccitiello在内的Unity员工欢迎之后,主题演讲开始了,主题终于揭晓了,游戏必须受到WAVES的启发-海洋,声音或其他! 干扰者Swift聚集起来,开始工作,总共有17个团队。 大多数人只用了几个小时就从头脑风暴到原型制作。

Jammers soldiered on through Day 2 of the jam, distilling their exciting ideas down to manageable pieces for their teams. Collaborations and friendships grew stronger as teammates helped each other learn skills they could apply to their contributions. Thanks to tools like Unity Cloud Build and Collaborate, teams were able to sync well with each other throughout development. Unity staff jamming along worked with participants to get their games up off the ground. It was exciting to see staff and veteran developers helping newbies learn Unity – and even more exciting to see said newbies developing on their own by the end of the jam!

干扰者在冲突的第二天一直坚持不懈,将他们激动人心的想法精炼为可管理的团队。 随着队友彼此帮助学习可以应用在贡献中的技能,合作和友谊变得更加强大。 借助Unity Cloud Build和Collaborate之类的工具,团队可以在整个开发过程中彼此很好地同步。 Unity员工与参与者共同努力,使他们的游戏起步。 看到员工和经验丰富的开发人员帮助新手学习Unity感到非常兴奋,而看到这些新手在困境结束之前自行开发就更令人兴奋!

AssasSound  –  Balls All the Way Down  –  Bath Buddies  –  Battle Boards  –  Bugs & Monsters  –  Catsumo Wave  –  Cozmo’s Tentacles and Waves  –  Gemstone  –  Halfway Night  –  High Sine  –  Lucid Screaming  –Night In W A V E S. –  Piper  –  PirateAR  –  Turtle Rush  –  Undulatus  –  Wavery

AssasSound - 球所有一路下滑 - 巴斯伙伴 - 巴特尔板 - 错误与怪兽 - Catsumo波 - Cozmo酒店的触角和波 - 宝石 - 中途之夜 - 高正弦 - 清醒的尖叫 - 晚上在WAVE S. - 派珀 - PirateAR - 龟拉什 - 波状 - Wavery

Yet another wonderful Global Game Jam has come and gone but that doesn’t mean the fun is over! Whether you made great friends during the jam or left with your next big game idea, the adventures from GGJ 2017 continue long after the event is over. We’re excited to see where they take you next and how Unity can support you along the way.

另一场精彩的《全球游戏果酱》来了又去,但这并不意味着乐趣已经结束! 无论您是在果酱中结识了伟大的朋友还是在您的下一个大型游戏构想中离开了,GGJ 2017的冒险活动都将在活动结束后继续进行。 我们很高兴看到他们下一步将带您去哪里,以及Unity在整个过程中如何为您提供支持。

Worked on a Unity game during this year’s GGJ? Post it on Unity Connect with the tag #GGJ17 and let us know in the comments. We’d love to hear how your local jam went and we’ll be picking a random winner from the collection to win 12-months of Unity Pro. Thanks again for another great GGJ, be sure to mark your calendars for next year – Global Game Jam returns on January 26 – 28, 2018!

在今年的GGJ期间从事Unity游戏吗? 使用标签#GGJ17将其发布在Unity Connect上,并在评论中告知我们。 我们很想听听您当地的卡纸情况如何,我们将从系列中随机挑选一名获胜者来赢得12个月的Unity Pro。 再次感谢另一个伟大的GGJ,请务必在明年标记您的日历– Global Game Jam将于2018年1月26日至28日回归!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/01/25/global-game-jam-2017-at-unity-sf/

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