
替代付款接受服务 (Alternative Payment Acceptance Services)

Last week we discussed credit card processing without a merchant account. While credit cards are the preferred method for products and service purchase online, you’ll find that not everyone is completely comfortable with credit card purchasing – and some customers don’t own a credit card at all. So offering other methods for payment is an absolute must if you want to target all types of customers. Providing payment options for your shoppers also improves their trust in your company, and increases your credibility in the online space.

上周我们讨论了没有商户帐户的信用卡处理。 尽管信用卡是在线购买产品和服务的首选方法,但您会发现并非所有人都对信用卡购买感到完全满意-有些客户根本没有信用卡。 因此,要想针对所有类型的客户,绝对必须提供其他付款方式。 为购物者提供付款方式还可以提高他们对公司的信任度,并提高您在在线空间中的信誉。

Let’s take a look at some of the other payment acceptance services you can offer:


Online Checks & Debit Card Processing


Online checks (commonly called eChecks) are the equivalent of standard paper checks. The online equivalent doesn’t require you to have a signed check from the recipient. This is perfectly legal. All you need is the information that appears on the customer’s real-world checks.

联机支票(通常称为eChecks)等同于标准纸质支票。 在线等效工具不需要您有收件人的签名支票。 这是完全合法的。 您所需要做的就是显示在客户实际检查中的信息。

There are two ways to accept online checks. The do-it-yourself method requires that you buy a program to print the checks. You then deposit them into the bank like any normal check. The big software programs in this category is Vcheck, and Intell-A-Check. Demand for this type of do-it-yourself online check processing is limited, as merchants have to wait several days to make sure that the check clears before they ship the order – another fraud prevention method. The better way to accept online checks is through a transaction service.

有两种接受在线支票的方式。 自己动手做的方法要求您购买一个程序来打印支票。 然后,您将它们像任何普通支票一样存入银行。 此类别中的大型软件程序是Vcheck和Intell -A-Check 。 这种对自己动手做的在线支票处理的需求是有限的,因为商人必须等待几天才能确保在寄出订单之前将支票清除,这是另一种防止欺诈的方法。 接受在线支票的更好方法是通过交易服务。

A transaction service verifies that the information on the online check is complete, and will even guarantee the check for an additional fee. What this means is that the transaction service will reimburse you if the check turns out to be invalid (and certain conditions have been met). These transaction companies charge a setup fee in addition to a per-check fee, and/or a percentage. One important thing to note is that most transaction companies only process US checks.

交易服务会验证在线支票上的信息是否完整,甚至会保证支票的额外费用。 这意味着如果支票被证明是无效的(并且满足某些条件),交易服务将向您退款。 这些交易公司除了收取每张支票和/或一定百分比的费用外,还收取设置费。 需要注意的重要一件事是,大多数交易公司仅处理美国支票。

These programs allow you to accept checks by telephone and fax, as well as online. All you have to do is take the necessary check information and manually enter it into the program, then print out the check and deposit it at your local bank. Most check programs require you to buy special check paper on whcih to print your checks, and it’s relatively cheap. In most cases you should be ok printing checks on your Inkjet or laser printer without requiring any special, expensive, magnetic-type ink, as many banks now use optical devices to process checks rather than magnetic ones. However, before investing in any check acceptance software, contact your local bank and make sure they will be able to accept the checks that you print off.

这些程序使您可以通过电话,传真以及在线接受支票。 您所要做的就是获取必要的支票信息,然后将其手动输入到程序中,然后打印出支票并将其存入本地银行。 大多数支票程序要求您购买特殊的支票纸以打印支票,而且价格相对便宜。 在大多数情况下,您应该可以在喷墨打印机或激光打印机上打印支票,而不需要任何特殊的,昂贵的磁性墨水,因为许多银行现在使用光学设备来处理支票,而不是磁性设备。 但是,在投资购买任何支票承兑软件之前,请与您当地的银行联系,并确保他们能够接受您打印的支票。

Another thing to consider is that some of the Gateway companies’ Virtual Terminals can accept check transactions. The ones that do this also run a check verification against a national database of bad check writers, to reduce the incidence of returned checks. The better services will even re-submit returned checks automatically. If you use an online check transaction service, make sure that it includes the facility to verify the checks in real time. There’s not much to processing a check online, so don’t pay high transaction fees, and avoid paying a discount (percentage) rate on check transactions, unless they’re guaranteed! Also make sure you’re informed about fund holds on check transactions, so you know when your funds will be available.

要考虑的另一件事是某些网关公司的虚拟终端可以接受支票交易。 这样做的人还对不良支票书写者的国家数据库进行支票验证,以减少退回支票的发生率。 更好的服务甚至会自动重新提交退回的支票。 如果您使用在线支票交易服务,请确保该服务包括用于实时验证支票的工具。 在线处理支票不需要太多,因此不要支付高额的交易费,除非能保证,否则避免为支票交易支付折扣(百分比)率! 另外,还要确保您了解支票交易的资金持有情况,以便知道何时可以使用资金。

Here are a few more check resources you should consider:


  • CheckMAN


  • Checks by Fax


  • CheckMatic


  • XpressCheX


Debit card processing is almost exactly like processing a credit card, except that the order amount is deducted from the customer’s checking account. For more details, including pricing information, contact a Merchant Account Provider.

借记卡处理几乎与处理信用卡完全相同,不同之处在于从客户的支票帐户中扣除了订单金额。 有关更多详细信息,包括价格信息,请与商家帐户提供商联系。

Digital Cash & Micropayments


My recommendation is to stay away from these services for now: they still haven’t really caught on. However we have put them in this guide due to the enormous amount of hype that surrounds them, and because in time they’ll become a viable method of accepting payment online.

我的建议是暂时不要使用这些服务:它们仍然没有真正流行起来。 但是,由于围绕它们的大量宣传,并且随着时间的推移,它们将成为一种在线接受付款的可行方法,因此我们将它们放入了本指南。

The concept of Digital Cash systems is that a person has a digital wallet, which they fill up using their credit card. They can then spend that money either via a digital wallet program that runs on their computer, or via a special PIN number. The future of these systems is in micro-transactions (Micropayments), where a user might be charged 5 or 10 cents to read an article or access a Webpage. At the present time charging people a few pennies to view content is impractical, but hopefully Digital Cash will solve this problem within a few years. Another downside to Digital Cash is that only a small number of merchants actually accept these payments – so digital cash acceptance is not even close to being as common as credit card acceptance.

数字现金系统的概念是一个人拥有一个数字钱包,他们可以使用信用卡充值。 然后,他们可以通过计算机上运行的数字钱包程序或通过特殊的PIN码来花费这笔钱。 这些系统的未来是微交易(Micropayments),向用户收取5或10美分的费用来阅读文章或访问网页。 目前,向人们收取几分钱才能查看内容是不切实际的,但希望Digital Cash能够在几年内解决此问题。 Digital Cash的另一个缺点是实际上只有少数商家接受这些付款-因此,数字现金接受甚至还不及信用卡接受那么普遍。

At the moment, some of the biggest Digital Cash service companies are:


  • RocketCash


  • InternetCash


  • Echarge


Micropayments have been around for quite some time, but they aren’t widely used by online merchants. This has caused several micropayment service companies to close up or halt further marketing of their services until the demand increases. As previously discussed, micropayments are particularly good for sites that offer online products (documents, music files, etc.) whose prices range from a few cents each, to a maximum of around $10. Micropayment solutions work in the same way as typical credit card acceptance, except that the amount taken per transaction is much smaller, so the merchant keeps a larger portion of the profit.

小额支付已经存在了一段时间,但并未被在线商家广泛使用。 这导致一些小额支付服务公司关闭或停止其服务的进一步营销,直到需求增加为止。 如前所述,小额付款特别适合提供在线产品(文档,音乐文件等)的网站,这些产品的价格范围从每件几美分到最高约10美元。 小额支付解决方案的工作方式与典型的信用卡接受方式相同,不同之处在于每次交易收取的金额要小得多,因此商家保留了较大的利润部分。

If a Micropayment service is what your company needs, check out these sites:


  • eTelCharge – Adds charges to your phone bill

    eTelCharge –将费用添加到您的电话费中

  • iPin – Puts charges on your ISP (Internet Service Provider) bill

    iPin –在您的ISP(互联网服务提供商)账单上收取费用

  • microCreditCard


  • Cardis – Click on "The Ultimus Solution" once you reach their homepage

    Cardis –进入首页后,点击“ Ultimus解决方案”

Escrow Services


Escrow services act as middleman for a payment transaction. They ensure that the buyer is happy with the product they’ve received, and that the seller gets paid accordingly. This solution provides the security and trust that are essential for high ticket items (e.g. domain names, company buy-outs, etc.) and many auction Websites.

托管服务充当支付交易的中间人。 他们确保买方对收到的产品感到满意,并确保卖方得到相应的付款。 该解决方案提供了对高价商品(例如域名,公司买断等)和许多拍卖网站必不可少的安全性和信任。

Here’s a step-by-step explanation of how Escrow services work:


Step 1: The Buyer pays the Escrow service for the order with a credit card, money order, check (business, personal, certified), wire transfer, or direct deposit.


Step 2: Once the Escrow service receives the Buyer’s payment, they notify the Seller to go ahead and ship the merchandise to the Buyer.


Step 3: After the Buyer receives the merchandise, he/she then let the Escrow service know that they are happy with the purchase.


Step 4: The Escrow service then pays the Seller by either check or wire transfer into their bank account.


If the Buyer is not satisfied with the merchandise, he/she can notify the Escrow service that the item(s) has been returned to the Seller. Once the Seller receives the returned merchandise, they are given a period of time (usually about a week) to inspect the returned item(s). The inspection period allows the Seller time to ensure the merchandise was returned in the same condition in which it was shipped. After this inspection, the Escrow service will refund the Buyer the amount paid, less the Escrow service fee (usually around $5 or so).

如果买方对商品不满意,则可以通知托管服务该商品已退还给卖方。 卖方收到退回的商品后,将给他们一定的时间(通常大约一周)以检查退回的商品。 检验期使卖方有时间确保退货时的状态与运输时相同。 在检查之后,托管服务将退还买方已付的金额,减去托管服务费(通常约为5美元左右)。

If you’re interested in Escrow services, check out these companies:


  • Escrow.com


  • Escrow.ca


  • i-Escrow, Inc.


更多信息 (More Information)

The search to find the Merchant Account Provider that best suits your business needs can be a long and tedious process. One service that practically does the searching for you is MerchantSeek, who provide a free service that allows you to search for a Merchant Account Provider that suits your needs and budget. The site also contains some very detailed and informative content on payment acceptance, including a lot of what we’ve discussed through this series, and more. The service can be a time- and money-saver, and is certainly worth a look.

寻找最适合您的业务需求的商户帐户提供商的搜索可能是一个漫长而乏味的过程。 MerchantSeek是实际上为您进行搜索的一项服务,该服务提供免费服务,使您可以搜索适合您的需求和预算的商户帐户提供商。 该网站还包含有关付款接受的一些非常详细且内容丰富的内容,包括我们在本系列文章中讨论的很多内容以及更多内容。 该服务可以节省时间和金钱,当然值得一看。

Special thanks to Robb Hanisee of ECHO Inc. for his assistance in writing this guide.

特别感谢ECHO Inc.的 Robb Hanisee协助编写本指南。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/online-payment-acceptance-4/



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