xcrun -h 显示如下:

xxx@xxxMacBook-Pro ~ % xcrun -h
Usage: xcrun [options] <tool name> ... arguments ...Find and execute the named command line tool from the active developer
directory.The active developer directory can be set using `xcode-select`, or via the
DEVELOPER_DIR environment variable. See the xcrun and xcode-select manual
pages for more information.Options:-h, --help                  show this help message and exit--version                   show the xcrun version-v, --verbose               show verbose logging output--sdk <sdk name>            find the tool for the given SDK name--toolchain <name>          find the tool for the given toolchain-l, --log                   show commands to be executed (with --run)-f, --find                  only find and print the tool path-r, --run                   find and execute the tool (the default behavior)-n, --no-cache              do not use the lookup cache-k, --kill-cache            invalidate all existing cache entries--show-sdk-path             show selected SDK install path--show-sdk-version          show selected SDK version--show-sdk-build-version    show selected SDK build version--show-sdk-platform-path    show selected SDK platform path--show-sdk-platform-version show selected SDK platform version

xcodebuild -showsdks 显示支持的所有SDK及版本号:

xxx@xxxMacBook-Pro ~ % xcodebuild -showsdks
iOS SDKs:iOS 15.0                       -sdk iphoneos15.0iOS Simulator SDKs:Simulator - iOS 15.0            -sdk iphonesimulator15.0macOS SDKs:DriverKit 20.4                   -sdk driverkit.macosx20.4macOS 11.3                     -sdk macosx11.3tvOS SDKs:tvOS 15.0                      -sdk appletvos15.0tvOS Simulator SDKs:Simulator - tvOS 15.0             -sdk appletvsimulator15.0watchOS SDKs:watchOS 8.0                       -sdk watchos8.0watchOS Simulator SDKs:Simulator - watchOS 8.0           -sdk watchsimulator8.0

xcodebuild 命令选项较多,可根据xcodebuild -h进行查看


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  5. 探究 Xcode 命令行用法二:xcodebuild 测试实践

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  6. XCodeBuild 使用

    一. xcodebuild简介 在介绍xcodebuild之前,需要先弄清楚一些在XCode环境下的一些概念:  - Workspace:简单来说,Workspace就是一个容器,在该容器中可以存放多 ...

  7. Xcode命令行简单了解一下

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  8. xcodebuild自动打包+脚本使用

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  10. xcodebuild使用总结

    官方文档:https://developer.apple.com/legacy/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/xcodebu ...


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