

  • Given a sequence of integers of length n, find the shortest consecutive subsequence witch XOR sum not less than k.

    If there are multiple consecutive subsequences of the same length, print the consecutive subsequence with the smallest left end point.

    If there are no consecutive subsequence witch XOR sum not less than k, just print “-1”.


​ 首先这题使用了异或前缀和的01字典树,我们可以边遍历边补充建树,遍历右端点,那么现在已有的树便是所有有可能存在左端点的一颗前缀树,每次从最高位开始找,找是否可能异或为1的点,然后维护一个到当前位置的异或值,如果大于k,则我们维护一个返回的值,而v[p]越大则区间长度越小。


else{p = son[p][x];//if (res >= k)//  ans = max(ans, v[p]);}

因为如果p = son[p] [x],值是不会变大的,而不会变的点其实都是之前的点,是肯定会长度更长的。(每次建树每个点都是存的最后一个位置)

int n, k;
int son[30 * maxn][2], idx;
int v[30 * maxn],a[maxn];void creat(int u,int pos)
{int p = 0;pre(i, 29, 0){int x = u >> i & 1;if (son[p][x] == 0) son[p][x] = ++idx;p = son[p][x];v[p] = pos;}return;
}int ser(int u)
{int ans = -1;int res = 0;int p = 0;pre(i, 29, 0){int x = u >> i & 1;if (son[p][!x]){p = son[p][!x];res = res + (1 << i);if (res >= k)ans = max(ans, v[p]);}else{p = son[p][x];//if (res >= k)//  ans = max(ans, v[p]);}}return ans;
}signed main()
{//ios::sync_with_stdio(0);//cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0);int t = read();while (t--){n = read(), k = read();rep(i, 0, 30 * n) son[i][0] = son[i][1] = 0;idx = 0;rep(i, 1, n) a[i] = read();int sum = 0;int l = -1, r = -1;int res = 0,minn = inf;rep(i, 1, n){sum = sum ^ a[i];if ((res = ser(sum)) != -1){if (minn > (i - res)){//see1(i);minn = i - res;l = res + 1;r = i;}}creat(sum, i);}if (~l){printf("%d %d\n", l, r);}else out(-1);}return 0;


  • Let’s call a weighted connected undirected graph of n vertices and m edges KD-Graph, if the
    following conditions fulfill:

    * n vertices are strictly divided into K groups, each group contains at least one vertice

    * if vertices p and q ( p ≠ q ) are in the same group, there must be at least one path between p and q meet the max value in this path is less than or equal to D.

    * if vertices p and q ( p ≠ q ) are in different groups, there can’t be any path between p and q meet the max value in this path is less than or equal to D.

    You are given a weighted connected undirected graph G of n vertices and m edges and an integer K.

    Your task is find the minimum non-negative D which can make there is a way to divide the n vertices into K groups makes G satisfy the definition of KD-Graph.Or −1 if there is no such D exist.


首先最暴力的方法就是从1尝试到inf (X) 从0试到inf(√)但是显然会超时。



int n, m, k;
int fa[maxn];struct nod
{int a, b, c;bool operator < (const nod& b) const&{return c < b.c;}}mp[5*maxn];int find(int x)
{if (fa[x] != x) fa[x] = find(fa[x]);return fa[x];
}void solve()
{rep(i, 1, n) fa[i] = i;sort(mp + 1, mp + 1 + m);int now = n,ans = 0;rep(i, 1, m)  {if (mp[i].c > ans)  // 在将某一阶段合并完成后,再去比较 {if (now == k){out(ans);return;}}if ( find(mp[i].a) == find(mp[i].b) ) continue;now--; // 现在有的集合数减少fa[find(mp[i].a)] = find(mp[i].b);ans = mp[i].c;}printf("%d\n", now == k ? ans : -1); //最后有一次是没有判断的return ;
}signed main()
{//ios::sync_with_stdio(0);//cin.tie(0),cout.tie(0);int t = read();while (t--){n = read(), m = read(), k = read();rep(i, 1, m){int x = read(), y = read(), z = read();mp[i] = { x,y,z };}solve();}return 0;


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