
The Nexus One smartphone, one of Google’s worst-kept secrets, has been launched. Since it’s tag line is “web meets phone,” it could be an important device for web developers to understand and support. Details are still emerging, but here’s what we know so far:

Nexus One智能手机已经发布,它是Google最保守的秘密之一。 由于其标语是“网络遇见电话”,因此它可能是Web开发人员理解和支持的重要设备。 细节仍在不断涌现,但到目前为止,这是我们所知道的:

Hardware The HTC hardware offers a Qualcomm QSD 8250 1GHz processor with 512MB Flash, 512MB RAM and a 4GB SD card (up to 32GB is supported).

硬件 HTC硬件提供了Qualcomm QSD 8250 1GHz处理器,带有512MB闪存,512MB RAM和4GB SD卡(最多支持32GB)。

Display The device features a 3.7 inch 800 x 480 touchscreen — more than double the pixels offered by a certain popular competing smartphone.

显示屏该设备具有3.7英寸800 x 480触摸屏,是某些流行的竞争智能手机提供的像素的两倍以上。

Operating System The Nexus One is the first phone to use Android Mobile Technology Platform 2.1 with support for English, French, German, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Japanese, and Russian languages.

操作系统 Nexus One是第一款使用Android移动技术平台2.1的手机,并支持英语,法语,德语,繁体中文,简体中文,意大利语,西班牙语,葡萄牙语,韩语,日语和俄语。

Applications Since Android is Google’s OS, GMail, Maps, YouTube and a Chrome-like browser will certainly be available. Google Maps looks particularly impressive and offers turn-by-turn satellite navigation facilities.

应用程序由于Android是Google的操作系统,因此GMail,地图,YouTube和类似Chrome的浏览器肯定会可用。 Google Maps看起来特别令人印象深刻,并提供了逐步导航卫星导航功能。

Media The following media formats are supported:


  • Images: JPEG (encode and decode), GIF, PNG, BMP图片:JPEG(编码和解码),GIF,PNG,BMP
  • Video: H.263 (encode and decode), MPEG-4 SP (encode and decode) and H.264 AVC (decode)视频:H.263(编码和解码),MPEG-4 SP(编码和解码)和H.264 AVC(解码)
  • Audio decoders: MP3, AAC, AMR, MIDI, Ogg Vorbis and WAVE音频解码器:MP3,AAC,AMR,MIDI,Ogg Vorbis和WAVE
  • Audio encoder: AMR-NB音频编码器:AMR-NB

Camera It offers a 5 megapixel camera, autofocus, 2x digital zoom, and LED flash. Video can be captured at 720 x 480 at 20fps (or higher, depending on the lighting conditions).

相机它提供5百万像素相机,自动对焦,2倍数码变焦和LED闪光灯。 可以以720 x 480和20fps(或更高,取决于照明条件)捕获视频。

Connectivity UMTS, HSDPA, GSM/EDGE, Wi-fi, Bluetooth and USB are all supported. A standard 3.5mm headphone socket is available for media playback.

连接性均支持 UMTS,HSDPA,GSM / EDGE,Wi-fi,蓝牙和USB。 标准的3.5毫米耳机插Kong可用于媒体播放。

Location The device can find your location using its AGPS receiver, cell tower and Wi-Fi positioning. It features a digital compass and accelerometer.

位置设备可以通过其AGPS接收器,基站和Wi-Fi定位来找到您的位置。 它具有数字指南针和加速度计。

Power The phone contains a removable 1400 mAH battery which can be charged from the USB port or the charger. You can expect around 250 hours on standby with up to 10 hours talk time (much less if using wi-fi or playing media files).

电源手机包含一块可拆卸的1400 mAH电池,可以通过USB端口或充电器充电。 待机时间约为250小时,通话时间最多为10小时(如果使用wi-fi或播放媒体文件,则要少得多)。

Dimensions The device measures 119mm x 59.8mm with a depth of 11.5mm. It weighs 130g, or 100g without the battery.

尺寸设备尺寸为119mm x 59.8mm,深度为11.5mm。 它的重量为130克(不含电池)或100克。

Availability Not a chance! A few lucky US buyers will be able to get a SIM-free Nexus One for $529, but don’t expect widespread worldwide availability for several months. If you want to try the features now, Google have online demonstrations available at

可用性没有机会! 一些幸运的美国买家将能够以529美元的价格获得不含SIM卡的Nexus One,但不要指望几个月后全球范围内的广泛普及。 如果您想立即尝试使用这些功能,可以在上找到Google在线演示。

Obviously, Google is aggressively targeting users who have or are considering an iPhone. The Nexus One’s specifications look good and the phone is likely to be available at a price that undercuts Apple’s products. (Google offers an advertising revenue share to mobile carriers whereas Apple insist on upfront payments and a slice of service charges).

显然,Google积极地针对拥有或正在考虑使用iPhone的用户。 Nexus One的规格看起来不错,而且手机的价格可能会低于苹果的产品。 (Google向移动运营商提供广告收入分成,而Apple坚持预付款和一部分服务费用)

However, Apple products are easy to use, appeal to users at all technical levels, and have a cult following. By comparison, Google products often feel a little geeky. I suspect the Nexus One can compete against the iPhone, but it could ultimately share the same market space as the Palm Pre.

但是,Apple产品易于使用,在所有技术层面上都对用户有吸引力,并且具有很高的追随者。 相比之下,Google产品经常让人感到有点怪异。 我怀疑Nexus One可以与iPhone竞争,但最终可能与Palm Pre拥有相同的市场空间。

Are you considering a smartphone? Can the Nexus One succeed or have Apple already won?

您正在考虑使用智能手机吗? Nexus One可以成功还是苹果已经赢了?



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