
  • 前言:
  • 程序要求
  • 说明
  • 代码
    • main.c
    • def.c
    • myIO.c
    • file.c
    • menu.c
    • function.c





  • 本程序主要采用结构体数组
  • 本文件采用多文件编写,由于程序规模小,故未采用编写头文件的方式
  • 使用 #pragma once 来防止头文件重复包含


怎么使用本程序看看注释应该就知道了。run main.c 就行。其他各文件作用:

  • def.c 定义了一些常量和全局变量,结构体
  • myIO.c 实现了成绩录入和成绩打印输出
  • file.c 实现了将成绩保存为文件
  • menu.c 实现了菜单功能
  • function.c 包含其他一些要用的函数


#include "menu.c"int main()
{select();return 0;


// 相同头文件只包含一次,后不赘述
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define OK 1
#define ERROR 0
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define Status int// 课程
typedef struct Course
{char name[30];int score;
} Course, *pCourse;// 学生
typedef struct Student
{char number[30];char name[30];pCourse pC;
} Student, *pStudent;// n是学生数, m是课程数
int n, m;
char courseName[30], studentName[30], course[20][30];
pStudent pS = NULL;


#pragma once
#include "def.c"pStudent inputStudentInfo(void);
void printStudentInfo(pStudent pS);// 录入学生信息
pStudent inputStudentInfo(void)
{int i, j;printf("Please input the number of students and courses: ");scanf("%d %d", &n, &m);printf("Please input the name of courses: ");for (i = 0; i < m; i++){scanf("%s", course[i]);}pStudent pS = (pStudent)malloc(sizeof(Student) * n);if (!pS)return NULL;printf("Please input the info: \n");for (i = 0; i < n; i++){pS[i].pC = (pCourse)malloc(sizeof(Course) * m);if (!pS[i].pC)return NULL;scanf("%s %s", pS[i].name, pS[i].number);for (j = 0; j < m; j++){strcpy(pS[i].pC[j].name, course[j]);scanf("%d", &pS[i].pC[j].score);}}return pS;
}// 打印所有学生信息
void printStudentInfo(pStudent pS)
{int i, j;// 打印标题printf("Name\tnumber\t");for (i = 0; i < m - 1; i++)printf("%s\t", course[i]);printf("%s\n", course[i]);// 显示信息for (i = 0; i < n; i++){printf("%s\t%s\t", pS[i].name, pS[i].number);for (j = 0; j < m - 1; j++)printf("%d\t", pS[i].pC[j].score);printf("%d\n", pS[i].pC[j].score);}


#pragma once
#include "def.c"
Status saveStudentInfo(pStudent pS);
Status saveStudentInfo(pStudent pS)
{FILE *fp;int i, j;char filename[30], str[100] = "student number";printf("please input the filename: ");scanf("%s", filename);fp = fopen(filename, "w");if (!fp)return ERROR;for (i = 0; i < m; i++){strcat(str, " ");strcat(str, course[i]);}strcat(str, "\n");for (i = 0; i < n; i++){strcat(str, pS[i].name);strcat(str, " ");strcat(str, pS[i].number);for (j = 0; j < m; j++){char score[30];itoa(pS[i].pC[j].score, score, 10);strcat(str, " ");strcat(str, score);}strcat(str, "\n");}fputs(str, fp);fclose(fp);return OK;


#pragma once
#include "def.c"
#include "myIO.c"
#include "file.c"
#include "function.c"
void menu();
void select();
// 菜单
void menu()
{printf("------------------------------------\n");printf("|                Menu              |\n");printf("|              1. input            |\n");printf("|              2. show             |\n");printf("|              3. save             |\n");printf("|              4. sort             |\n");printf("|              5. modify           |\n");printf("|              6. count            |\n");printf("|              0. exit             |\n");printf("------------------------------------\n");
}void select()
{int branch;while (TRUE){system("cls");menu();printf("[Input]: ");scanf("%d", &branch);if (!branch)break;switch (branch){case 1:{pS = inputStudentInfo();if (pS == NULL)printf("input error! please input again\n");elseprintf("Input success!\n");system("pause");break;}case 2:{printStudentInfo(pS);system("pause");break;}case 3:{if (OK == saveStudentInfo(pS))printf("Save success!\n");elseprintf("Save fail!\n");system("pause");break;}case 4:{sort(pS);printf("sort success\n");system("pause");break;}case 5:{int res = modify(pS);if (res){printf("change success!\n");}else{printf("change fail!\n");}system("pause");break;}case 6:{int choose;// 输入1 显示每门课程最高成绩信息// 输入2 显示每门课程平均成绩信息printf("choose 1 for the highest score: \n ");printf("choose 2 for the average score: \n");printf("[Input]: ");scanf("%d", &choose);if (choose == 1){showMax(pS);}else if (choose == 2){showAverage(pS);}else{// 输入非法提示信息printf("Input error!\n");}system("pause");break;}}}


#include "def.c"void sort(pStudent pS);
void Swap(pStudent s1, pStudent s2);
void showAverage(pStudent pS);
void showMax(pStudent pS);
Status modify(pStudent pS);// 按课程成绩排序
void sort(pStudent pS)
{int courseNumber, i, j, k;char courseName[30];printf("please input the course name which you want to sort: ");scanf("%s", courseName);for (courseNumber = 0; courseNumber < m; courseNumber++)if (strcmp(course[courseNumber], courseName) == 0)break;// 如果找不到课程,则认为是按总分排序if (courseNumber == m){printf("Sort as total score: \n");// 选择排序for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++){int flag = i;for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++){int totalScore_1 = 0, totalScore_2 = 0;for (k = 0; k < m; k++){totalScore_1 += pS[j].pC[k].score;totalScore_2 += pS[flag].pC[k].score;}if (totalScore_1 > totalScore_2){flag = j;}}Swap(&pS[i], &pS[flag]);}}else{// 选择排序for (i = 0; i < n - 1; i++){int flag = i;for (j = i + 1; j < n; j++){if (pS[j].pC[courseNumber].score > pS[flag].pC[courseNumber].score){flag = j;}}Swap(&pS[i], &pS[flag]);}}
}// 修改学生信息
Status modify(pStudent pS)
{// 密码是1314char password[30] = "1314", psd[30];char number[30];int score, i, j;printf("please input password: ");scanf("%s", psd);// 密码正确才继续,否则返回ERRORif (strcmp(password, psd) == 0){printf("please input the student's number: ");scanf("%s", number);for (i = 0; i < n; i++){// 找到学生则继续,否则返回ERRORif (strcmp(pS[i].number, number) == 0){printf("please input the course and score one by one: \n");scanf("%s %d", courseName, &score);for (j = 0; j < m; j++){// 找到课程才继续,否则返回ERRORif (strcmp(pS[i].pC[j].name, courseName) == 0){// 修改课程成绩pS[i].pC[j].score = score;return OK;}}return ERROR;}}return ERROR;}elsereturn ERROR;
}// 输出各课程最高分的学生
void showMax(pStudent pS)
{int i, j, max;for (i = 0; i < m; i++){max = 0;for (j = 0; j < n; j++){if (pS[j].pC[i].score > pS[max].pC[i].score)max = j;}printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\n", course[i], pS[max].name, pS[max].number, pS[max].pC[i].score);}
}// 显示各课程的平均成绩
void showAverage(pStudent pS)
{int i, j;double ave;for (i = 0; i < m; i++){ave = 0;for (j = 0; j < n; j++){ave += pS[j].pC[i].score;}printf("%s\t%.2lf\n", course[i], ave / n);}
}void Swap(pStudent s1, pStudent s2)
{int i;char studentName[30], number[30];// 交换姓名strcpy(studentName, s1->name);strcpy(s1->name, s2->name);strcpy(s2->name, studentName);// 交换学号strcpy(number, s1->number);strcpy(s1->number, s2->number);strcpy(s2->number, number);// 交换成绩for (i = 0; i < m; i++){int temp = s1->pC[i].score;s1->pC[i].score = s2->pC[i].score;s2->pC[i].score = temp;}


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