
def trans_square(image):r"""Open the image using PIL."""image = image.convert('RGB')w, h = image.sizebackground = Image.new('RGB', size=(max(w, h), max(w, h)), color=(127, 127, 127))  # 创建背景图,颜色值为127length = int(abs(w - h) // 2)  # 一侧需要填充的长度box = (length, 0) if w < h else (0, length)  # 粘贴的位置background.paste(image, box)return background


  1. 使用numpy创建背景,使用切片将原图的值填充到背景中。
    def trans_square(image):r"""Open the image using PIL."""img = image.convert('RGB')img = np.array(img, dtype=np.uint8)  # 图片转numpyimg_h, img_w, img_c = img.shapeif img_h != img_w:long_side = max(img_w, img_h)short_side = min(img_w, img_h)loc = abs(img_w - img_h) // 2img = img.transpose((1, 0, 2)) if img_w < img_h else img  # 如果高是长边则换轴,最后再换回来background = np.zeros((long_side, long_side, img_c), dtype=np.uint8)  # 创建正方形背景background[loc: loc + short_side] = img[...]  # 数据填充在中间位置img = background.transpose((1, 0, 2)) if img_w < img_h else backgroundreturn Image.fromarray(img, 'RGB')
def trans_square(img):"""图片转正方形,边缘使用0填充:param img: np.ndarray:return: np.ndarray"""img_h, img_w, img_c = img.shapeif img_h != img_w:long_side = max(img_w, img_h)short_side = min(img_w, img_h)loc = abs(img_w - img_h) // 2img = img.transpose((1, 0, 2)) if img_w < img_h else img  # 如果高是长边则换轴,最后再换回来background = np.zeros((long_side, long_side, img_c), dtype=np.uint8)  # 创建正方形背景background[loc: loc + short_side] = img[...]  # 数据填充在中间位置img = background.transpose((1, 0, 2)) if img_w < img_h else backgroundreturn img
  1. 使用 nn.ZeroPad2d() 或者 nn.ConstantPad2d() 进行填充
def trans_square(image):r"""transform square.:return PIL image"""img = transforms.ToTensor()(image)C, H, W = img.shapepad_1 = int(abs(H - W) // 2)  # 一侧填充长度pad_2 = int(abs(H - W) - pad_1)  # 另一侧填充长度img = img.unsqueeze(0)  # 加轴if H > W:img = nn.ZeroPad2d((pad_1, pad_2, 0, 0))(img)  # 左右填充,填充值是0# img = nn.ConstantPad2d((pad_1, pad_2, 0, 0), 127)(img)  # 左右填充,填充值是127elif H < W:img = nn.ZeroPad2d((0, 0, pad_1, pad_2))(img)  # 上下填充,填充值是0# img = nn.ConstantPad2d((0, 0, pad_1, pad_2), 127)(img)  # 上下填充,填充值是127img = img.squeeze(0)  # 减轴img = transforms.ToPILImage()(img)return img


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