
#include <stdio.h>
#include <GL/glew.h>
#include <GL/freeglut.h>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;#define width 222
#define height 207
#define num 2  //计数器struct Vector3f {GLfloat x;GLfloat y;GLfloat z;
};struct Color {GLubyte r;GLubyte g;GLubyte b;GLubyte a;
};Color interp_color(Color c0, Color c1, float i)
{Color c;c.r = (1 - i) * c0.r + i * c1.r;c.g = (1 - i) * c0.g + i * c1.g;c.b = (1 - i) * c0.b + i * c1.b;c.a = (1 - i) * c0.a + i * c1.a;return c;
}GLubyte image[height][width][4];
void initLines()
{//定义NDC下的顶点数据Vector3f points[num]{{0.0f,0.5f,0.0f},{0.5f,0.0f,0.0f},};//定义颜色数据Color color[num]{{255,0,0,0},{0,255,0,0}};//将NDC坐标转换成屏幕坐标for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){points[i].x = (points[i].x + 1.0f) * (width / 2 - 1);points[i].y = (points[i].y + 1.0f) * (height / 2 - 1);points[i].z = 0;    //zbuffer统一设置为0}for (int i = 0; i < num; i += 2) { //num=2 启用GL_LINES//定义线的起点int start = i;int start_x = (int)points[start].x;int start_y = (int)points[start].y;Color c0 = color[start];//定义线的终点 两两相邻取点int end;int end_x;int end_y;Color c1;if (i == num - 1) {   end_x = (int)points[0].x;end_y = (int)points[0].y;c1 = color[0];}else {end = i + 1;end_x = (int)points[end].x;end_y = (int)points[end].y;c1 = color[end];}//对点进行x轴排序if (start_x > end_x) {swap(start_x, end_x);swap(start_y, end_y);swap(c0, c1);}//斜率法画线float delta_x = end_x - start_x;float delta_y = end_y - start_y;float lineWidth = 1.0f;//线宽设置为1//颜色插值画线  if (delta_x == 0) {if (delta_y < 0) {swap(start_y, end_y);swap(c0, c1);}for (int y = start_y, x = start_x; y <= end_y; y++) {//插值系数i根据y轴计算float i = (float)(y - start_y) / (end_y - start_y);Color icolor = interp_color(c0,c1,i);image[y][x][0] = icolor.r;image[y][x][1] = icolor.g;image[y][x][2] = icolor.b;image[y][x][3] = icolor.a;}}else {float gradient = (float)delta_y / delta_x;for (int x = start_x; x <= end_x; x++) {//插值系数i根据x轴计算float i = (float)(x-start_x) /(end_x - start_x);Color icolor = interp_color(c0, c1, i);//直线斜率公式int y = (int)(gradient * (x - start_x) + start_y);       image[y][x][0] = icolor.r;image[y][x][1] = icolor.g;image[y][x][2] = icolor.b;image[y][x][3] = icolor.a;}}}
}void render()
{glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);glDrawPixels(width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);glutSwapBuffers();
}int main(int argc, char** argv)
{glutInit(&argc, argv);glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA);glutInitWindowSize(width, height);glutInitWindowPosition(200, 100);int id = glutCreateWindow("彩色线段");GLenum err = glewInit();if (err != GLEW_OK) {fprintf(stderr, "Error: '%s'\n", glewGetErrorString(err));return 1;}initLines();glutDisplayFunc(render);glutMainLoop();return 0;



1、在initLines()函数中,利用顶点索引坐标start和end在color[num]中进行顶点颜色的采样,得到点对{start:end}对应的颜色属性{c0:c1}。在根据x轴对顶点进行排序时,颜色属性同步处理。在"delta_x == 0"时,如果"delta_y < 0",颜色属性亦同步处理,否则根据y轴坐标获取插值系数"i"。在"delta_x != 0"时,利用x轴坐标信息完成对插值系数"i"的计算后,根据点对{start:end}和其对应的颜色属性{c0:c1}还有获得的插值系数"i"在函数interp_color( , , )中完成调用,有interp_color(c0, c1, i),即得到了不同像素点对应的颜色属性icolor。根据采样的点对{start:end}的坐标信息(x, y)和颜色信息icolor,在image[y][x][4]中写入icolor获得不同颜色的像素。

2、在render()中,利用glDrawPixels(, , , , image)完成对image[height][width][4]中像素信息的绘制,之后SwapBuffer显示到屏幕。

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