2011年5月16日,美国政府发布了一份《网络空间国际战略》(International Strategy for Cyberspace)。文档副标题是Prosperity, Security, and Openness
in a Networked World(构建一个繁荣、安全和开放的网络化世界)。根据中新社的报道,《网络空间国际战略》全文共25页,前言由总统奥巴马撰写,其后的正文分四个部分,分别是“制定网络空间政策”、“网络空间的未来”、“政策重点”及“继续前进”。












同时,还可以看出,对于Cyberspace,当前最重要的是安全问题,即Cybersecurity, 或者Cyberspace Security(网络空间安全)的问题。




  • 开放和互通的
  • 安全和可靠的:着重谈及了弱点消除、风险消除、突发事件响应
  • 符合规范的稳定


Defense: Dissuading and Deterring
The United States will defend its networks, whether the threat comes from terrorists, cybercriminals, or states and their proxies. Just as importantly, we will seek to encourage good actors and dissuade and deter those who threaten peace and stability through actions in cyberspace. We will do so with overlapping policies that combine national and international network resilience with vigilance and a range of credible response options. In all our defense endeavors, we will protect civil liberties and privacy in accordance with our laws and principles.
Defense Objective:The United States will, along with other nations, encourage responsible behavior and oppose those who would seek to disrupt networks and systems, dissuading and deterring malicious actors, and reserving the right to defend these vital national assets as necessary and appropriate.

Protecting networks of such great value requires robust defensive capabilities. The United States will continue to strengthen our network defenses and our ability to withstand and recover from disruptions and other attacks. For those more sophisticated attacks that do create damage, we will act on well-developed response plans to isolate and mitigate disruption to our machines, limiting effects on our networks, and potential cascade effects beyond them.
Strength at Home. Ensuring the resilience of our networks and information systems requires collective and concerted national action that spans the whole of government, in collaboration with the private sector and individual citizens. For a decade, the United States has been fostering a culture of cybersecurity and an effective apparatus for risk mitigation and incident response. We continue to emphasize that systematically adopting sound information technology practices—across the public and private sectors—will reduce our Nation’s vulnerabilities and strengthen networks and systems. We are also making steady progress towards shared situational awareness of network vulnerabilities and risks among public and private sector networks. We have built new initiatives through our national computer security incident response team to share information among government, key industries, our critical infrastructure sectors, and other stakeholders. And we continually seek new ways to strengthen our partnership with the private sector to enhance the security of the systems on which we both rely.
Strength Abroad. This model of defense has been successfully shared internationally through education, training and ongoing operational and policy relationships. Today, through existing and developing collaborations in the technical and military defense arenas, nations share an unprecedented ability to recognize and respond to incidents—a crucial step in denying would-be attackers the ability to do lasting damage to our national and international networks. However, a globally distributed network requires globally distributed early warning capabilities. We must continue to produce new computer security incident response capabilities globally, and to facilitate their interconnection and enhanced computer network defense. The United States has a shared interest in assisting less developed nations to build capacity for defense, and in collaboration with our partners, will intensify our focus on this area. Building relationships with friends and allies will increase collective security across the international community.
The United States will ensure that the risks associated with attacking or exploiting our networks vastly outweigh the potential benefits. We fully recognize that cyberspace activities can have effects extending beyond networks; such events may require responses in self-defense. Likewise, interconnected networks link nations more closely, so an attack on one nation’s networks may have impact far beyond its borders.
In the case of criminals and other non-state actors who would threaten our national and economic security, domestic deterrence requires all states have processes that permit them to investigate, apprehend, and prosecute those who intrude or disrupt networks at home or abroad. Internationally, law enforcement organizations must work in concert with one another whenever possible to freeze perishable data vital to ongoing investigations, to work with legislatures and justice ministries to harmonize their approaches, and to promote due process and the rule of law—all key tenets of the Budapest Convention on Cybercrime.

When warranted, the United States will respond to hostile acts in cyberspace as we would to any other threat to our country. All states possess an inherent right to self-defense, and we recognize that certain hostile acts conducted through cyberspace could compel actions under the commitments we have with our military treaty partners. We reserve the right to use all necessary means—diplomatic, informational, military, and economic—as appropriate and consistent with applicable international law, in order to defend our Nation, our allies, our partners, and our interests. In so doing, we will exhaust all options before military force whenever we can; will carefully weigh the costs and risks of action against the costs of inaction; and will act in a way that reflects our values and strengthens our legitimacy, seeking broad international support whenever possible.





RSA2010: 美国网络空间安全战略






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