
  • Point symmetry operations and point groups
    • Point symmetry elements and the matrix expressions
      • 定义
      • Symmetry in crystals
        • Point symmetry
          • Axes of symmetry
          • Inversion axes of symmetry
          • Reflect axes of symetry
        • Character
        • Translation symmetry
        • Combination
          • inverse + rotation
      • Matrix expressions
    • The combination of symmetry operators
    • Group theory and the 32 crystallographic point groups
      • The concept of Group
    • The 32 crystallographic point groups
      • Only one high order symmetric axis
        • L^n(只有旋转轴)
        • L^n with L^2 that perpendicular to it
        • L^n with P perpendicular to it( The axis of the plane is paralled with l^n).
        • L^n with P passing through it
        • Inversse n-fold symmetry
        • Li^n with L^2 perpendicular to it
        • L^n*P(verticle)*P(pallel) = L^n nL^2(n+1)P(C) (C, only when n is even)
      • Have more than one high order axis

Point symmetry operations and point groups

Point symmetry elements and the matrix expressions



对称操作:是物质体系所占空间位置不变的空间变换。 对物质体系进行某操作之后,它占据的空间位置与原来的位置重合。其为满足以下条件的空间变换:
1) 任意两点间距离不变。
2) 任意两个向量之间的夹角不变

1) 空间中至少有一点不变。




A n-fold rotation axis of symmetry is defined as a line, rotation about which produces congruent positions after rotation through 2pi/n. C(2pi/n), Cn. For conventional crystal lattice, there are only n = 1,2,3,4,6

  1. 反映(点对称操作)
  2. 平移(空间操作)
1) 只占据有限空间的无知体系没有平移操作,因此没有空间对称操作。

Symmetry in crystals

The symmetry in crystals including Point symmetry, translation symmetry and their combinations.

Point symmetry

Axes of symmetry

Inversion axes of symmetry

Reflect axes of symetry


Translation symmetry


inverse + rotation

Matrix expressions

The combination of symmetry operators

Group theory and the 32 crystallographic point groups

The concept of Group

element: (1) group of element (2) binary operation among group elements

The 32 crystallographic point groups

Only one high order symmetric axis


  1. C1 C2 C3 C4 C6

L^n with L^2 that perpendicular to it

L^n with P perpendicular to it( The axis of the plane is paralled with l^n).

L^n with P passing through it

Inversse n-fold symmetry

Li^n with L^2 perpendicular to it

L^n*P(verticle)*P(pallel) = L^n nL^2(n+1)P© (C, only when n is even)

Have more than one high order axis


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