Silverlight 2 DataGrid控件的12月版本,修复了30多个bug,bug也是太多了吧:

Rows containing focus no longer disappear when the ItemsSource changes ComboBox and other controls opening a popup now work as expected DataGrid Selection is preserved when sorting Buttons outside the DataGrid work as expected when they are clicked while the DataGrid is in editing mode Improved FrozenColumn behavior Improved cell currency SelectedItem is updated before the CurrentCellChanged event is raised Many more...

具体的说明参看Scott Morrison's blog.

Silverlight 2 DataGrid December 2008相关推荐

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  5. silverlight中DataGrid错误:data未定义

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  6. Silverlight Toolkit DataGrid - 单元格内容对齐样式

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  7. 【原创】有关Silverlight中“DataGrid中级联动态绑定父/子ComboBox ”的示例。

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  9. silverlight之datagrid的一个问题

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