nba 季后赛赛程

The NBA Playoffs start on Saturday, April 13th. This is the time of year when the game shifts from good to great. Here’s how to catch all the action without a cable subscription, so you never miss a game.

NBA季后赛将于4月13日星期六开始。 这是一年当游戏转变,从优秀卓越的时间。 无需付费订阅即可掌握所有动作的方法,因此您绝不会错过任何游戏。

There are a few specific channels you’ll need to watch every game: ESPN, ABC, TNT, and NBA TV. Various games from the first round are aired on all four channels, but the second round is only on ESPN and ABC. The conference finals are only televised on ESPN, with the Finals airing exclusively on ABC.

您需要观看一些比赛的特定频道:ESPN,ABC,TNT和NBA TV。 第一轮的各种游戏都在这四个频道上播放,但是第二轮仅在ESPN和ABC上。 会议决赛仅在ESPN上进行电视转播,而决赛仅在ABC上播出。

免费观看ABC和TNT (Watch ABC and TNT for Free)

You can grab ABC for free by using an OTA HD antenna, which gets you at least part of the way there. Roughly nine games from the first round will air on ABC, several in the second round, and it’s also the home of the Finals—in other words, this is a channel you don’t want to miss out on. If you’re not familiar with OTA HD antennas or how to set them up, worry not my friend, we have you covered. You’re welcome.

您可以使用OTA HD天线免费获取ABC,这至少可以帮助您到达那里。 第一轮大约有9场比赛将在ABC播出,第二轮有几场,这也是总决赛的所在地-换句话说,这是您不容错过的渠道。 如果您不熟悉OTA HD天线或如何设置它们,请不用担心我的朋友, 我们为您服务 。 别客气。

For TNT, there’s also a free option: TNT Overtime. This is a service that’s really designed to offer a “second screen” alongside the main TNT broadcast. As such, you won’t get the same viewing experience as watching the game on TV, but it’s actually a bit more intimate, offering multiple different views, like a backboard cam, player cams, and an action cam. You can also watch all four at the same time. There’s potential for 37 games on TNT (depending on how long each series goes), so that’s a lot of basketball. The best part is that Overtime just works—no need for any additional setup.

对于TNT,还有一个免费选项: TNT加班 。 这是一项真正设计用于在主要TNT广播旁边提供“第二屏幕”的服务。 这样,您将不会获得与在电视上观看游戏相同的观看体验,但实际上更加亲密,提供了多种不同的视角,例如篮板凸轮,球员凸轮和动作凸轮。 您也可以同时观看全部四个。 TNT上有37场比赛的潜力(取决于每个系列赛的持续时间),所以篮球很多。 最好的部分是超时功能可以正常工作-无需任何其他设置。

对于ESPN和NBA TV:是时候购买流媒体套餐了 (For ESPN and NBA TV: Time to Buy Into a Streaming Package)

While you can get ABC and TNT coverage for free, you’ll need to pay up for ESPN and NBA TV. Here are the best streaming packages to get the channels you need.

虽然您可以免费获得ABC和TNT报道,但您需要为ESPN和NBA TV付费。 这是获得所需频道的最佳流媒体软件包。

最佳选择:Sling Orange + Sports Extras($ 35 /月) (The Best Option: Sling Orange + Sports Extras ($35/mo))

With Sling, you’ll need to grab the Orange package for $25 a month to get TNT and ESPN, with ABC available in some regions—head here and search your zip code to find out if it’s available for you.

使用Sling ,您需要以每月25美元的价格获取Orange套餐,以获取TNT和ESPN,并在某些地区提供ABC。请前往此处并搜索邮政编码,以了解是否适合您。

For NBA TV, you’ll have to add the Sports Extra package, which is an extra $10 a month.

对于NBA电视,您必须添加Sports Extra套餐,每月需多付10美元。

It’s also worth noting that at the time of writing Sling is offering a discount for new users—grab Sling Orange for $15 a month for the first three months instead of $25. That should pretty much cover all of the Playoffs and Finals for you. Nice.

值得注意的是,在撰写本文时,Sling正在为新用户提供折扣-抢Sling Orange,头三个月的月费为15美元,而不是25美元。 那应该可以为您涵盖所有的季后赛和决赛。 真好

一个不错的选择:PlayStation Vue Core($ 50 /月) (An Okay Option: PlayStation Vue Core ($50/mo))

If you’re strongly opposed to going with Sling and/or saving money, PlayStation Vue is the next best option. With Vue, you can get ESPN, NBA TV, and TNT in the Core package for $50 a month. Like with Sling, ABC is available regionally.

如果您强烈反对使用Sling和/或省钱,那么PlayStation Vue是下一个最佳选择。 借助Vue,您可以以每月50美元的价格获得Core套餐中的ESPN,NBA TV和TNT。 与Sling一样,ABC可以在区域内使用。

Despite sounding like a PlayStation-exclusive product, Vue is available on a wide range of devices, including Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast, and more.

尽管听起来像是PlayStation独有的产品,但Vue仍可在多种设备上使用 ,包括Apple TV,Roku,Chromecast等。

另一个不错的选择:YouTube TV(每月50美元) (Another Okay Option: YouTube TV ($50/mo))

If PlayStation Vue doesn’t tickle your fancy and you’re looking for something outside of Sling, then YouTube TV is another good choice. YouTube TV recently came under fire for raising its price to $50 a month, but it’s still a good option for anyone looking to watch b-ball. For a fifty spot, you get ESPN, TNT, and NBA TV, with ABC available regionally.

如果PlayStation Vue无法满足您的需要,并且您在Sling之外寻找其他东西,那么YouTube TV是另一个不错的选择。 YouTube电视最近因将其价格提高到每月50美元而受到抨击,但对于希望看b球的人来说,它仍然是一个不错的选择。 对于五十个点,您可以获得ESPN,TNT和NBA TV,而ABC则可在区域中使用。

那么,DirecTV Now和带直播电视的Hulu呢? (So, What About DirecTV Now and Hulu With Live TV?)

We’d be remiss not to mention why these are left off the list, and it’s for one good reason: they don’t offer all the channels you need for a reasonable price. There’s no option for NBA TV on Hulu, and DirecTV Now charges $124 a month for a package that includes NBA TV. You can, however, get ABC, TNT, and ESPN for $50 a month with either option—I guess they’re both fine options if you’re okay with not having access to NBA TV.

我们会不遗余力,更不用说为什么将它们排除在外了,这有一个很好的理由:它们没有以合理的价格提供您需要的所有渠道。 Hulu上没有NBA TV选项,DirecTV Now现在每月收费124美元,其中包括NBA TV。 但是,您可以选择其中一种选择,以每月50美元的价格获得ABC,TNT和ESPN,如果您可以不用进入NBA TV,我想它们都是不错的选择。


nba 季后赛赛程

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