mac 不受信任在哪里更改

So you found something called trustd running on your Mac, and are now wondering if it can be…trusted. The good news is you have nothing to worry about: this is part of macOS.

因此,您发现在Mac上运行了一种称为Trusted的东西,现在想知道它是否可以被Trusted。 好消息是您无需担心:这是macOS的一部分。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Activity Monitor, like kernel_task, hidd, mdsworker, installd, WindowServer, blued, launchd, dbfseventsd, coreaudiod and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

这篇文章是一部分我们正在进行一系列解释各种进程在活动监视器中发现,像kernel_task , hidd , mdsworker , INSTALLD , WindowServer , 发蓝 , launchd会 , dbfseventsd , coreaudiod和其他许多人 。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

Today’s process, trustd, is a part of macOS itself, and has been since 10.12 Sierra. It is a daemon, which means it’s a process that runs in the background performing critical system tasks. To be specific, trustd manages and checks certificates.

值得信赖的是,今天的过程是macOS本身的一部分,自10.12 Sierra以来一直存在。 它是一个守护程序,这意味着它是一个在后台运行并执行关键系统任务的进程。 具体而言,受信任管理和检查证书。

To quote the trustd man page:


trustd provides services for evaluating trust in certificates for all processes on the system.


So what is a certificate? It’s a digital signature that browsers user to verify website identities and protect against imposters. When using Safari, for example, these certificates confirm that the URL you’re looking at is actually from the domain you request. These certificates are also used to encrypt your web traffic with HTTPS. You can examine the certificates themselves by clicking the lock icon next to a URL:

那么什么是证书? 这是一种数字签名, 浏览器用户可以用来验证网站身份并防止冒名顶替者 。 例如,在使用Safari时,这些证书会确认您正在查看的URL实际上来自您请求的域。 这些证书还用于通过HTTPS加密您的网络流量 。 您可以通过单击URL旁边的锁定图标来检查证书本身:

On macOS, these certificates are also used by Mail and Messages to confirm identities. It’s trustd that’s examining and managing these certificates behind the scenes, which is why anyone setting up a third party firewall will see near constant notifications about trustd. Confirming these certificates means it’s connected to the web, double checking that everything is on the level.

在macOS上,“邮件”和“消息”也使用这些证书来确认身份。 可以在后台检查和管理这些证书,这是可以信任的,这就是为什么设置第三方防火墙的任何人都将看到有关受信任的通知几乎不断的原因。 确认这些证书意味着它已连接到Web,请仔细检查所有内容是否在该级别上。

Your computer comes with a list of trusted and blocked certificates; others are added to your computer when you load a specific website. You can review the certificates currently on your system with Keychain Access, an application you’ll find in Applications > Utilities.

您的计算机附带了受信任和受阻止证书的列表 ; 当您加载特定的网站时,其他网站会添加到您的计算机中。 您可以使用“钥匙串访问”来查看系统上当前存在的证书,该应用程序可在“应用程序”>“实用程序”中找到。

Click the “Certificates” button at bottom-right and Keychain Access will filter out everything else. It’s the best way to see what trustd is doing on your computer. It’s also the only way to check for dangerous certificates on your Mac.

单击右下角的“证书”按钮,“钥匙串访问”将过滤掉其他所有内容。 这是查看您的计算机上正在执行的操作的最佳方法。 这也是在Mac上检查危险证书的唯一方法。

Photo credit: Fabian Irsara

照片来源: Fabian Irsara


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