ACM CCS 2020 · web安全研究学者


Giovanni Vigna

Engin Kirda

  • 学校:Northeastern University (东北大学)
  • 研究机构:Khoury College of Computer Sciences & Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 方向:systems, software and network security (with focus on Web security, binary analysis, malware detection)

Serge Egelman

  • 学校:University of California, Berkeley
  • 机构:Usable Security and Privacy Group & Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (EECS) at Berkeley
  • 方向:the intersection of privacy, computer security, and human-computer interaction, with the specific aim of better understanding how people make decisions surrounding their privacy and security, and then creating data-driven improvements to systems and interfaces. This has included human subjects research on social networking privacy, access controls, authentication mechanisms, web browser security warnings, and privacy-enhancing technologies.

Davide Balzarotti

Yinzhi Cao

Adam Doupé

  • 学校:Arizona State University 亚利桑那州立大学

  • 机构:School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering

  • 方向:My research focuses on automated vulnerability analysis, web security, mobile security, network security, underground economies, telephony security, and hacking competitions.

Manuel Egele

  • 学校:Boston University 波士顿大学

  • 机构:Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

  • 方向:Systems Security (including Software Security, Web Security, and Security & Privacy on Mobile Systems and Online Social Networks)

Guofei Gu

Amir Herzberg

Dave Levin

Matteo Maffei

Nick Nikiforakis

Roberto Perdisci

Frank Piessens

William Robertson

Andrei Sabelfeld

Giancarlo Pellegrino

Jason Polakis

Yan Shoshitaishvili

Gianluca Stringhini

Ben Stock

Luyi Xing

Alexandros Kapravelos

Aslan Askarov

AbdelRahman Abdou

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