
An excerpt on creating a movie recommender system similar to the OTT platforms.




Formally Defining,A Recommender System is a system that seeks to predict or filter preferences according to the user’s preferences. The demand for a good recommender system is soaring, especially with then onset of Covid-19 induced lock down,forcing everyone to stay home and watch movies of their favourite genre,actor,director….you get it right.This is where a recommender system plays an important role in providing the user, content he is more likely to watch, rather than the user searching for something that interests him,which would mess with the user experience.

正式定义,推荐系统是一种试图根据用户的偏好来预测或过滤偏好的系统。 对好的推荐器系统的需求猛增,尤其是在Covid-19引发锁定之后,迫使每个人呆在家里观看自己喜欢的类型,演员,导演的电影……您就对了。这就是推荐器的地方系统在提供用户更可能观看的内容而不是用户搜索他感兴趣的内容方面起着重要作用,而这会干扰用户体验。

The essence of a recommender system lies in its recommendation engine.There are Two types of Recommendation engine:


  1. Content-based filtering engine: It provides recommendations by matching the description of the movie and a user profile, generated by the interests provided by the user.It has an explicit understanding of the recommendation.You might have observed it in some apps,where you are asked questions about your preferences as soon as you signup.This is what it’s for.


  2. Collaborative filtering engine: It is a method of making automatic predictions about the interests of a user by collecting preferences or taste information based on the activity of current user along with many other users with similar activity(collaborating).The underlying assumption of the collaborative filtering approach is that if a person A has the same opinion as a person B on an issue, A is more likely to have B’s opinion on a different issue than that of a randomly chosen person.It need not have any explicit understanding of the recommendation.You might have observed in one of your OTT platforms when you open a particular movie, An array of movies under the heading “people who watched this movie also watched”.This is what it uses.


Equipped with this basics,Lets dive into creating a movie recommender system using collaborative filtering.


We start by Importing required libraries. We will be using Scikit-surprise which contains the SVD(Singular Value Decomposition).SVD allows us to extract and untangle information,which is really helpful in creating a recommender system.

我们首先导入所需的库。 我们将使用包含SVD(奇异值分解)的Scikit-surprise。SVD允许我们提取和解开信息,这对于创建推荐系统非常有帮助。

This topic involves a lot of statistical data analysis.resources to know more about scikit surprise,SVD:

本主题涉及大量统计数据分析。了解更多关于scikit Surprise,SVD的资源:

First thing one must do before creating a model is observe the data. This gives us a lot of insight on the type of data it is, and what we could use to gain the maximum from it.

创建模型之前,必须做的第一件事就是观察数据。 这使我们对数据的类型以及可以用来从中获得最大收益的数据有很多了解。

As we observe the data, we see that timestamp is a redundant column and it is best to remove it.


It is always a good practice to check for NaNs in your dataset,luckily we don’t have any.


现在是该模型的主要部分, 探索性数据分析 (Now comes the Main Part of this model, Exploratory Data Analysis)

To start,We look for the Number of movies and users in the dataset.


Now we find Sparsity of the data. Sparsity tells us the percentage of movies missing rating by the users. i.e Not all users rate a movie, It tells us the percentage of missing values by the total values.Sparsity for this data is 98%. Usually the lower the sparsity,the better.But in the case of Collaborative Filtering, below 99% is manageable.

现在我们发现数据的稀疏性。 稀疏度告诉我们用户缺少电影评分的百分比。 即,并非所有用户都对电影进行评分,它告诉我们缺失值占总值的百分比。此数据的稀疏度为98%。 通常,稀疏度越低越好。但是在协作过滤的情况下,低于99%是可以控制的。

Sparsity(%) = (No of Missing Values/(Total Values))*100

稀疏度(%)=(遗漏值/(总值))* 100

Now we try to visualize ratings distribution.


Most of the ratings are between 3–5 and the range of the ratings are from 0.5 to 5.




Now comes The next essential part of the system, Feature Engineering.I always believe that Feature Engineering as Important as building a model, as It allows the model to better understand and converge better.


Here We are Reducing the Dimensions by removing the redundant data like Movies with less than 3 ratings or user who rated less than 3 movies, as it is difficult to recommend something with such less data to analyse.


Now lets start creating the Model,


Creating a Surprise Dataset for training using the Reader class that we imported and provide the expected scale of rating,which we found out during our exploratory data analysis.You can add that to your data using the dataset import.

使用我们导入的Reader类创建一个用于训练的Surprise Dataset,并提供我们在探索性数据分析中发现的预期的评分等级。您可以使用数据集导入将其添加到数据中。

Now as we are using our whole train set for training,we create an antiset which consists of all the data without the reviews on which we can test.


We create our SVD, which untangles the information for us to complete the recommender model.


We then evaluate our model with the metrics Root Mean Square Error and Mean Absolute Error as they provide the average over the epoch of the absolute values of difference between the recommendation and the actual observation.




预测为我们提供了用户ID为1的电影ID。 (The prediction gives us a movie id for user id 1.)

This finishes our recommender system’s job.


Now… lets discuss about something debatable.


推荐系统是否正在影响我们在电影中的品味并控制我们? (Are Recommender Systems influencing our taste in movies and taking the control from us??)

Photo by Juan Rumimpunu on Unsplash
Juan Rumimpunu在Unsplash上的照片

My Father who is no way related to computer Science asked me this one fine morning.He was going through his favourite video streaming service and made an observation that, He was seeing videos that are related to a few areas only. It made him feel that his choice is getting Influenced by it and was unable to come across something new.

我父亲与计算机科学毫无关系,今天上午好。我正在经历他最喜欢的视频流媒体服务,并观察到,他正在观看的视频仅涉及几个领域。 这让他感到自己的选择正在受到影响,无法遇到新的事物。

I explained this to him using my own words and understanding:


He has been watching the same videos over and over daily,Thus creating a profile that, he is interested in only in this particular topic of videos.That was the reason he was shown videos from that particular topic only.


But does it mean you have no control over it,


The Answer is NO.


You still have your control, If you are not interested in a topic, but you were recommended by the engine, Just let the engine know that you are not interested. Yes, you have that option. Expand your viewing horizons for diverse content. A recommender system is there just to help you, not control you.It all finally depends on the viewer to watch or not.

您仍然可以控制自己,如果您对某个主题不感兴趣,但是引擎推荐您,只需让引擎知道您不感兴趣即可。 是的,您可以选择。 扩大您的观看范围,以获取各种内容。 推荐系统只是在帮助您而不是控制您,最终取决于观看者是否观看。

Lets share our views on this and spread some knowledge.Lets learn and grow as a community.. Because all we are left with is people,memories and knowledge.


Thank you.




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