If you're trying to learn about data structures or algorithms, you're in luck - there are a lot of resources out there.


Here are a few book recommendations - along with some other resources at the end - to get you started.


有关数据结构和算法的书 (Books about data structures and algorithms)

Data Structures in JavaScript


  • Free book which covers Data Structures in JavaScript (you can find the GitBook here).

    涵盖JavaScript中数据结构的免费书籍(您可以在此处找到GitBook )。

Learning JavaScript Data Structures and Algorithms - Second Edition, by Loiane Groner

学习JavaScript数据结构和算法-第二版, Loiane Groner

  • Covers object oriented programming, prototypal inheritance, sorting & searching algorithms, quicksort, mergesort, binary search trees and advanced algorithm concepts涵盖面向对象的编程,原型继承,排序和搜索算法,快速排序,合并排序,二进制搜索树和高级算法概念

Data Structures and Algorithms with JavaScript: Bringing classic computing approaches to the Web by Michael McMillan

JavaScript的数据结构和算法: Michael McMillan 提出的经典计算方法到Web

  • Covers recursion, sorting and searching algorithms, linked lists and binary search trees.涵盖递归,排序和搜索算法,链表和二进制搜索树。

Data Structures by Seymour Lipschutz

Seymour Lipschutz的数据结构

  • A machine and language agnostic book which explains data structures in a clear and straightforward way. Includes examples, diagrams, and pseudo-code.一本与机器和语言无关的书,以清晰直接的方式介绍了数据结构。 包括示例,图表和伪代码。

Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H Cormen et al

Thomas H Cormen等人的算法简介

  • Another language agnostic book, contains examples in pseudo-code. Appropriate for both teaching and professional environments. Each chapter covers an algorithm - you don't have to read the whole book straight through from beginning to end.另一本与语言无关的书,包含伪代码示例。 适用于教学和专业环境。 每章都包含一个算法-您不必从头到尾都通读整本书。

Data Structures in C, by Noel Kalicharan

C中的数据结构 ,作者Noel Kalicharan

  • Covers the basics and makes data structures seem easier than other books manage to do. Teaches introductory concepts like linked lists, stacks, sorting, binary trees, and searching. Great beginner's book, but useful to more advanced students as well.涵盖了基础知识,并使数据结构看起来比其他书籍设法做到的要容易。 讲授入门级概念,例如链表,堆栈,排序,二叉树和搜索。 很棒的初学者书,但对更高级的学生也很有用。

Algorithms in C, by Robert Sedgewick

C语言中的算法 ,作者:Robert Sedgewick

  • Focuses on implementations of algorithms in C in areas of sorting, searching, string processing, graph, geometric, and mathematical algorithms. Discusses why certain algorithms are more effective than others. Numerous figures throughout the book help illustrate how these algorithms work.在排序,搜索,字符串处理,图形,几何和数学算法领域着重于C语言中算法的实现。 讨论为什么某些算法比其他算法更有效。 本书中的大量数字有助于说明这些算法的工作原理。

Please feel free to add more that you have found useful!


有关数据结构和算法的更多资源: (More resources about data structures and algorithms:)

Great resources for learning data structures and algorithms


An intro to advanced sorting algorithms in JavaScript


Free video course on data structures and algorithms in JavaScript


Algorithm basics and other book recommendations


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/best-books-data-structures-and-algorithms-javascript/


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