Fantasy is the realm of choice for more Asset Store users than any other theme, so we’re excited to celebrate worlds of myth and imagination. Whether you’re building the next Skyrim, an old-school pixel-art dungeon crawler, a slick indie game, or a massive multiplayer saga, fantasy assets from the Asset Store can help you complete your quest faster.

与其他任何主题相比,幻想是资产商店用户数量更多的首选领域,因此我们很高兴能够庆祝神话和想象力的世界。 无论您要建造下一个 Skyrim ,老式的像素级地下城爬虫,光滑的独立游戏还是大型多人传奇,资产商店中的幻想资产都可以帮助您更快地完成任务。

Many developers use Asset Store world-building tools and art to prototype gameplay before seeking funding or finalizing visuals for a project. We’ve created a curated series of one-and-done themed bundles to give you high-quality, affordable content to build and test your project now, then replace it later with more detailed art. Including first-rate art assets in your prototype can even help you build community buzz and get your project funded faster.

在为项目寻求资金或最终确定视觉效果之前,许多开发人员使用Asset Store的世界构建工具和艺术品来制作游戏原型。 我们创建了一系列精选的一次性主题捆绑包,为您提供高质量,价格适中的内容,以立即构建和测试您的项目,然后将其替换为更详细的艺术品。 在原型中包含一流的艺术资产甚至可以帮助您建立社区声望,并更快地为您的项目提供资金。

幻想超级捆绑 (Fantasy Mega Bundle)

Now through June 30th, we’re featuring up to 90% savings on a collection of high-quality fantasy tools and art in the low-poly style. Whether you’re new to creating games or a seasoned developer, these bundles boost your library of game-ready content for any future projects. Check out some of the assets below, and see the full bundle and purchasing details here.

从现在起到6月30日,我们将以低多边形的形式为您提供90%的折扣,包括一系列高质量的幻想工具和艺术品。 无论您是游戏开发新手还是经验丰富的开发人员,这些捆绑软件都能为您将来的任何项目增加您的游戏就绪内容库。 在下面查看一些资产,然后在此处查看完整的捆绑包和购买详细信息 。

Creating a unique and imaginative world that transports players is essential to building fantasy games. That’s why we love Polaris 2, a low-poly terrain creation tool that helps you build vast 3D environments to frame adventures.

建立一个独特而富于想象力的世界来运送玩家对于建立幻想游戏至关重要。 这就是为什么我们喜欢 Polaris 2 ,它是一种低多边形地形创建工具,可帮助您构建广阔的3D环境来构图冒险。


The next step? Populate those worlds with richly detailed Medieval castles, feudal villages, and fierce fortresses with art from Fantasy Village Pack and Low Poly Medieval Castle Pack.

下一步? 这些世界中充斥着丰富详细的中世纪城堡,封建村庄和凶猛的要塞,其中包括来自 Fantasy Village Pack 和 Low Poly Medieval Castle Pack的 艺术品 。


From there, it’s time to put some characters in your game with two packs from fan favorite low-poly art publishers Synty Studios: POLYGON – Fantasy Characters and POLYGON – Knights Pack. Bring the world to life with Low Poly Animated Animals by publisher Polyperfect, then use the popular Emerald AI pack to help you drive AI-powered animations for creating believable NPCs and enemy mobs.

从那里开始,是时候使用粉丝最喜欢的低聚艺术发行商Synty Studios的两包游戏,在游戏中放置一些角色: POLYGON – Fantasy Characters 和 POLYGON – Knights Pack 。 通过发行商Polyperfect的 Low Poly Animated Animals 使世界 栩栩如生,然后使用流行的 Emerald AI 包来帮助您驱动AI驱动的动画,以创建令人信服的NPC和敌人生物。


No project is complete without immersive sound effects and a strong user interface. The Fantasy Mega Bundle includes thousands of sounds and UI elements, with packages including Interface and Item Sounds, Fantasy Game (sound effects), Simple Fantasy UI, and 2000 Fantasy Icons.

没有身临其境的音效和强大的用户界面,任何项目都是无法完成的。 Fantasy Mega Bundle包含数千种声音和UI元素,包括 界面和项声音 , Fantasy Game(声音效果) , Simple Fantasy UI 和 2000 Fantasy Icons的 软件包 。

Get all of the above and much more for one low price, to save as much as 90% on each asset in the bundle.


Go to the Fantasy Mega Bundle

前往Fantasy Mega Bundle

最后,所有人的幻想 (Finally, fantasy for everyone)

No matter what kind of fantasy-themed project you’re working on, we’ve got something to save you time and keep your project moving to the next level. Keen for more? We’ve got thousands of fantasy-themed assets, plus tools and world-building systems to help them shine. Here are just a few of our favorites.

无论您从事哪种幻想主题项目,我们都可以为您节省时间,并使您的项目进入新的高度。 渴望更多? 我们拥有成千上万个以幻想为主题的资产,以及工具和世界构建系统,以帮助他们脱颖而出。 这只是我们的一些最爱。

Forest Environment – Dynamic Nature


No fantasy game would be complete without immersive environments, and these packs have you covered:

没有 身临其境的环境 , 没有任何幻想游戏会是完整的 ,而这些包让您涵盖了:

  • Forest Environment – Dynamic Nature


  • Castle Valley Collection 1 (HDRP)


  • Winter Forest Environment



What kind of dungeon crawler game doesn’t have a dungeon?

什么样的地牢爬虫游戏没有 地牢 ?

  • Forbidden Dungeons


  • Multistory Dungeons


  • POLYGON – Dungeons Pack

    POLYGON –龙与地下城包


Fill your fantasy game with heroes, villains, and mobs of monsters:

用 英雄,恶棍和小怪来 填充您的幻想游戏 :

  • Unka the Dragon


  • Protofactor’s richly detailed art assets

    Protofactor 丰富而详尽的艺术品

  • Dark Knight Mobile


Every quest deserves a soundtrack as epic as the action. Check out these music packs that help set the tone for your fantasy experience:

每个任务都应像动作一样具有史诗般的背景。 查看这些 音乐包 , 这些 音乐包 可帮助您设置幻想体验的基调:

  • Fantasy Adventure Music Pack (Free!)

    幻想冒险音乐包 (免费!)

  • Colossal Game Music Collection


  • The Combat Collection PRO edition


Finally, for those who want the tools to create an all-in fantasy world in one fell swoop, prepare thyself: the epic POLYGON – Fantasy Kingdom pack from Synty Studios features over 2000 detailed prefabs.

最后,对于那些想要 一口气 创造一个全能幻想世界的工具的人,请自己做好准备: Synty Studios 的史诗般的 POLYGON-Fantasy Kingdom 包提供了2000多种详细的预制件。




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