
11.2 Session-A 13:30-18:00 WICC G201

Time Speaker No. Title
14:30-15:00 Wei Lin ST-07 Dynamical time series analytics: From networks construction to dynamics prediction



Detection of time delays and directional interactions based on time series from complex dynamical systems


Data-based and model-free accurate identification of intrinsic(固有) time delays and directional interactions.


Given a time series x(t)x(t)x(t), one forms a manifold(流形) MX∈RnM_X\in R^nMXRn based on delay coordinate embedding: X(t)=[x(t),x(t−δt),...,x(t−(n−1)δt)]X(t) = [x(t),x(t − \delta t), . . . ,x(t − (n − 1)\delta t)]X(t)=[x(t),x(tδt),...,x(t(n1)δt)], where nnn is the embedding dimension and δt\delta tδt is a proper time lag.

CME method:

Say we are given time series x(t)x(t)x(t) and y(t)y(t)y(t) as well as a set of possible time delays: Γ={τ1,τ2,…,τm}\Gamma = \{\tau_1,\tau_2, … ,\tau_m\}Γ={τ1,τ2,,τm}. For each candidate time delay τi\tau_iτi, we let z(t)=x(t−τi)z(t) = x(t − \tau_i)z(t)=x(tτi) and form the manifolds MYM_YMY and MZM_ZMZ with nyn_yny and nzn_znz being the respective embedding dimensions. For each point Y(t^)∈MYY(\hat{t}) \in M_YY(t^)MY , we find KKK nearest neighbors Y(tj)(j=1,2,…,K)Y(t_j)(j = 1,2, …,K)Y(tj)(j=1,2,,K), which are mapped to the mutual neighbors Z(tj)∈MZ(j=1,2,…,K)Z(t_j) \in M_Z(j = 1,2, …,K)Z(tj)MZ(j=1,2,,K) by the cross map. We then estimate Z(t)Z(t)Z(t) by averaging these mutual neighbors through Z^(t^)∣MY=(1/K)∑j=1KZ(tj)\hat{Z}(\hat{t})|M_Y=(1/K)\sum^K_{j=1}Z(t_j)Z^(t^)MY=(1/K)j=1KZ(tj). Finally, we define the CME score as


It is straightforward to show 0≤s≤10\leq s\leq 10s1. The larger the value of sss, the stronger the driving force from x(t−τ)x(t−\tau)x(tτ) to y(t)y(t)y(t). In a plot of s(τ)s(\tau)s(τ), if there is a peak at τk∈Γ\tau_k\in \GammaτkΓ, the time delay from XXX to YYY can be identified as τk\tau_kτk.


To validate our CME method, we begin with a discrete-time logistic model of two non-identical species:



where γx=3.78,γy=3.77\gamma_x=3.78, \gamma_y = 3.77γx=3.78,γy=3.77, K1K_1K1 and K2K_2K2 are the coupling parameters, and τ1\tau_1τ1 and τ2\tau_2τ2 are the intrinsic time delays that we aim to determine from time series.




Randomly distributed embedding making short-term high-dimensional data predictable


In this work, we propose a model-free framework, named randomly distributed embedding (RDE), to achieve accurate future state prediction based on short-term high-dimensional data.
From the observed data of high-dimensional variables, the RDE framework randomly generates a sufficient number of low-dimensional “nondelay embeddings” and maps each of them to a “delay embedding,” which is constructed from the data of a to be predicted target variable.
Any of these mappings can perform as a low-dimensional weak predictor for future state prediction, and all of such mappings generate a distribution of predicted future states.


RDE Framework

For each index tuple l=(li,l2,...,lL)l = (l_i, l_2, ..., l_L)l=(li,l2,...,lL), a component of such a mapping, denoted by ϕl\phi_lϕl , can be obtained as a predictor for the target variable xk(t)x_k (t)xk(t) in the form of


Notice that LLL is much lower than the dimension nnn of the entire system. Then, typical approximation frameworks with usual fitting algorithms could be used to implement this predictor. In this paper, we apply the Gaussian Process Regression method to fit each ϕl\phi_lϕl .

Specifically, better prediction can be estimated by


where E[⋅]E[\cdot]E[] represents an estimation based on the available probability information of the random variablex^kl\hat{x}^l_kx^kl. A straightforward scheme to obtain this estimation is to use the expectation of the distribution as the final prediction value [i.e., x^k(t+τ)=∫xp(x)dx\hat{x}_k(t+\tau)=\int{xp(x)dx}x^k(t+τ)=xp(x)dx , where p(x)p(x)p(x) denotes the probability density function of the random variable x^kl\hat{x}^l_kx^kl].

In light of the feature bagging strategy in machine learning, each random embedding is treated as a feature, and thus, the final prediction value is estimated by the aggregated average of the selected features: that is,


where each wiw_iwi is a weight related to the in-sample fitting error of ϕi\phi_iϕi and the equation represents the best fitting errors for the final prediction.


Given time series data sampled from nnn variables of a system with length mmm (i.e., x(t)∈Rn,t=t1,t2,...,tmx(t)\in R_n , t = t_1, t_2, . . . , t_mx(t)Rn,t=t1,t2,...,tm, where ti=tI−1+τti = t_{I−1} + \tauti=tI1+τ), one can estimate the box-counting dimension ddd of the system’s dynamics and choose embedding dimension L>2dL>2dL>2d. Assume that the target variable to be predicted is represented as xkx_kxk. The RDE algorithm is listed as follows:

  • Randomly pick s tuples from (1,2,…,n)(1, 2, …, n)(1,2,,n) with replacement, and each tuple contains LLL numbers.
  • For the lllth tuple (l1,l2,…,lL)(l_1, l_2, …, l_L)(l1,l2,,lL), fit a predictor ϕi\phi_iϕi so as to minimize ∑I=1m−1∣∣xk(ti+τ)−ϕl(xl1(ti),xl2(ti),…,xlL(ti)∣∣\sum_{I=1}^{m-1}||x_k(t_i+\tau) − \phi_l(x_{l_1}(t_i), x_{l_2}(t_i ), …, x_{l_L}(ti)||I=1m1xk(ti+τ)ϕl(xl1(ti),xl2(ti),,xlL(ti). Standard fitting algorithms could be adopted. In this paper, Gaussian Process Regression is used.
  • Use each predictor ϕl\phi_lϕl , and make one-step prediction x^kl(t∗+τ)=ϕl(xl1(t∗),xl2(t∗),…,xlL(t∗)\hat{x}^l_k(t^*+\tau)=\phi_l(x_{l_1}(t^*),x_{l_2}(t^*), …, x_{l_L}(t^*)x^kl(t+τ)=ϕl(xl1(t),xl2(t),,xlL(t) for a specific future time t∗+τt^*+\taut+τ.
  • Multiple predicted values form a set {x^kl(t∗+τ)}\{\hat{x}^l_k(t^* + \tau)\}{x^kl(t+τ)}. Exclude the outliers from the set, and use the Kernel Density Estimation method to approximate the probability density function p(x)p(x)p(x) of its distribution.
  • 将预测值的分布的平均当作是预测值. Otherwise, calculate the in-sample prediction error δl\delta_lδl for the fitted ϕl\phi_lϕl using the leave-one-out method. Based on the rank of the in-sample error, rrr best tuples are picked out, and the final prediction is given by the aggregated average in the form of xk(t+τ)=∑irwix^kl(t+τ)x_k(t+\tau)=\sum_i^rw_i\hat{x}^l_k(t+\tau)xk(t+τ)=irwix^kl(t+τ), where the weight wi=exp(−δi/δ1)∑jexp(−δj/δ1)w_i=\frac{exp(−\delta_i/\delta_1)}{\sum_j exp(−\delta_j/\delta_1)}wi=jexp(δj/δ1)exp(δi/δ1) .


As particularly shown in Fig. 1, with the n-dimensional time series data xi(t),i=1,2,...,nx_i(t), i = 1, 2, . . . , nxi(t),i=1,2,...,n, two kinds of 3D (threedimensional) attractors can be reconstructed.


SNR 是信噪比;RDE 是本文的方法(randomly distributed embedding);MVE 是 multiview embedding method;RBF表示RDE采用RBF (radial basis function) network来进行预测的方法; SVE 是 the classic single-variable embedding method。


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