sonos qq音乐

Amazon is a little late to the whole-house audio party. Ecosystems like AirPlay and Sonos had them beat for a while, but Amazon has finally added the ability to play music on multiple Echos at once. Read on as we show you how to configure a whole-house system using your Echo speakers.

亚马逊对整个家庭的音频聚会来说有点晚了。 诸如AirPlay和Sonos之类的生态系统使它们击败了一段时间,但亚马逊终于增加了一次在多个Echo上播放音乐的功能。 继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何使用Echo扬声器配置整个房屋的系统。

To get started with the whole-house setup, you’ll only need two or or more Amazon Echo, Echo Dot, or Echo Show speakers. Presently, the brand new whole-house audio functionality is only available for those three Amazon-produced speakers—but don’t worry if you have a third-party Alexa device like the Eufy Genie. Amazon has software tools to help third-party speaker makers integrate their speakers into the Alexa whole-house setup. The tools are in development release at the moment, and by the end of the year there should be updates for non-Echo speakers available.

要开始使用整个房子,您只需要两个或多个Amazon Echo,Echo Dot或Echo Show扬声器即可。 目前,全新的全屋音频功能仅适用于这三个亚马逊生产的扬声器,但是请不要担心您是否拥有Eufy Genie之类的第三方Alexa设备 。 亚马逊拥有软件工具,可帮助第三方扬声器制造商将其扬声器集成到Alexa全屋设置中。 这些工具目前正在开发中,到今年年底,应该有针对非Echo扬声器的更新。

With your two-or-more Echo speakers on hand, let’s dive right into the painless setup process. Make sure your speakers are powered on, connected to the same network, and have easy to parse nicknames, so grouping them is painless. If you’ve never messed around with renaming your Echo products from the default naming (which is ambigious like “Jason’s Echo Dot”, “Jason’s Second Echo Dot”), check out our guide to renaming all your Echo devices with more descriptive names.

有了两个或两个以上的Echo扬声器,让我们直接进行简单的设置过程。 确保您的扬声器已打开电源,连接到同一网络并且易于解析昵称,因此将它们分组很容易。 如果您从没有用默认命名重命名Echo产品(这很模棱两可,例如“ Jason's Echo Dot”,“ Jason's Second Echo Dot”),请查看我们的指南,以更多描述性名称重命名所有Echo设备 。

Then, open up either the Amazon Alexa app on phone or tablet, or hit up from a browser while logged into your Amazon account to complete the setup. Both have identical menus and identical steps (but our screenshots below are from the iOS app).

然后,在手机或平板电脑上打开Amazon Alexa应用程序,或者在登录到您的Amazon帐户后通过浏览器打开以完成设置。 两者具有相同的菜单和相同的步骤(但是下面的截图来自iOS应用程序)。

First, tap on the menu icon to bring up the left-hand navigation menu.


NPR to G ‘N R is a natural progression.

Next, select “Settings” from the sidebar.


Scroll down in the Settings menu until you see the entry for “Audio Groups”. Select the only entry in that group: “Multi-Room Music”.

在“设置”菜单中向下滚动,直到看到“音频组”条目。 选择该组中的唯一条目:“多房间音乐”。

In the Group configuration screen, you’ll select a group name along with a list of Echo devices that belong to that group. Tap on “Choose Group Name” at the top.

在“组配置”屏幕中,您将选择一个组名称以及属于该组的Echo设备列表。 点击顶部的“选择组名”。

You don’t manually type in the name, however. Instead, pick the name you want from a very well populated list of potential group names. The very first group you should create is “Everywhere” to immediately unify your whole-house audio system.

但是,您无需手动输入名称。 而是从填充良好的潜在组名列表中选择所需的名称。 您应该创建的第一个组是“ Everywhere”,以立即统一您的整个家庭音频系统。

Next, check off all your Echo devices (this is the “Everywhere” configuration, after all) and then click “Create Group”.

接下来,检查所有Echo设备(毕竟这是“ Everywhere”配置),然后单击“ Create Group”。

At this point, if all you wanted was every Echo in sync, you’re done. Otherwise, you can click “Create Group” again in the Groups screen displayed after you finish creating your first group, and create additional groups (such as “upstairs”, “downstairs”, “outside” and so on).

此时,如果您想要的只是同步的每个Echo,那么您就完成了。 否则,您可以在完成创建第一个组后在显示的“组”屏幕中再次单击“创建组”,并创建其他组(例如“楼上”,“楼下”,“外面”等)。

With your “Everywhere” group created, it’s time to test the system. The syntax for whole-house audio system is “Alexa, play [valid audio source command], [group name]”. At launch, the valid audio sources are Amazon Music, TunIn, iHeartRadio, and Pandora (with support for Spotify and SiriusXM on the way), so any command that you previously used with the aforementioned services will work with the multi-room music system.

创建“无处不在”组之后,就该对系统进行测试了。 全屋音频系统的语法为“ Alexa,播放[有效音频源命令],[组名]”。 在启动时,有效的音频源是Amazon Music,TunIn,iHeartRadio和Pandora(正在支持Spotify和SiriusXM),因此,先前用于上述服务的任何命令都可以在多房间音乐系统中使用。

For example simply saying “Alexa, play Guns ‘N Roses” would, on an individual Echo and if you’re a Prime subscriber, spool up the Amazon Prime Music Library Guns ‘N Roses playlist. Now you can simply append the command to “Alexa, play Guns ‘n Roses everywhere” to match the group name we just created.

例如,简单说“ Alexa,播放Guns'N Roses”,就可以在单独的Echo上播放,如果您是Prime订阅者,则可以缓存Amazon Prime Music Library Guns'N Roses播放列表。 现在,您可以简单地将命令附加到“ Alexa, 到处玩Guns'n Roses”以匹配我们刚刚创建的组名。

A simple “Yes” doesn’t seem emphatic enough.

And boom, just like that, a single unified playlist is streaming to all available Echo devices in sync with each other. So whether your taste runs 1980s hard rock or 1780s instrumental, your entire home can be filled with your favorite tracks with a single voice command.

繁荣与发展,就这样,一个统一的播放列表就以同步的方式流式传输到所有可用的Echo设备。 因此,无论您的口味是运行1980年代的硬石还是1780年代的器乐,您都可以通过一个语音命令将整个家庭装满自己喜欢的曲目。


sonos qq音乐

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