itunes ios

When you delete an app on your iPhone or iPad, you may notice that it gets installed again when you sync with iTunes on your PC. However, there’s a way to prevent apps from reinstalling on your iPhone or iPad after you delete them.

在iPhone或iPad上删除某个应用程序时,您可能会注意到在与PC上的iTunes同步时会再次安装该应用程序。 但是,有一种方法可以防止您删除应用程序后在iPhone或iPad上重新安装它们。

Apps deleted on your iPhone or iPad are still in iTunes and will be reinstalled on your devices even after you delete them. There are three settings you must turn off to prevent this from happening, one on your iOS device and two in iTunes, and we’ll show you how to change these settings.

在iPhone或iPad上删除的应用程序仍在iTunes中,即使将其删除也将重新安装在设备上。 您必须关闭三种设置来防止这种情况的发生,一种在iOS设备上,另一种在iTunes中,我们将向您展示如何更改这些设置。

To remove an app from your iPhone or iPad, hold your finger down on the app’s icon. All the icons and folders will wiggle and you’ll see a delete badge (X in a circle) in the upper-left corner of the icon. Tap that “X” button to delete the app from your device.

要从iPhone或iPad上删除某个应用,请按住手指在该应用的图标上。 所有图标和文件夹都会摆动,您将在图标的左上角看到一个删除徽章(圆圈中的X)。 点按“ X”按钮可从您的设备中删除该应用。

To prevent a deleted app from being reinstalled on your device, first we’ll turn off a setting on the device. To do this, tap “Settings” on your home screen.

为防止已删除的应用重新安装到您的设备上,首先我们将关闭设备上的设置。 为此,请在主屏幕上点击“设置”。

Tap “App and iTunes Stores” in the “Settings” menu on the left side of the screen.


Under “Automatic Downloads” on the right side of the screen, tap the green slider button for “Apps”. If you don’t want “Music”, “Books”, or “Updates” (from the App Store) to install automatically, turn off these options as well.

在屏幕右侧的“自动下载”下,点击“应用”的绿色滑块按钮。 如果您不想自动安装“音乐”,“书籍”或“更新”(来自App Store),请同时关闭这些选项。

When an option is off, the slider button turns white and the change in the setting happens immediately. You can simply press the Home button to return to the Home screen.

关闭选项后,滑块按钮将变为白色,并且设置会立即发生更改。 您只需按“主页”按钮即可返回“主页”屏幕。

There are two settings to turn off in iTunes to prevent apps from reinstalling on your device after deleting them. The first one we’re going to change is the “Automatic Downloads” feature in iTunes. Open iTunes and select “Preferences” from the “Edit” menu.

iTunes中有两项设置需要关闭,以防止删除应用程序后将其重新安装到设备上。 我们要更改的第一个是iTunes中的“自动下载”功能。 打开iTunes,然后从“编辑”菜单中选择“首选项”。

On the “General Preferences” dialog box, click “Store” on the toolbar at the top.


To prevent apps from reinstalling on your devices after deleting them, select the “Apps” check box in the “Automatic Downloads” section so there is NO check mark in the box.


Click “OK” to save your changes and close the dialog box.


To turn off the third option, connect your device to your PC. When your device is connected, click the icon for the device on the toolbar.

要关闭第三个选项,请将设备连接到PC。 连接设备后,单击工具栏上的设备图标。

Under “Settings” in the left pane, click “Apps”.


The “Apps” screen displays allowing you to install and remove apps from your device using iTunes.


Scroll down past the list of apps and select the “Automatically install new apps” check box below the list, so there is NO check mark.


NOTE: If any of these three options are on, apps will be reinstalled after deleting them on your device. You must turn off all three options.

注意:如果启用了这三个选项中的任何一个,则在您的设备上删除应用程序后将重新安装应用程序。 您必须关闭所有三个选项。


itunes ios

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