
A) confers

B) entitles

C) grants

D) credits

52. Not knowing she had _____ out with her boyfriend, I make the mistake of inviting them both to the party.

A) fallen

B) quarreled

C) parted

D) separated

53. John is ______ to be washing the car, but he is watching TV now.

A) asked

B) supposed

C) requested

D) ordered

54. We caught a ____ of a river as the train pass over a bridge.

A) glance

B) glimpse

C) look

D) sight

55. You may be eligible for a ______ to help you study.

A) fund

B) grant

C) prize

D) reward

56. Here are all the books I have,. You may borrow ____ you like.

A) whichever

B) that

C) which

D) however

57. Would you be _____ to close the door?

A) too kind

B) kind enough

C) as kind

D) so kind

58. Oh dear, I don't feel very well. I think _____.

A) I'll faint

B) I'm going to faint

C) I'm fainting

D) I've fainted

59. By the time you receive this letter. I _____ for America.

A) will leave

B) have left

C) would have left

D) will have left

60. I'll call you tonight at 10' clock _______ I can find a telephone that works.

A) unless

B) suppose

C) when

D) provided

61. Fortunately, the bank clerk ____ press the alarm button before the robbers got away.

A) could

B) was able to

C) succeeded in

D) managed

62. I'll try to get in touch with him but he's _____ ever at home when I phone.

A) hardly

B) almost

C) rarely

D) occasionally

63. I bought a large Chinese ______ lampshade to put in my bedroom.

A) old

B) round

C) white

D) paper

64. His courage is ____ he does not know the meaning of fear.

A) so

B) so that

C) such that

D) that

65. I'd rather they ______ deliver the new refrigerator tomorrow.

A) wouldn't

B) didn't

C) shouldn't

D) mustn't


In this part here are four passages followed by questions or unfinished statements, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the correct answer., Mark you choice on your answer sheet.

TEXT A In the town of Peppard, a computer helps firemen. The computer contains information about every one of the 15 000 street addresses in the town. When firemen answer a call, the computer files them important information about the burning building. The computer can give the location of the building and its size, type, and contents. In fact, the compute system has many different ways of helping fire fighters with their problems. For example, it can give medical information about sick people living in a burning building. With this information, the firemen can take special care to find these sick persons and remove them quickly and safely from the burning building. The speed at which the computer works is amazing. Within two or three seconds after a call is received, the computer provides necessary information for the fireman. The information is then sent tot them by radio from the computer center in Town Hall. The computer system also contains a medical record of each of the towns 110 firemen. This kind of information is especially useful when a fire fighter is injured. With this medical information, doctors at the hospital can treat the injured fireman more quickly and easily. The firemen themselves are grateful for the computers help. The computer tells them about possible dangers ahead of them and helps them prepare for these dangers. Many times the computer information helps to save lives and property. Sometimes the lives are those of firemen themselves.

66. The computer helps fireman in the following ways EXCEPT _____

A) locating the building on fire.

B) giving information on address.

C) locating fireman's problems.

D) providing medical care.

67. The speed of the computer is amazing because _____

A) it can provide information very quickly.

B) it can provide necessary information.

C) the information is sent to firemen by radio.


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