在drupal程序的includes文件夾下添加 mypassword.inc 文件,文件內容如下:

DEBUG mypassword.inc _password_crypt::password = '" . $password . "'";

return md5($password);



* Parse the log2 iteration count from a stored hash or setting string.


function _password_get_count_log2($setting) {

$itoa64 = _password_itoa64();

return strpos($itoa64, $setting[3]);



* Hash a password using a secure hash.


* @param $password

* A plain-text password.

* @param $count_log2

* Optional integer to specify the iteration count. Generally used only during

* mass operations where a value less than the default is needed for speed.


* @return

* A string containing the hashed password (and a salt), or FALSE on failure.


function user_hash_password($password, $count_log2 = 0) {

return _password_crypt($password);



* Check whether a plain text password matches a stored hashed password.


* Alternative implementations of this function may use other data in the

* $account object, for example the uid to look up the hash in a custom table

* or remote database.


* @param $password

* A plain-text password

* @param $account

* A user object with at least the fields from the {users} table.


* @return



function user_check_password($password, $account) {

$stored_hash = $account->pass;

$hash = _password_crypt($password);

//echo "

DEBUG mypassword.inc user_check_password::stored_hash = '" . $stored_hash . "'";

//echo "

DEBUG mypassword.inc user_check_password::hash = '" . $hash . "'";

return ($hash && $stored_hash == $hash);



* Check whether a user's hashed password needs to be replaced with a new hash.


* This is typically called during the login process when the plain text

* password is available. A new hash is needed when the desired iteration count

* has changed through a change in the variable password_count_log2 or

* DRUPAL_HASH_COUNT or if the user's password hash was generated in an update

* like user_update_7000().


* Alternative implementations of this function might use other criteria based

* on the fields in $account.


* @param $account

* A user object with at least the fields from the {users} table.


* @return



function user_needs_new_hash($account) {

// Check whether this was an updated password.

if ((strlen($account->pass) != DRUPAL_HASH_LENGTH)) {

return TRUE;


return FALSE;

// Ensure that $count_log2 is within set bounds.

//$count_log2 = _password_enforce_log2_boundaries(variable_get('password_count_log2', DRUPAL_HASH_COUNT));

// Check whether the iteration count used differs from the standard number.

//return (_password_get_count_log2($account->pass) !== $count_log2);



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