I posted a little rant against the Northwind Database a few weeks back, and suggested that we, the community, create a better demo database than Northwind.  I proposed the name NotNorthwind.

几周前,我对Northwind数据库发布了一些小建议,并建议我们这个社区创建比Northwind更好的演示数据库。 我提出了NotNorthwind这个名字。

There were some varied and interesting responses.


From Scott Mitchell:

从斯科特·米切尔( Scott Mitchell) :

Yes, it is far from perfect and could use some updating with regards to the date/time values and the category pictures, but those warts aside, it does a good job at what it was designed to do.


From Brian Sullivan:

来自Brian Sullivan :

I feel the same way. I have to stifle a groan whenever I hear the word "Northwind" come out of presenter's mouth. I've even jokingly said that Microsoft ought to have an internal metric for new technologies called "TTN", "Time to Northwind." In mathematical terms:
Product Coolness = 1 / TTN

我有同样的感觉。 每当我听到主持人的嘴里出现“ Northwind”一词时,我都要st吟一声。 我什至开玩笑地说,微软应该为称为“ TTN”,“北风时间”的新技术制定一个内部指标。 用数学术语来说: 产品凉爽度= 1 / TTN

From Duncan Smart:

来自Duncan Smart :

We don't a need a new one! Pubs FTW! :-)

我们不需要一个新的! 酒吧FTW ! :-)

Steven Smith says Whither Northwind?

史蒂文·史密斯(Steven Smith)说,惠瑟·罗斯文(Whither Northwind)?

Enter NorthWind, the HTTP standard of databases, understood by virtually all Microsoft developers without need for preamble.  It just works.  With the words, "I'm using Northwind for my database." I now have the complete understanding of 95% of the people in the room - we're all on the same page - and I can continue with the actual point of the presentation or demo, which is not, has not, and probably will never be, "why this database isn't Northwind."

进入NorthWind,这是数据库的HTTP标准,几乎所有Microsoft开发人员都可以理解,而无需序言。 它就是有效的。 用“我正在为数据库使用Northwind”一词。 现在,我对会议室中95%的人有了完全的了解-我们都在同一页面上-并且我可以继续进行演示或演示的实际要点,这不是,没有,也许永远不会是,“为什么此数据库不是Northwind”。

And Jeff Atwood from Twitter ;)

还有来自Twitter的Jeff Atwood ;)

@shanselman rejects the standard MSFT Northwind database. What next? "Hello World" isn't good enough for you? Snob!

@ shanselman拒绝标准的MSFT Northwind数据库。 接下来是什么? “ Hello World”对您来说还不够好吗? 势利!

There were also a lot of great comments and ongoing discussion the CodePlex site's Discussions tab and project comments. We brainstormed alternative domains like Medical, Insurance, Media, and many others. Others suggested that AdventureWorks was a fine replacement.

CodePlex网站的“讨论”选项卡和项目评论中也有很多很棒的评论和正在进行的讨论。 我们集思广益,探讨了医疗,保险,媒体等其他领域。 其他人则认为AdventureWorks是很好的替代品。

ASIDE: Some folks suggested just updating the dates in Northwind to the present, but as attractive as the idea of adding ELEVEN YEARS to these columns is, I just didn't feel like doing this (Thanks to the folks on Twitter for their ideas, though!).


use Northwindupdate Employees set BirthDate = dateadd(yy, 11, BirthDate)update Employees set HireDate = dateadd(yy, 11, HireDate)update Orders set OrderDate = dateadd(yy, 11, OrderDate)update Orders set ShippedDate = dateadd(yy, 11, ShippedDate)update Orders set RequiredDate = dateadd(yy, 11, RequiredDate)
use Northwindupdate Employees set BirthDate = dateadd(yy, 11, BirthDate)update Employees set HireDate = dateadd(yy, 11, HireDate)update Orders set OrderDate = dateadd(yy, 11, OrderDate)update Orders set ShippedDate = dateadd(yy, 11, ShippedDate)update Orders set RequiredDate = dateadd(yy, 11, RequiredDate)

We had a SkypeCast call today at noon and it was agreed that Northwind does have some redeeming qualities. It's simple, it works, it's understood and there's a pile of demos written against it. We rethought the requirements.

今天中午我们拨打了SkypeCast电话,并同意罗斯文德(Northwind)确实具有某些赎回品质。 它很简单,可以工作,可以理解,并且有大量的演示针对它编写。 我们重新考虑了要求。

As a small group, we've decided to extend Northwind. We'll still call it NotNorthwind (although Super Northwind 2000 and "Microsoft Visual Northwind Enabler SP2 RC0 Beta1 July Refresh Plus Pack" were also possibilities), though, but we want to add a bunch of features that should make it a more interesting database for demos/prototyping/experimenting.

作为一个小组,我们决定扩展Northwind。 不过,我们仍将其称为NotNorthwind (尽管也可以使用Super Northwind 2000“ Microsoft Visual Northwind Enabler SP2 RC0 Beta1 July Refresh Plus Pack” ),但是我们想添加一些功能,使它成为更有趣的数据库用于演示/原型/实验。

It's worth pointing out that I (and we) are not interested in showcasing the shiniest, latest new thing in SQL2008 with this small effort. We're just trying to have a little fun, while updating a very old database with some interesting and fun features in the hopes that our demos/prototypes/experiments/whatever that use Northwind could possibly become more interesting.

值得指出的是,我(和我们)对通过这种小的努力展示SQL2008中最闪亮,最新的新事物感兴趣。 我们只是在尝试一些乐趣,同时使用一些有趣的有趣功能更新了一个非常老的数据库,希望我们的演示/原型/实验/无论使用罗斯文的任何东西都可能变得更加有趣。

  • Product Reviews and Ratings


    • This new area should introduce a number of interesting, but easily understood concepts that can be used to showcase everything from whatever cool AJAX toolkit you're demoing to how flexible your CodeGenerator or ORM is.这个新领域应该引入一些有趣但容易理解的概念,这些概念可以用来展示一切,从您演示的任何炫酷AJAX工具包到CodeGenerator或ORM的灵活性。
    • Perhaps extending reviews to "x people found this review helpful" as well. Also, wish-lists, etc.也许也将评论扩展到“ x个人认为此评论有用”。 此外,愿望清单等
  • Tagging


    • In parallel to, and juxtaposed against the existing Product/Category relationship, tagging, and social tagging, introduces some interesting DB issues as we'll want to tag anything not just products, resulting in a many-to-many heterogeneous situation.  It also makes for some potentially interesting User Interfaces.

      在平行且并列对现有产品/类别的关系,标记和社会标签,介绍了一些有趣的问题,DB,我们会想什么标签不只是产品导致许多对许多异构的局面。 它还使一些可能有趣的用户界面成为可能。

  • Compatibility


    • We're going to pretend that the existing database can't be changed, but only extended.  This way folks with existing Northwind Demos will "just work" against NotNorthwind. This plug-ability should also encourage people with demos to extend their existing those of things like web frameworks but are just using the database as a place to find scenarios.我们将假装不能更改现有数据库,而只能对其进行扩展。 这样,拥有现有Northwind演示的人们将可以对NotNorthwind进行“正常工作”。 这种可插入性还应鼓励具有演示功能的人扩展其现有的东西(例如Web框架),而只是将数据库用作查找场景的地方。
    • We'd like it to support (either via creative SQL or multiple versions) multiple databases like mysql, SQLite, Oracle, etc.我们希望它支持(通过创造性SQL或多个版本)多个数据库,例如mysql,SQLite,Oracle等。
    • We'd like it to be an existing "legacy" database that ORM tools could each build on top of so we could compare apples to apples.我们希望它是一个现有的“遗留”数据库,ORM工具可以在每个数据库的基础上构建,因此我们可以将苹果与苹果进行比较。
  • Sample Data


    • At some point it'd be cool to make the database REALLY HUGE to test the scale of both it, and the things folks build on top of it.在某个时候,使数据库真正地庞大以测试两者的规模以及人们在其之上构建的事物是很酷的。
    • We'd like pluggable Sample Data, so we'll make the structure file separate from the sample data. Basically Database "Themes" as not everyone wants the standard Microsoft "scrubbed" names.我们想要可插入的示例数据,因此我们将结构文件与示例数据分开。 基本上,数据库“主题”并不是所有人都想要标准的Microsoft“清理”名称。
  • Alternate Domains


    • We also think that the Northwind world could be explored with more "Vertical" things like these. These could also be done without changing the core database.我们还认为,可以使用更多类似“垂直”的东西来探索罗斯文世界。 这些也可以在不更改核心数据库的情况下完成。
      • Expense Tracking and Approval费用跟踪和批准
      • Accounts Receivable and Payable and Payroll应收应付账款和薪资
      • Business Intelligence - Warehousing, Sales, Trends商业智能-仓储,销售,趋势

That's about it. I'll update the Issue Trackers and we'll try another SkypeCast same time next Thursday around noon. I'll announce the SkypeCast URL on Twitter. (AYNABTU)

就是这样我将更新问题跟踪器,我们将在下周四中午左右同一时间尝试另一个SkypeCast。 我将在Twitter上宣布SkypeCast URL。 ( AYNABTU )

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/notnorthwind-update-1-all-your-northwind-are-belong-to-us


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