

# prediction/proto/feature.protomessage ObstaclePriority {enum Priority {CAUTION = 1;NORMAL = 2;IGNORE = 3;}optional Priority priority = 25 [default = NORMAL];
}# prediction/proto/predicition_obstacle.protomessage ObstacleIntent {enum Type {UNKNOWN = 0;STOP = 1;STATIONARY = 2;MOVING = 3;CHANGE_LANE = 4;LOW_ACCELERATION = 5;HIGH_ACCELERATION = 6;LOW_DECELERATION = 7;HIGH_DECELERATION = 8;}optional Type type = 1 [default = UNKNOWN];
}message PredictionObstacle {optional apollo.perception.PerceptionObstacle perception_obstacle = 1;optional double timestamp = 2;  // GPS time in seconds// the length of the time for this prediction (e.g. 10s)optional double predicted_period = 3;// can have multiple trajectories per obstaclerepeated Trajectory trajectory = 4;// estimated obstacle intentoptional ObstacleIntent intent = 5;optional ObstaclePriority priority = 6;optional bool is_static = 7 [default = false];// Feature history latest -> earliest sequencerepeated Feature feature = 8;

障碍物intent 意图,决策规划 没有使用

障碍物priority  reference_line_info, isRelativeObstacle / IsCautionObstacle 用于排除障碍物


感知给出障碍物属性- static


# planning/proto/decision.protomessage ObjectIgnore {}message ObjectStop {optional StopReasonCode reason_code = 1;optional double distance_s = 2;  // in meters// When stopped, the front center of vehicle should be at this point.optional apollo.common.PointENU stop_point = 3;// When stopped, the heading of the vehicle should be stop_heading.optional double stop_heading = 4;repeated string wait_for_obstacle = 5;
}// dodge the obstacle in lateral direction when driving
message ObjectNudge {enum Type {LEFT_NUDGE = 1;   // drive from the left side of the obstacleRIGHT_NUDGE = 2;  // drive from the right side of the obstacleNO_NUDGE = 3;     // No nudge is set.};optional Type type = 1;// minimum lateral distance in meters. positive if type = LEFT_NUDGE// negative if type = RIGHT_NUDGEoptional double distance_l = 2;
}message ObjectYield {optional double distance_s = 1;  // minimum longitudinal distance in metersoptional apollo.common.PointENU fence_point = 2;optional double fence_heading = 3;optional double time_buffer = 4;  // minimum time buffer required after the// obstacle reaches the intersect point.
}message ObjectFollow {optional double distance_s = 1;  // minimum longitudinal distance in metersoptional apollo.common.PointENU fence_point = 2;optional double fence_heading = 3;
}message ObjectOvertake {optional double distance_s = 1;  // minimum longitudinal distance in metersoptional apollo.common.PointENU fence_point = 2;optional double fence_heading = 3;optional double time_buffer = 4;  // minimum time buffer required before the// obstacle reaches the intersect point.
}message ObjectSidePass {enum Type {LEFT = 1;RIGHT = 2;};optional Type type = 1;
}// unified object decision while estop
message ObjectAvoid {}message ObjectStatic {}message ObjectDynamic {}message ObjectMotionType {oneof motion_tag {ObjectStatic static = 1;ObjectDynamic dynamic = 2;}
}message ObjectDecisionType {oneof object_tag {ObjectIgnore ignore = 1;ObjectStop stop = 2;ObjectFollow follow = 3;ObjectYield yield = 4;ObjectOvertake overtake = 5;ObjectNudge nudge = 6;ObjectAvoid avoid = 7;ObjectSidePass side_pass = 8;}
}message ObjectStatus {optional ObjectMotionType motion_type = 1;optional ObjectDecisionType decision_type = 2;
}message ObjectDecision {optional string id = 1;optional int32 perception_id = 2;repeated ObjectDecisionType object_decision = 3;
}message ObjectDecisions {repeated ObjectDecision decision = 1;
}message MainStop {optional StopReasonCode reason_code = 1;optional string reason = 2;// When stopped, the front center of vehicle should be at this point.optional apollo.common.PointENU stop_point = 3;// When stopped, the heading of the vehicle should be stop_heading.optional double stop_heading = 4;optional apollo.routing.ChangeLaneType change_lane_type = 5;
}message MainCruise {// cruise current laneoptional apollo.routing.ChangeLaneType change_lane_type = 1;

ObjectSidePass / ObjectAvoid / ObjectNudge 区别是什么?

apollo6.0 好像只有ObjectNudge 是有效的??

进一步分析代码 path_decider.cc / speed_limit_decider.cc


message PathDeciderStatus {enum LaneBorrowDirection {LEFT_BORROW = 1;   // borrow left neighbor laneRIGHT_BORROW = 2;  // borrow right neighbor lane}optional int32 front_static_obstacle_cycle_counter = 1 [default = 0];optional int32 able_to_use_self_lane_counter = 2 [default = 0];optional bool is_in_path_lane_borrow_scenario = 3 [default = false];optional string front_static_obstacle_id = 4 [default = ""];repeated LaneBorrowDirection decided_side_pass_direction = 5;


/** @brief This is the class that associates an Obstacle with its path* properties. An obstacle's path properties relative to a path.* The `s` and `l` values are examples of path properties.* The decision of an obstacle is also associated with a path.** The decisions have two categories: lateral decision and longitudinal* decision.* Lateral decision includes: nudge, ignore.* Lateral decision safety priority: nudge > ignore.* Longitudinal decision includes: stop, yield, follow, overtake, ignore.* Decision safety priorities order: stop > yield >= follow > overtake > ignore** Ignore decision belongs to both lateral decision and longitudinal decision,* and it has the lowest priority.*/

障碍物 的横向标签,只有 nudge/ignore  ??

ReferenceInfo 中的Path Decision 在Frame 初始化过程中,对每个path obstacle 添加标签, 这个标签代表该障碍物的存在会对无人车造成的影响。代码中仅仅利用路况以及路况中障碍物位置,初步设定了障碍物的标签,例如人行横道路况,有人,则需要建立虚拟墙,否则忽略; 那些障碍物在车道上,但是不在特殊路况下(既不在停车区也不在禁停区等特殊区域),不会分配标签;

PathDecider 仅仅只能为静态障碍物设定标签,无法为动态障碍物设定标签;



left/rigit/no_borrow + lane_borrow_type






SpeedDecider 对动态障碍物更新标签


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