Will your computer not boot into Windows after installing an update on your dual-boot or Wubi Ubuntu install?  Here’s how you can get your Windows boot loader back so you can easily get back to work in either OS.

在双引导或Wubi Ubuntu安装中安装更新后,计算机将不会引导进入Windows吗? 这是恢复Windows启动加载程序的方法,以便您可以轻松地在任一OS中恢复工作。

We’ve mentioned before how Wubi is a great way to run Ubuntu on your Windows PC or netbook, and in general it works great.  However, sometimes your system may receive updates to GRUB, and if you choose the wrong option, the next time you reboot your computer you may find that it think there’s only Ubuntu and no Windows installed on your computer.

前面我们已经提到了Wubi是在Windows PC或上网本上运行Ubuntu的一种好方法,总的来说,它工作得很好。 但是,有时您的系统可能会收到GRUB的更新,并且如果您选择了错误的选项,则下次重新启动计算机时,您可能会发现它认为计算机上只有Ubuntu,而没有安装Windows。

Or, perhaps, even more ominously, you boot your computer to see that it thinks it has no operating system.


Often, there’s no need to panic.  If you recently received an Ubuntu update, or somehow managed to mess up or remove your boot loader, it’s quick and easy to get it back using familiar Windows tools.  Here’s how.

通常,无需惊慌。 如果您最近收到Ubuntu更新,或者以某种方式设法弄乱或删除了您的引导加载程序,则可以使用熟悉的Windows工具快速轻松地将其取回。 这是如何做。

从Windows DVD重新安装Windows Boot Loader (Reinstall Your Windows Boot Loader From the Windows DVD)

To get back into Windows, you’ll need to reinstall your Windows boot loader.  Thankfully this isn’t as difficult or time consuming as reinstalling Windows, but it will require your Windows DVD.  Boot your computer from the DVD, and if it doesn’t automatically offer to let you boot from the disk, you may need to change your boot settings in the BIOS.  You can usually access by pressing the F2, F10, or Delete key on the initial boot screen, depending on your computer.

要返回Windows,您需要重新安装Windows引导加载程序。 值得庆幸的是,这不像重新安装Windows那样困难或费时,但需要Windows DVD。 从DVD引导计算机,如果没有自动允许您从磁盘引导,则可能需要在BIOS中更改引导设置。 通常,您可以通过在初始启动屏幕上按F2,F10或Delete键来访问,具体取决于您的计算机。

Save the changes and reboot your computer from the Windows DVD.  After a few moments, you should see the install setup screen.  Select your preferred language, then click Next.

保存更改,然后从Windows DVD重新启动计算机。 片刻之后,您应该会看到安装设置屏幕。 选择您的首选语言,然后单击下一步

Your install disk is designed to install Windows on your computer, but also contains tools to help repair your existing Windows install.  On the bottom left of the Install window, click the Repair your computer link to get started repairing your current install of Windows.

您的安装磁盘旨在在计算机上安装Windows,但还包含有助于修复现有Windows安装的工具。 在“安装”窗口的左下角,单击“修复计算机”链接以开始修复当前的Windows安装。

System Recovery will automatically start scanning to see if there’s an existing Windows install with something it can easily fix automatically.  You may have to wait a few minutes while it scans your computer.

系统恢复将自动开始扫描,以查看是否已存在可以轻松自动修复的Windows安装。 在扫描计算机时,您可能需要等待几分钟。

If your only problem is the boot loader, often it will automatically detect the problem and offer to fix it.  If so, simply click Repair and restart, and your computer should be booted back into Windows as normal within minutes.

如果您唯一的问题是引导加载程序,通常它会自动检测到问题并提出解决方案。 如果是这样,只需单击“修复并重新启动” ,您的计算机应在几分钟之内正常启动回Windows。

从Windows DVD手动重新安装Boot Loader (Reinstall Your Boot Loader Manually From the Windows DVD)

Alternately, if it doesn’t automatically detect anything to fix, you’ll have to choose your own recovery options.  Click the bullet option on the top then click Next to use recovery tools to fix Windows.

或者,如果它没有自动检测到任何要修复的内容,则必须选择自己的恢复选项。 单击顶部的项目符号选项,然后单击“下一步”以使用恢复工具修复Windows。

Now, select Command Prompt from the available recovery tools.


In the command prompt window, enter the following to repair your boot loader:


bootrec /rebuildbcd

引导程序/ rebuildbcd

After a few moments, it should detect your Windows installation and ask if you want to add it to the boot loader.  Enter Y to add it, then exit the command prompt and reboot your computer when you’re finished.

片刻之后,它将检测到您的Windows安装,并询问是否要将其添加到引导加载程序中。 输入Y进行添加,然后退出命令提示符并在完成后重新启动计算机。

Moments later, you should see your standard Windows login screen as normal, and all of your files and programs should be fine and ready to use.


As you may notice, the option to boot into Ubuntu will no longer show up in your boot menu, and your computer will act like you only have Windows installed.  To get your Wubi Ubuntu or full Ubuntu install accessable from the boot loader again, you’ll need to restore it as well.  The easiest way is to Add Wubi Back to the Bootloader With EasyBCD.  Once you’ve done that, you should be back in business, ready to use Windows or Ubuntu as you need.

您可能会注意到,引导进入Ubuntu的选项将不再显示在引导菜单中,并且您的计算机将像仅安装Windows一样运行。 要再次从引导加载程序访问Wubi Ubuntu或完整的Ubuntu安装,您还需要将其还原。 最简单的方法是使用EasyBCD将Wubi添加回Bootloader 。 完成此操作后,您应该重新开始工作,可以根据需要使用Windows或Ubuntu。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/33433/restore-the-windows-boot-loader-after-an-ubuntu-update/

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