
0x01 摘要


0x02 LockFree

2.1 LockFree概念



  1. 多线程
  2. 共享内存
  3. 不能彼此阻塞(死锁)




2.2 LockFree编程

2.2.1 简介


  • LockFree 技术很容易被错误的使用,代码后期的维护中也不容易意识到,所以非常容易引入 Bug,而且这样的 Bug 还非常难定位。
  • LockFree 技术的细节上依赖于内存系统模型、编译器优化、CPU架构等,而这在使用 Lock 机制时是不相关的,所以也增加了理解和维护的难度。

2.2.2 原子读改写指令(atomic RMW)




2.2.3 ABA问题


2.2.4 顺序一致性模型


  1. 一个线程内部的所有操作必须按照程序的顺序来执行
  2. (不管程序是否同步)所有线程都只能看到一个单一的操作执行顺序。在顺序一致性内存模型中,每个操作都必须原子执行且立刻对所有线程可见。

2.2.5 代码示例



  • push:栈顶方向压入元素
  • pop:栈顶弹出一个元素 非LockFree版本
public class SimpleStack<T>
{private class Node<TNode>{public Node<TNode> next;public TNode item;@Overridepublic String toString(){return item.toString();}}private Node<T> head;public SimpleStack(){head = new Node<T>();}/*** 头插法* @param item*/public void push(T item){Node<T> node = new Node<T>();node.item = item;node.next = head.next;head.next = node;}/*** 删除栈顶元素并返回该元素* 没有元素是返回null* @return*/public T pop(){Node<T> node = head.next;if (node == null)return null;head.next = node.next;return node.item;}


// push1000个元素,然后再多线程中pop元素观察结果
public class SimpleStackTest
{private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SimpleStackTest.class);public static void main(String[] args){SimpleStack<Integer> stack = new SimpleStack<Integer>();for (int i = 1; i <= 1000; i++){stack.push(i);}boolean[] poppedItems = new boolean[1001];BlockingQueue workQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>();ExecutorService executorService = new ThreadPoolExecutor(5,10,1, TimeUnit.MINUTES,workQueue, new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy());AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){executorService.submit(() -> {for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {count.incrementAndGet();int item = stack.pop();if (poppedItems[item] == true) {logger.error("Thread {}: Item {} was popped before!", Thread.currentThread().getName(), item);}else {poppedItems[item] = true;}}});}try {executorService.awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);}catch (InterruptedException e) {logger.error("an exception happened:", e);}executorService.shutdownNow();logger.info("Done, count={}" , count);}


2018-12-10 10:45:47.782 ERROR [pool-1-thread-1] demos.lockfree.nolockstackdemo.SimpleStackTest,41 - Thread pool-1-thread-1: Item 878 was popped before!
2018-12-10 10:45:52.786 INFO  [main] demos.lockfree.nolockstackdemo.SimpleStackTest,58 - Done, count=1000

也就是说出现了同一个元素被pop多次的情况! 同步锁版本


/*** 头插法* @param item*/
public synchronized void push(T item)
{Node<T> node = new Node<T>();node.item = item;node.next = head.next;head.next = node;
}/*** 删除栈顶元素并返回该元素* 没有元素是返回null* @return*/
public synchronized T pop()
{Node<T> node = head.next;if (node == null)return null;head.next = node.next;return node.item;


2018-12-10 11:10:53.091 INFO  [main] demos.lockfree.simplelockstackdemo.SimpleLockStackTest,59 - Done, count=1000 LockFree版本


下面采用lockfree思想,即Java cas的方法来实现。

  • CASStack
import sun.misc.Unsafe;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;public class CASStack<T>
{private static class Node<TNode>{public Node<TNode> next;public TNode item;@Overridepublic String toString(){return item.toString();}}private Node<T> head;public CASStack(){head = new Node<T>();}/*** 头插法** @param item*/public void push(T item){Node<T> node = new Node<T>();node.item = item;int count = 0;Node<T> oldNextNode;do {oldNextNode = head.next;node.next = oldNextNode;count++;if(count > 1){System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " repeated CAS push");}}while (!U.compareAndSwapObject(head, NEXT_OFFSET, oldNextNode, node));}/*** 删除栈顶元素并返回该元素* 没有元素是返回null** @return*/public  T pop(){Node<T> node;int count = 0;do{node = head.next;if (node == null)return null;count++;if(count > 1){System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " repeated CAS pop");}}while (!U.compareAndSwapObject(head, NEXT_OFFSET, node, node.next));return node.item;}private static Unsafe U;private static final long NEXT_OFFSET;static {try {Field f ;f = Unsafe.class.getDeclaredField("theUnsafe");f.setAccessible(true);U=(Unsafe)f.get(null);Class<?> nodeClass = Node.class;NEXT_OFFSET = U.objectFieldOffset(nodeClass.getDeclaredField("next"));}catch (Exception e) {throw new Error(e);}}}
  • 测试代码
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;/*** Created by chengc on 2018/12/10.*/
public class CASStackTest
{private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CASStackTest.class);public static void main(String[] args){CASStack<Integer> stack = new CASStack<Integer>();BlockingQueue putQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>();ExecutorService putThreadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(5,10,1, TimeUnit.MINUTES, putQueue, new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy());CountDownLatch pushCountDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(10);AtomicInteger pushCount = new AtomicInteger();for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++) {final int finalI = i;putThreadPool.submit(() -> {for (int j = 1; j <= 100; j++) {stack.push(j + finalI*100);pushCount.incrementAndGet();}pushCountDownLatch.countDown();});}try {pushCountDownLatch.await();}catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}logger.info("push done, pushCount={}" , pushCount);putThreadPool.shutdown();boolean[] poppedItems = new boolean[1001];BlockingQueue popQueue = new LinkedBlockingDeque<>();ExecutorService popThreadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(5,10,1, TimeUnit.MINUTES, popQueue, new ThreadPoolExecutor.DiscardPolicy());AtomicInteger popCount = new AtomicInteger();CountDownLatch popCountDownLatch = new CountDownLatch(10);for(int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; i++){popThreadPool.submit(() -> {for (int j = 0; j < 100; j++) {int item = stack.pop();if (poppedItems[item] == true) {logger.error("Thread {}: Item {} was popped before!", Thread.currentThread().getName(), item);}else {poppedItems[item] = true;}popCount.incrementAndGet();}popCountDownLatch.countDown();});}try {popCountDownLatch.await();}catch (InterruptedException e) {e.printStackTrace();}popThreadPool.shutdown();logger.info("Pop done, popCount={}" , popCount);}
  • 运行结果
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-4 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-4 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-4 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-4 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-4 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-4 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-5 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-5 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-5 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-5 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-1 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-5 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-5 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-4 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-4 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-3 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-3 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-3 repeated CAS push
pool-1-thread-3 repeated CAS push
2018-12-10 13:29:10.164 INFO  [main] demos.lockfree.casstackdemo.CASStackTest,46 - push done, pushCount=1000
pool-2-thread-2 repeated CAS pop
pool-2-thread-4 repeated CAS pop
pool-2-thread-4 repeated CAS pop
pool-2-thread-3 repeated CAS pop
pool-2-thread-3 repeated CAS pop
pool-2-thread-1 repeated CAS pop
pool-2-thread-1 repeated CAS pop
pool-2-thread-2 repeated CAS pop
pool-2-thread-2 repeated CAS pop
2018-12-10 13:29:10.170 INFO  [main] demos.lockfree.casstackdemo.CASStackTest,80 - Pop done, popCount=1000


0x03 LockLess


无锁编程非常复杂。 例如所有纯功能性质的数据结构本质上都是无锁的,因为它们是不可变的。

0x04 WaitFree






0x05 更多资料

Lock-Free Programming

0xFF 参考文档

What’s the difference between lockless and lockfree?

Examples/Illustration of Wait-free And Lock-free Algorithms

Non-blocking algorithm

Lock-Free 编程

lock free的理解

An Introduction to Lock-Free Programming


  1. 下篇 | 说说无锁(Lock-Free)编程那些事(下)

    6 内存屏障(Memory Barriers) 6.1 What Memory Barriers? 内存屏障,也称内存栅栏,内存栅障,屏障指令等,是一类同步屏障指令,是CPU或编译器在对内存随机访问的 ...

  2. 算法设计思想(5)— 递归法

    1. 递归概念 递归 Recursion是指在函数的定义中使用函数自身的方法,直观上来看,就是某个函数自己调用自己. ​ 递归有两层含义: 递归问题必须可以分解为若干个规模较小.与原问题形式相同的子问 ...

  3. 卷积神经网络之卷积计算、作用与思想 深度学习

    博客:blog.shinelee.me | 博客园 | CSDN 卷积运算与相关运算 在计算机视觉领域,卷积核.滤波器通常为较小尺寸的矩阵,比如3×33×3.从这个角度看,多层卷积是在进行逐层映射,整 ...

  4. 分治算法的设计思想(二分检索、二分归并排序)

    分治策略思想: 将原问题划分或者归结为规模较小的子问题. 递归或迭代求解每一个问题. 将子问题的解综合得到原问题的解. 性质: 子问题与原问题具有相同的性质. 子问题的求解彼此独立. 划分时子问题的规 ...

  5. AI框架精要:设计思想

    AI框架精要:设计思想 本文主要介绍飞桨paddle平台的底层设计思想,可以帮助用户理解飞桨paddle框架的运作过程,以便于在实际业务需求中,更好的完成模型代码编写与调试及飞桨paddle框架的二次 ...

  6. 算法设计思想(3)— 迭代法

    1. 迭代法基本思想 迭代法的实现,一般需要确定以下三个要点. 1.1 确定迭代变量: 迭代变量一般就是要求解的问题的解,利用迭代递推公式可以不断地由旧值递推出新值.根据问题的不同,迭代变量可以是一个 ...

  7. 算法设计思想(2)— 贪婪法

    1. 贪婪法定义 贪婪法,又称贪心算法,是寻找最优解问题的常用方法,这种方法模式一般将求解过程分成若干个步骤,但每个步骤都应用贪心原则,选取当前状态下最好的或最优的选择(局部最有利的选择),并以此希望 ...

  8. uscao 线段树成段更新操作及Lazy思想(POJ3468解题报告)

    线段树成段更新操作及Lazy思想(POJ3468解题报告) 标签: treequerybuildn2cstruct 2011-11-03 20:37 5756人阅读 评论(0) 收藏 举报  分类: ...

  9. java排序的例子_Java的8大排序的基本思想及实例解读

    本文主要详解了Java语言的8大排序的基本思想以及实例解读,详细请看下文: 8种排序之间的关系: 1, 直接插入排序 (1)基本思想:在要排序的一组数中,假设前面(n-1)[n>=2] 个数已经 ...


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