
1. rsync方式:


rsync file1 user@host:/xx/file2


  rsync -nva dir user@host:/xx/

2. NFS方式:


sudo nfsd enable #确认NFSD服务开启。

sudo nfsd restart #如果nfsd已经启动,需要重启才会生效。

sudo nfsd update #刷新NFSD共享资源。

showmount -e #显示当前共享的资源

客户端进行对导出的目录进行挂载:sudo mount -t nfs

以前在Linux上设置NFS文件共享感觉很顺利,网上的资料和例子也一大堆,根据配置,就可以顺利的实现文件共享,可是在MacOSX上,NFS的共享方式貌似跟Linux有些差异,其主要差别在与exports文件的编写上,以至于上次在项目中由于NFS在MacOSX上挂载不上,导致不得不另想其他办法,因此有了rsync方式在MacOSX上的实验。后来,经过不懈的努力,终于在MacOSX上搞好了NFS共享。其exports文件的书写方式,可以在MacOSX终端上查询帮助:man exports,即可找出其书写格式和各个参数的意义,其解释如下:


exports -- define remote mount points for NFS mount requests




The exports file specifies remote mount points for the NFS mount protocol

per the NFS server specification; see Network File System Protocol

Specification RFC 1094, Appendix A and NFS: Network File System Version 3

Specification, Appendix I.

Fields are separated by space or tab characters.  Lines that begin with a

# are considered comments and are ignored.

Each line in the file specifies one or more exported directories, any

additional mountable sub-directories within those directories, export

flags, and one or more hosts (if access to the export is to be

restricted).  All directories on the line must exist within the same

local file system.

Within a file system there may be several exported sub-directories with

different export options.  However, none of those exported directories

may lie within another.

A host may be specified only once for each exported directory and there

may be only one default entry for each exported directory that applies to

all other hosts.  The latter exports the file system to the ``world'' and

should be used only when the file system contains public information.

Any attempt to export the same directory to a host with different export

options will cause the conflicting export entry to be rejected.

The first field(s) of an export entry is a list of directories on a local

file system to export.  At least one pathname must be to an exported

directory.  Other pathnames may refer to sub-directories of the exported

directory to indicate that hosts are also allowed to explicitly mount

those sub-directories of the exported directory.  (Note that the -alldirs

flag can be used to allow mounting any sub-directories of the pathnames


Mount points for a file system may appear on multiple lines, each with

different sets of hosts and export options.

The pathnames must not have any symbolic links in them and should not

have any "." or ".." components.  Single and double quote characters

occuring in a pathname must be escaped with \' and \", respectively.

Space characters occuring in a pathname must be escaped, or alterna-

tively, the pathname can be enclosed in single or double quotes.

Note that because an export entry only lists a set of pathnames, it is up

to the NFS server to correctly determine what file system is meant to be

exported by that entry.  To that end, the server will attempt to intelli-

gently decide which file system best matches the entry by comparing all

the pathnames with both the current list of mounted file systems and the

list of previously-exported file systems.  If the server determines that

the intended file system is not available, it will automatically mark

that export as offline until the file system becomes available (see the

-offline export option below for more info).  To avoid any ambiguity, use

of the -fs export option is recommended (see below).

The second component of a line specifies how the file system is to be

exported to the host set.  The option flags specify whether the file sys-

tem is exported read-only or read-write and how the client uid is mapped

to user credentials on the server.

Export options are specified as follows:

-maproot=user The credential of the specified user is used for remote

access by root.  The credential includes all the groups to which the user

is a member on the local machine ( see id(1) ). The user may be specified

by name or number.

-maproot=user:group1:group2:... The colon separated list is used to spec-

ify the precise credential to be used for remote access by root.  The

elements of the list may be either names or numbers.  Note that ``user:''

should be used to distinguish a credential containing no groups from a

complete credential for that user.

-mapall=user or -mapall=user:group1:group2:... specifies a mapping for

all client uids (including root) using the same semantics as -maproot.

The option -r is a synonym for -maproot in an effort to be backward com-

patible with older export file formats.

In the absence of -maproot and -mapall options, remote accesses by root

will result in using a credential of -2:-2.  All other users will be

mapped to their remote credential.  If a -maproot option is given, remote

access by root will be mapped to that credential instead of -2:-2.  If a

-mapall option is given, all users (including root) will be mapped to

that credential in place of their own.

The -alldirs flag allows the host(s) to mount at any point within the

file system, including regular files if the -R option is used on nfsd.

The -ro option specifies that the file system should be exported read-

only (default read/write).  The option -o is a synonym for -ro in an

effort to be backward compatible with older export file formats.

The -32bitclients option causes the NFS server to guarantee that direc-

tory cookies will fit within 32 bits even though directory cookies are 64

bits in NFSv3.  This option may be required with NFS clients that do not

properly support 64 bit directory cookies.  Use of this option may result

in sub-optimal performance of the exported file system.

The -manglednames option causes the NFS server to guarantee that file-

names will fit into 255 bytes. For NFSv2 this is always the case. For

NFSv3 specifying this option on an export will cause filenames greater

than 255 characters from that export be mangled in such a way that when

the client presents a received mangled name it will refer to the same

name as the original name on the server.

-sec=mechanism1:mechanism2... This option specifies one or more security

mechanisms required for access to the exported directory.  The security

mechanisms currently supported are krb5p, krb5i, krb5, and sys.  Multiple

security mechanisms can be specified as a colon separated list, and

should be in the order of most preferred to least preferred.  In the

absence of this option, the security mechanism defaults to sys.

-offline This option specifies that the given export should be treated as

if the exported file system is not available.  For NFSv3, this will cause

clients to receive "jukebox" errors directing them to try the request

later.  For NFSv2 (which does not support this error value), the export

will be treated as non-existent and clients will receive stale file han-

dle errors.

-fspath=/path and/or -fsuuid=UUID These options can be used to specify

the pathname to and/or the UUID of the file system that is intended to be

exported.  This can be useful to disambiguate the export entry.  Since

the export syntax only specifies the path to the directory to be

exported, it can be ambiguous as to what file system is expected to be

exported.  Specifying "/Volumes/XRAID" can be interpreted as exporting

either a file system mounted on that directory or the "Volumes/XRAID"

subdirectory of the root file system.  Specifying -fspath=/Volumes/XRAID

can prevent exporting the wrong file system - for example, if the exports

are evaluated at a point when the directory exists but the volume has not

yet been mounted on it.  The export will fail if the file system referred

to in an export entry either (1) is not mounted at the same path as the

given -fspath=/path.  or (2) does not have a UUID that matches the given


The third component of a line specifies the host set to which the line

applies.  The set may be specified in three ways.  The first way is to

list the host name(s) separated by white space.  (Standard internet IPv4

``dot'' addresses or IPv6 colon addresses may be used in place of names.)

The second way is to specify a ``netgroup'' as defined in the netgroup

file (see netgroup(5) ). The third way is to specify an internet sub-net-

work using a network and network mask that is defined as the set of all

hosts with addresses within the sub-network.  This latter approach

requires less overhead within the kernel and is recommended for cases

where the export line refers to a large number of clients within an

administrative sub-net.

The first two cases are specified by simply listing the name(s) separated

by whitespace.  All names are checked to see if they are ``netgroup''

names first and are assumed to be hostnames otherwise.  Using the full

domain specification for a hostname can normally circumvent the problem

of a host that has the same name as a netgroup.  The third case is speci-

fied by the flag -network=netname and optionally -mask=netmask.  If the

mask is not specified, it will default to the mask for that network class

(A, B or C; see inet(5) ).


/usr /usr/local -maproot=0:10 friends

/usr -maproot=daemon grumpy.cis.uoguelph.ca

/usr -ro -mapall=nobody

/u -maproot=bin: -network 131.104.48 -mask

/u1 -alldirs -network 2001:DB8:: -mask ffff:ffff::

/u2 -maproot=root friends

/u2 -alldirs -network cis-net -mask cis-mask

/Users -alldirs -network -mask

/Applications -ro -network -mask

Given that /usr, /u, /u1, /u2, and / are local file system mount points,

the above example specifies the following:

/usr is exported to hosts friends, where friends is specified in the net-

group file with users mapped to their remote credentials and root mapped

to uid 0 and group 10.  It is exported read-write and the hosts in

friends can mount either /usr or /usr/local.  It is exported to and grumpy.cis.uoguelph.ca with users mapped to their

remote credentials and root mapped to the user and groups associated with

``daemon''; it is exported to the rest of the world as read-only with all

users mapped to the user and groups associated with ``nobody''.

/u is exported to all hosts on the sub-network 131.104.48 with root

mapped to the uid for ``bin'' and with no group access.

/u1 is exported to all hosts on the IPv6 sub-network 2001:DB8::

/u2 is exported to the hosts in ``friends'' with root mapped to uid and

groups associated with ``root''; it is exported to all hosts on network

``cis-net'' allowing mounts at any directory within /u2.

The /Users and /Applications sub-directories of / are exported to all

hosts on the sub-network 2.29.96.  Any directory within /Users can be

mounted.  /Users is exported read-write and /Applications is exported



/etc/exports  The default remote mount-point file.


netgroup(5), nfsd(8), showmount(8) portmap(8)


It is recommended that all exported directories within the same server

file system be specified on adjacent lines going down the tree.  You can-

not specify a hostname that is also the name of a netgroup.  Specifying

the full domain specification for a hostname can normally circumvent the




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