

我接触思维导图软件已经很久的了,开始是使用微软的思维导图软件,接着XMind,后来使用了MindMaple Lite。感觉很好用的。也想过如何去实现一个思维导图的软件,加之我特别注意软件的快捷键,我选取软件常常是,看快捷如何,快捷键差的就不要了。基于自己的实践使用思维导图。前一个月我就在github上实现了一个树形图的Android控件,这个其实是我想实现思维导图的开始。实现后,才发现并没有多大的障碍。下面我就说说我如何打造一个树形控件的。先上效果:






整个结构分为:树形,节点; 对于Android的结构有:模型(树形,节点),View;

实现树形的节点node 的Model;










其实问题还真的有一点。但是这些都不能妨碍我们的步伐,还是写好已知的代码吧 。



package com.owant.drawtreeview.model;

import java.util.LinkedList;


* Created by owant on 16/12/2016.


public class TreeNode {


* the parent node,if root node parent node=null;


public TreeNode parentNode;


* the data value


public T value;


* have the child nodes


public LinkedList> childNodes;


* focus tag for the tree add nodes


public boolean focus;


* index of the tree floor


public int floor;

public TreeNode(T value) {

this.value = value;

this.childNodes = new LinkedList>();

// this.focus = false;

// this.parentNode = null;


public TreeNode getParentNode() {

return parentNode;


public void setParentNode(TreeNode parentNode) {

this.parentNode = parentNode;


public T getValue() {

return value;


public void setValue(T value) {

this.value = value;


public LinkedList> getChildNodes() {

return childNodes;


public void setChildNodes(LinkedList> childNodes) {

this.childNodes = childNodes;


public boolean isFocus() {

return focus;


public void setFocus(boolean focus) {

this.focus = focus;


public int getFloor() {

return floor;


public void setFloor(int floor) {

this.floor = floor;




package com.owant.drawtreeview.model;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Deque;

import java.util.LinkedList;

import java.util.Stack;


* Created by owant on 16/12/2016.


public class Tree {


* the root for the tree


public TreeNode rootNode;

public Tree(TreeNode rootNode) {

this.rootNode = rootNode;



* add the node in some father node


* @param start

* @param nodes


public void addNode(TreeNode start, TreeNode... nodes) {

int index = 1;

TreeNode temp = start;

if (temp.getParentNode() != null) {

index = temp.getParentNode().floor;


for (TreeNode t : nodes) {






public boolean remvoeNode(TreeNode starNode, TreeNode deleteNote) {

boolean rm = false;

int size = starNode.getChildNodes().size();

if (size > 0) {

rm = starNode.getChildNodes().remove(deleteNote);


return rm;


public TreeNode getRootNode() {

return rootNode;


public void setRootNode(TreeNode rootNode) {

this.rootNode = rootNode;



* 同一个父节点的上下


* @param midPreNode

* @return

* @throws NotFindNodeException


public TreeNode getLowNode(TreeNode midPreNode) {

TreeNode find = null;

TreeNode parentNode = midPreNode.getParentNode();

if (parentNode != null && parentNode.getChildNodes().size() >= 2) {

Deque> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();

TreeNode rootNode = parentNode;


boolean up = false;

while (!queue.isEmpty()) {

rootNode = (TreeNode) queue.poll();

if (up) {

if (rootNode.getFloor() == midPreNode.getFloor()) {

find = rootNode;





if (rootNode == midPreNode) up = true;

LinkedList> childNodes = rootNode.getChildNodes();

if (childNodes.size() > 0) {

for (TreeNode item : childNodes) {






return find;


public TreeNode getPreNode(TreeNode midPreNode) {

TreeNode parentNode = midPreNode.getParentNode();

TreeNode find = null;

if (parentNode != null && parentNode.getChildNodes().size() > 0) {

Deque> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();

TreeNode rootNode = parentNode;


while (!queue.isEmpty()) {

rootNode = (TreeNode) queue.poll();


if (rootNode == midPreNode) {




find = rootNode;

LinkedList> childNodes = rootNode.getChildNodes();

if (childNodes.size() > 0) {

for (TreeNode item : childNodes) {





if (find != null && find.getFloor() != midPreNode.getFloor()) {

find = null;



return find;


public ArrayList> getAllLowNodes(TreeNode addNode) {

ArrayList> array = new ArrayList<>();

TreeNode parentNode = addNode.getParentNode();

while (parentNode != null) {

TreeNode lowNode = getLowNode(parentNode);

while (lowNode != null) {


lowNode = getLowNode(lowNode);


parentNode = parentNode.getParentNode();


return array;


public ArrayList> getAllPreNodes(TreeNode addNode) {

ArrayList> array = new ArrayList<>();

TreeNode parentNode = addNode.getParentNode();

while (parentNode != null) {

TreeNode lowNode = getPreNode(parentNode);

while (lowNode != null) {


lowNode = getPreNode(lowNode);


parentNode = parentNode.getParentNode();


return array;


public LinkedList> getNodeChildNodes(TreeNode node) {

return node.getChildNodes();


public void printTree() {

Stack> stack = new Stack<>();

TreeNode rootNode = getRootNode();


while (!stack.isEmpty()) {

TreeNode pop = stack.pop();


LinkedList> childNodes = pop.getChildNodes();

for (TreeNode item : childNodes) {





public void printTree2() {

Deque> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();

TreeNode rootNode = getRootNode();


while (!queue.isEmpty()) {

rootNode = (TreeNode) queue.poll();


LinkedList> childNodes = rootNode.getChildNodes();

if (childNodes.size() > 0) {

for (TreeNode item : childNodes) {









package com.owant.drawtreeview.view;

import android.content.Context;

import android.graphics.Canvas;

import android.graphics.Paint;

import android.graphics.Path;

import android.util.AttributeSet;

import android.util.Log;

import android.util.TypedValue;

import android.view.View;

import android.view.ViewGroup;

import com.owant.drawtreeview.R;

import com.owant.drawtreeview.model.Tree;

import com.owant.drawtreeview.model.TreeNode;

import java.util.ArrayDeque;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.Deque;

import java.util.LinkedList;


* Created by owant on 09/01/2017.


public class SuperTreeView extends ViewGroup {


* the default x,y mDx


private int mDx;

private int mDy;

private int mWith;

private int mHeight;

private Context mContext;

private Tree mTree;

private ArrayList mNodesViews;

public SuperTreeView(Context context) {

this(context, null, 0);


public SuperTreeView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {

this(context, attrs, 0);


public SuperTreeView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {

super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);

mContext = context;

mNodesViews = new ArrayList<>();

mContext = context;

mDx = dp2px(mContext, 26);

mDy = dp2px(mContext, 22);



* 添加view到Group


private void onAddNodeViews() {

if (mTree != null) {

TreeNode rootNode = mTree.getRootNode();

Deque> deque = new ArrayDeque<>();


while (!deque.isEmpty()) {

TreeNode poll = deque.poll();

NodeView nodeView = new NodeView(mContext);


ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);




LinkedList> childNodes = poll.getChildNodes();

for (TreeNode ch : childNodes) {







protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) {

super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);

final int size = getChildCount();

for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

measureChild(getChildAt(i), widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec);




protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) {

mHeight = getMeasuredHeight();

mWith = getMeasuredWidth();

if (mTree != null) {

NodeView rootView = findTreeNodeView(mTree.getRootNode());

if (rootView != null) {




for (NodeView nv : mNodesViews) {




for (NodeView nv : mNodesViews) {






private void rootTreeViewLayout(NodeView rootView) {

int lr = mDy;

int tr = mHeight / 2 - rootView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2;

int rr = lr + rootView.getMeasuredWidth();

int br = tr + rootView.getMeasuredHeight();

rootView.layout(lr, tr, rr, br);



protected void dispatchDraw(Canvas canvas) {

if (mTree != null) {

drawTreeLine(canvas, mTree.getRootNode());





* 标准的位置分布


* @param rootView


private void standardTreeChildLayout(NodeView rootView) {

TreeNode treeNode = rootView.getTreeNode();

if (treeNode != null) {


LinkedList> childNodes = treeNode.getChildNodes();

int size = childNodes.size();

int mid = size / 2;

int r = size % 2;


// b

// a-------

// c


int left = rootView.getRight() + mDx;

int top = rootView.getTop() + rootView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2;

int right = 0;

int bottom = 0;

if (size == 0) {


} else if (size == 1) {

NodeView midChildNodeView = findTreeNodeView(childNodes.get(0));

top = top - midChildNodeView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2;

right = left + midChildNodeView.getMeasuredWidth();

bottom = top + midChildNodeView.getMeasuredHeight();

midChildNodeView.layout(left, top, right, bottom);

} else {

int topLeft = left;

int topTop = top;

int topRight = 0;

int topBottom = 0;

int bottomLeft = left;

int bottomTop = top;

int bottomRight = 0;

int bottomBottom = 0;

if (r == 0) {//偶数

for (int i = mid - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

NodeView topView = findTreeNodeView(childNodes.get(i));

NodeView bottomView = findTreeNodeView(childNodes.get(size - i - 1));

if (i == mid - 1) {

topTop = topTop - mDy / 2 - topView.getMeasuredHeight();

topRight = topLeft + topView.getMeasuredWidth();

topBottom = topTop + topView.getMeasuredHeight();

bottomTop = bottomTop + mDy / 2;

bottomRight = bottomLeft + bottomView.getMeasuredWidth();

bottomBottom = bottomTop + bottomView.getMeasuredHeight();

} else {

topTop = topTop - mDy - topView.getMeasuredHeight();

topRight = topLeft + topView.getMeasuredWidth();

topBottom = topTop + topView.getMeasuredHeight();

bottomTop = bottomTop + mDy;

bottomRight = bottomLeft + bottomView.getMeasuredWidth();

bottomBottom = bottomTop + bottomView.getMeasuredHeight();


topView.layout(topLeft, topTop, topRight, topBottom);

bottomView.layout(bottomLeft, bottomTop, bottomRight, bottomBottom);

bottomTop = bottomView.getBottom();


} else {

NodeView midView = findTreeNodeView(childNodes.get(mid));

midView.layout(left, top - midView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2, left + midView.getMeasuredWidth(),

top - midView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2 + midView.getMeasuredHeight());

topTop = midView.getTop();

bottomTop = midView.getBottom();

for (int i = mid - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

NodeView topView = findTreeNodeView(childNodes.get(i));

NodeView bottomView = findTreeNodeView(childNodes.get(size - i - 1));

topTop = topTop - mDy - topView.getMeasuredHeight();

topRight = topLeft + topView.getMeasuredWidth();

topBottom = topTop + topView.getMeasuredHeight();

bottomTop = bottomTop + mDy;

bottomRight = bottomLeft + bottomView.getMeasuredWidth();

bottomBottom = bottomTop + bottomView.getMeasuredHeight();

topView.layout(topLeft, topTop, topRight, topBottom);

bottomView.layout(bottomLeft, bottomTop, bottomRight, bottomBottom);

bottomTop = bottomView.getBottom();







* 移动


* @param rootView

* @param dy


private void moveNodeLayout(NodeView rootView, int dy) {

Deque> queue = new ArrayDeque<>();

TreeNode rootNode = rootView.getTreeNode();


while (!queue.isEmpty()) {

rootNode = (TreeNode) queue.poll();

rootView = findTreeNodeView(rootNode);

int l = rootView.getLeft();

int t = rootView.getTop() + dy;

rootView.layout(l, t, l + rootView.getMeasuredWidth(), t + rootView.getMeasuredHeight());

LinkedList> childNodes = rootNode.getChildNodes();

for (TreeNode item : childNodes) {





private void fatherChildCorrect(NodeView nv) {

int count = nv.getTreeNode().getChildNodes().size();

if (nv.getParent() != null && count >= 2) {

TreeNode tn = nv.getTreeNode().getChildNodes().get(0);

TreeNode bn = nv.getTreeNode().getChildNodes().get(count - 1);

Log.i("see fc", nv.getTreeNode().getValue() + ":" + tn.getValue() + "," + bn.getValue());

int topDr = nv.getTop() - findTreeNodeView(tn).getBottom() + mDy;

int bnDr = findTreeNodeView(bn).getTop() - nv.getBottom() + mDy;


ArrayList> allLowNodes = mTree.getAllLowNodes(bn);

ArrayList> allPreNodes = mTree.getAllPreNodes(tn);

for (TreeNode low : allLowNodes) {

NodeView view = findTreeNodeView(low);

moveNodeLayout(view, bnDr);


for (TreeNode pre : allPreNodes) {

NodeView view = findTreeNodeView(pre);

moveNodeLayout(view, -topDr);





* 绘制树形的连线


* @param canvas

* @param root


private void drawTreeLine(Canvas canvas, TreeNode root) {

NodeView fatherView = findTreeNodeView(root);

if (fatherView != null) {

LinkedList> childNodes = root.getChildNodes();

for (TreeNode node : childNodes) {

drawLineToView(canvas, fatherView, findTreeNodeView(node));

drawTreeLine(canvas, node);





* 绘制两个View直接的连线


* @param canvas

* @param from

* @param to


private void drawLineToView(Canvas canvas, View from, View to) {

Paint paint = new Paint();



float width = 2f;

paint.setStrokeWidth(dp2px(mContext, width));


int top = from.getTop();

int formY = top + from.getMeasuredHeight() / 2;

int formX = from.getRight();

int top1 = to.getTop();

int toY = top1 + to.getMeasuredHeight() / 2;

int toX = to.getLeft();

Path path = new Path();

path.moveTo(formX, formY);

path.quadTo(toX - dp2px(mContext, 15), toY, toX, toY);

canvas.drawPath(path, paint);


private NodeView findTreeNodeView(TreeNode node) {

NodeView v = null;

for (NodeView view : mNodesViews) {

if (view.getTreeNode() == node) {

v = view;




return v;


public int dp2px(Context context, float dpVal) {

int result = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, dpVal, context.getResources()


return result;


public void setTree(Tree tree) {

this.mTree = tree;



public Tree getTree() {

return mTree;



粘贴代码后发现,没有什么好说了,对于读者来说,应该是一脸懵逼的。毕竟,那个位置是如何确定的呀,view和view的连线呀…… 对于整个View来说这是最难的,我也是探索了好久才得出结论的。首先,对于一个只有两层的树形来说,如图:



* 标准的位置分布


* @param rootView


private void standardTreeChildLayout(NodeView rootView) {

TreeNode treeNode = rootView.getTreeNode();

if (treeNode != null) {


LinkedList> childNodes = treeNode.getChildNodes();

int size = childNodes.size();

int mid = size / 2;

int r = size % 2;


// b

// a-------

// c


int left = rootView.getRight() + mDx;

int top = rootView.getTop() + rootView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2;

int right = 0;

int bottom = 0;

if (size == 0) {


} else if (size == 1) {

NodeView midChildNodeView = findTreeNodeView(childNodes.get(0));

top = top - midChildNodeView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2;

right = left + midChildNodeView.getMeasuredWidth();

bottom = top + midChildNodeView.getMeasuredHeight();

midChildNodeView.layout(left, top, right, bottom);

} else {

int topLeft = left;

int topTop = top;

int topRight = 0;

int topBottom = 0;

int bottomLeft = left;

int bottomTop = top;

int bottomRight = 0;

int bottomBottom = 0;

if (r == 0) {//偶数

for (int i = mid - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

NodeView topView = findTreeNodeView(childNodes.get(i));

NodeView bottomView = findTreeNodeView(childNodes.get(size - i - 1));

if (i == mid - 1) {

topTop = topTop - mDy / 2 - topView.getMeasuredHeight();

topRight = topLeft + topView.getMeasuredWidth();

topBottom = topTop + topView.getMeasuredHeight();

bottomTop = bottomTop + mDy / 2;

bottomRight = bottomLeft + bottomView.getMeasuredWidth();

bottomBottom = bottomTop + bottomView.getMeasuredHeight();

} else {

topTop = topTop - mDy - topView.getMeasuredHeight();

topRight = topLeft + topView.getMeasuredWidth();

topBottom = topTop + topView.getMeasuredHeight();

bottomTop = bottomTop + mDy;

bottomRight = bottomLeft + bottomView.getMeasuredWidth();

bottomBottom = bottomTop + bottomView.getMeasuredHeight();


topView.layout(topLeft, topTop, topRight, topBottom);

bottomView.layout(bottomLeft, bottomTop, bottomRight, bottomBottom);

bottomTop = bottomView.getBottom();


} else {

NodeView midView = findTreeNodeView(childNodes.get(mid));

midView.layout(left, top - midView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2, left + midView.getMeasuredWidth(),

top - midView.getMeasuredHeight() / 2 + midView.getMeasuredHeight());

topTop = midView.getTop();

bottomTop = midView.getBottom();

for (int i = mid - 1; i >= 0; i--) {

NodeView topView = findTreeNodeView(childNodes.get(i));

NodeView bottomView = findTreeNodeView(childNodes.get(size - i - 1));

topTop = topTop - mDy - topView.getMeasuredHeight();

topRight = topLeft + topView.getMeasuredWidth();

topBottom = topTop + topView.getMeasuredHeight();

bottomTop = bottomTop + mDy;

bottomRight = bottomLeft + bottomView.getMeasuredWidth();

bottomBottom = bottomTop + bottomView.getMeasuredHeight();

topView.layout(topLeft, topTop, topRight, topBottom);

bottomView.layout(bottomLeft, bottomTop, bottomRight, bottomBottom);

bottomTop = bottomView.getBottom();

















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