
You don’t need any special software to create a custom map for yourself or others. Google Maps is all you need, allowing you to add your own pinpoints, shapes, and directions to a custom map. Here’s how.

您不需要任何特殊软件即可为自己或他人创建自定义地图。 您只需要Google地图,即可将自己的精确度,形状和方向添加到自定义地图。 这是如何做。

You’ll need to use Google Maps on your desktop to do this. If you’re having problems with a blank Google Maps screen, you’ll also need to clear your site data.

您需要在桌面上使用Google地图。 如果您在空白的Google Maps屏幕上遇到问题,则还需要清除站点数据。

在Google地图中创建自定义地图 (Creating a Custom Map in Google Maps)

A custom map in Google Maps doesn’t allow you to create a new landscape—you’re stuck with planet Earth. What it does allow you to do, however, is add your own landmarks, routes, and locations.

Google地图中的自定义地图不允许您创建新的景观,因为您被地球困住了。 但是,它允许您做的是添加自己的地标,路线和位置。

You can also draw your own shapes onto the existing map to add detail to the existing map. While you can view a custom map in the Google Maps app for Android and iOS, you can only create it using the web version of Google Maps on your desktop.

您还可以在现有地图上绘制自己的形状以向现有地图添加细节。 虽然您可以在适用于Android和iOS的Google Maps应用中查看自定义地图,但只能使用台式机上的网络版Google Maps创建该地图。

To start, head to the Google Maps website, and sign in using your Google account. Once you’re signed in, press the hamburger menu icon in the top-left.

首先,请访问Google Maps网站,然后使用您的Google帐户登录。 登录后,按左上角的汉堡菜单图标。

In the options menu, click the “Your Places” option.


In the “Your Places” menu that appears on the left, click the “Maps” tab. At the bottom of the menu, select the “Create Map” button.

在左侧显示的“您的位置”菜单中,单击“地图”标签。 在菜单底部,选择“创建地图”按钮。

The map creation window will appear in a new tab. To name it, select the “Untitled map” text at the top of the menu on the left.

地图创建窗口将出现在新选项卡中。 要命名,请在左侧菜单顶部选择“无标题地图”文本。

In the “Edit map title and description” menu, add a name and description for your map and then click “Save” to save it.


自定义地图图层 (Custom Map Layers)

Your custom map is made up of layers, with the “Base Map” layer (the main Google Maps view) at the bottom.


You can customize the appearance of the “Base Map” layer by selecting the options arrow next to “Base Map” and choosing a different map theme.


When you create a new custom map in Google Maps, a new “Untitled Layer” is added by default.

当您在Google Maps中创建新的自定义地图时,默认情况下会添加新的“无标题图层”。

You can add as many layers as you want to your custom map, allowing you to separate the different components of your new map from each other, by clicking the “Add layer” button.


If you want to rename this layer, select the three-dot menu icon next to the layer and then click “Rename Layer” in the drop-down menu.


To delete it, select “Delete Layer” instead.


在Google地图中将组件添加到自定义地图 (Adding Components to a Custom Map in Google Maps)

A custom map in Google Maps can be customized with various different components. You can add marker points, shapes or lines, as well as directions directly onto the map.

Google Maps中的自定义地图可以使用各种不同的组件进行自定义。 您可以将标记点,形状或线条以及方向直接添加到地图上。

To start, make sure you’re in the custom map editor by heading to the Google Maps website and selecting the hamburger menu > Your Places > Maps > Create Map.

首先,请前往Google Maps网站并选择“汉堡”菜单>“您的位置”>“地图”>“创建地图”,以确保您位于自定义地图编辑器中。

添加标记点 (Adding a Marker Point)

A custom marker point is a pinpoint that appears on the map. You can use this to add additional descriptions to an area, as well as to point map users to a location or area that isn’t specified on the “Base Map” layer.

自定义标记点是显示在地图上的精确点。 您可以使用它向区域添加其他描述,以及将地图用户指向“基础地图”图层上未指定的位置或区域。

To add a new marker point to your map, make sure you’ve located a suitable area on the “Base Map” layer. When you’re ready, select the “Add Marker” button in the menu below the search bar in the custom map editor.

要将新的标记点添加到地图,请确保已在“基础地图”图层上找到合适的区域。 准备就绪后,在自定义地图编辑器中的搜索栏下方的菜单中选择“添加标记”按钮。

Using your mouse or trackpad, click on an area of the map. This will bring up the marker editor—add a suitable name and description and then select “Save” to add it to your map.

使用鼠标或触控板,单击地图上的某个区域。 这将打开标记编辑器-添加合适的名称和描述,然后选择“保存”以将其添加到地图中。

添加线条或形状 (Adding Lines or Shapes)

You can add custom lines and shapes to your custom map to emphasize certain areas.


To do this, click the “Draw a Line” option in the menu below the search bar and then select the “Add line or shape” option.


In a suitable area on the map, draw a line using your mouse or trackpad—use multiple lines to create a joined-up shape.


Add a custom name and description to your object in the pop-up menu before selecting “Save” to confirm.


创建自定义方向 (Creating Custom Directions)

A custom map can also be used to share directions from A to B by creating a directions layer.


To do this, click on the “Add Directions” option in the menu below the search bar to create this layer.


The directions layer will appear in the menu on the left. Add your departure point to the “A” text box and the arrival point to the “B” text box.

方向图层将出现在左侧菜单中。 将出发点添加到“ A”文本框中,并将到达点添加到“ B”文本框中。

Once both the “A” and “B” boxes are filled, the map will update showing the route between your specified locations.

填满“ A”和“ B”框后,地图将更新,显示您指定位置之间的路线。

在Google地图中共享自定义地图 (Sharing Custom Maps in Google Maps)

Once you’ve created your map, you’re free to access it yourself from within Google Maps (hamburger menu > Your Places > Maps) or from the Google My Maps website.


Only you can view your custom map by default, but you can share it with others. To do this, head to the Google My Maps website, sign in, and then select the “Owned” tab where your custom map should be listed.

默认情况下,只有您可以查看自定义地图,但可以与他人共享。 为此,请访问Google我的地图网站 ,登录,然后选择应该在其中列出您的自定义地图的“拥有”标签。

To share it with others, click the “Share Map” button. This will give you options to share your custom map on various social media platforms, through email, or by embedding it on your website.

要与他人共享,请单击“共享地图”按钮。 这将为您提供选择,以通过电子邮件或将其嵌入到您的网站上,在各种社交媒体平台上共享您的自定义地图。

Select one of these options to proceed.


You can also grab a custom link to your map that will allow you to share it with others directly.


In the “Owned” tab of the Google My Maps website, select your map to return to the map editor and then click the “Share” button in the left-hand menu.

在“ Google我的地图”网站的“拥有”标签中,选择您的地图以返回到地图编辑器,然后单击左侧菜单中的“共享”按钮。

This will bring up the “Link Sharing” options menu. Under the “Who Has Access” section, select the “Change” button.

这将弹出“链接共享”选项菜单。 在“谁可以访问”部分下,选择“更改”按钮。

In the “Link Sharing” options menu, select the level of access for your map. You can restrict access to specific Google account users, allow access to anyone who has the shared link or make your map public instead.

在“链接共享”选项菜单中,选择地图的访问级别。 您可以将访问权限限制为特定的Google帐户用户,允许具有共享链接的任何人访问,或者将您的地图公开。

Once you’ve selected your chosen sharing level, click “Save” to save the selection.


Your shared settings will be saved at this point, allowing you to invite specific users to view it by email invitation or by sharing the link to your custom map to a wider set of users directly.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/664890/how-to-create-a-custom-map-in-google-maps/



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