利用matlab 对数字图片进行放大缩小是matlab在数字图像处理上的一个简单的应用



f(x0,y0) = (1-b)*[a*f(x+1,y)+(1-a)*f(x,y)] + b*[a*f(x+1,y+1)+(1-a)*f(x,y+1)]
function resized = myimresize(image,scale,method);
% A funciton to resize a image
% 'resized' is the result of the function, which means change the size of
% 'image' of 'scale' times with method 'method'
%'image' is the source image
% 'scale' if 'scale'>1 it means to amplify the image with 'scale' times
%       if 'scale' <1 it means to shrink the image with 'scale' times
% 'method' if method = 'nearest' it will find the nearest point of 'image' to
% write into resized
%    else it means the 'bilinear' way
%    All right reserved by Pengxc
if strcmp(method, 'nearest')==1;
    % the first method
    [length,height,layer] = size(image);  % get the basic size of the image
    new_lenth  = length * scale;          % New lenth 
    new_height = height * scale;         % New height 
    new_lenth = floor(new_lenth);        % make it to int
    new_height = floor(new_height);      % make it to int
    %The code below is to find the nearest piont 
    for i = 1:new_lenth;
        for j = 1:new_height;
            remain_i = (i/scale) - floor(i/scale);
            % To see which side is nearer at x-label
            if remain_i >= 0.5
                o_i = ceil(i/scale);
                o_i = floor(i/scale);
                % When scale>1 and i =1 ,then o_i = 0,which is wrong,so
                % make it equals 1
                if o_i == 0;
                    o_i =1;
            remain_j = (j/scale) - floor(i/scale);
            % To see which side is nearer at y-label
            if remain_j >= 0.5
                o_j = ceil(j/scale);
                o_j = floor(j/scale);
                if o_j == 0;
                % When scale>1 and i =1 ,then o_i = 0,which is wrong,so
                % make it equals 1
                    o_j =1;
            for k =1:layer
            resized(i,j,k) = image(o_i,o_j,k);
if strcmp(method, 'bilinear')==1;   %    else it means the 'bilinear' way
    [lenth,height,layer] = size(image);  % the same as  above
    new_lenth = lenth * scale;
    new_height = height * scale;
    new_lenth = floor(new_lenth);
    new_height = floor(new_height);
    for i= 1 : lenth
        for j = 1 :height
            for k = 1: layer
                temp_image(i,j,k) = image(i,j,k);
                %temp_image has a row ans a column more than image
    for i=1:lenth
        for k =1:layer
            temp_image(i,height+1,k) = 0;
            % add a column to keep from getting out of matrix 
    for j =1:height
        for k=1:layer
            % add a row to keep from getting out of matrix 
    % The code below use Bilinear to Calulate the value of the resized
    for i=1:new_lenth
        for j =1:new_height
            a = 0;
            b = 0;
            o_i = floor(i/scale);
            o_j = floor(j/scale);
            a = (i/scale) - floor(i/scale);
            b = (j/scale) - floor(j/scale);
            %a,b is the parameter, which will be detailly written in the Document
            if o_i == 0;
                o_i = 1;a=0;
            if o_j == 0;
                o_j =1;b=0;
            for k =1:layer
                resized(i,j,k) = (1-a)*(1-b)*temp_image(o_i,o_j,k) +(1-a)*b*temp_image(o_i,o_j+1,k) + a*(1-b)*temp_image(o_i+1,o_j,k) +a*b*temp_image(o_i+1,o_j+1,k);
I = imread(‘football.jpg’);
SH = imredize(I,0.7,’nearest’);


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