内核 网络流行语

Yet again, the debate over whether or not HTML5 should be used as a buzzword is rearing it’s head. This time, the instigator is a seemingly unlikely group–the W3C itself!

再有,关于是否应将HTML5用作流行语的争论正在引起人们的关注。 这次,煽动者似乎是一个不太可能的团体-W3C本身!

The W3C just released an official HTML5 logo that would look quite appropriate on any superhero costume with a cape (see SuperHTML5Bruce as evidence). The issue, as I see it at least, is not really with the logo itself. Sure, it’s kind of an odd idea, but it’s pretty well designed and could theoretically be a good way to market the new standard.

W3C刚刚发布了官方HTML5徽标 ,该徽标看起来非常适合带有斗篷的任何超级英雄服装(请参阅SuperHTML5Bruce作为证据)。 至少从我看来,这个问题实际上与徽标本身无关。 当然,这是一个奇怪的想法,但它的设计很好,从理论上讲可能是推销新标准的好方法。

I say theoretically because in it’s current form it fails, at least if we are measuring by accuracy and clarity. To take a quote directly from the site:

我说的是理论上的原因,因为按照目前的形式,它至少在我们通过准确性和清晰度进行测量时会失败。 要直接从网站上获取报价:

The logo is a general-purpose visual identity for a broad set of open web technologies, including HTML5, CSS, SVG, WOFF, and others.


In case you didn’t catch the blunder, the W3C is basically lumping a variety of technologies under the HTML5 buzzword that has become so popular. There’s been great discussion online about whether this matters or not. Back in August of 2010, Jeff Croft wrote a very well thought out post about the topic. In it he argues that we should ‘embrace’ the buzzword because:

万一您不知所措,W3C基本上是在非常流行HTML5流行语下融合了各种技术。 网上有很多关于是否重要的​​讨论。 早在2010年8月,杰夫·克罗夫特(Jeff Croft)就该主题写了一篇经过深思熟虑的文章 。 他在其中辩称我们应该“拥抱”这个流行词,因为:

Our industry has proven on several occasions that we don’t get excited about new, interesting, and useful technologies and concepts until such a buzzword is in place.


That’s a valid point, and good reason for the need for an umbrella buzzword of some sort. What’s unfortunate is that the buzzword chosen now carries two meanings with it: HTML5 the spec and HTML5 the overarching buzzword that includes HTML5, SVG, WOFF and (shudder) CSS3.

这是有道理的,也是需要某种伞式流行语的充分理由。 不幸的是,现在选择的流行词带有两个含义:HTML5规范和HTML5是包括HTML5,SVG,WOFF和CSS 3的总体流行词。

That being said, I can see the case for sticking with it. While ‘HTML5’ was an unfortunate choice, it has spread rather rapidly and it may be too late to change it. Also, as Jeff stated, buzzwords tend to generate excitement and marketers and journalists have effectively used it to do just that.

话虽如此,我可以看到坚持下去的理由。 尽管“ HTML5”是一个不幸的选择,但它已经Swift传播,现在更改它可能为时已晚。 而且,正如Jeff所说,流行语往往会引起人们的兴奋,营销人员和记者已经有效地利用它来做到这一点。

Here’s where this particular usage case falls apart for me. Who exactly is the W3C ‘marketing’ too? Isn’t it the very people responsible for utilizing these standards to build applications and sites? If so, then what good could lumping all of those different technologies under a confusing umbrella term possibly do?

在这里,这个特殊的用例对我来说很分散。 W3C的“营销”到底是谁? 是不是负责使用这些标准来构建应用程序和站点的人员? 如果是这样,那么将所有这些不同的技术混为一谈,可能会产生什么好处呢?

Jeremy Keith said it best back in August:

杰里米·基思(Jeremy Keith)说最好在八月 :

Clarifying what is and isn’t in HTML5 isn’t pedantry for pedantry’s sake. It’s about communication and clarity, the cornerstones of language.

出于学究的缘故,澄清HTML5中的内容不是学问式的。 这是关于沟通和清晰度,即语言的基石。

In that same article, he tells a story of a web developer who wanted to know if Jeremy’s new HTML5 book covered CSS3. When he was told it does not, the developer replied “But CSS3 is part of HTML5, isn’t it?”

在同一篇文章中,他讲述了一个Web开发人员的故事,他想知道Jeremy的新HTML5书是否涵盖CSS3。 当他被告知不是这样时,开发人员回答说“但是CSS3是HTML5的一部分,不是吗?”

That’s where this buzzword fails and that’s where the issue lies. When the buzzword is causing confusion amongst the very people who have to be able to distinguish between these technologies, we have a problem. It’s a problem that is certainly not helped by the standards body that write the specs that these developers utilize failing to clearly separate and distinguish the technologies from one another.

这就是这个流行词失败的地方,而这就是问题所在。 当流行语在必须能够区分这些技术的人们之间引起混乱时,我们就会遇到问题。 编写这些开发人员所使用的规范的标准机构肯定无法帮忙解决这个问题,因为他们无法清楚地将技术相互区分和区分。

A lot of work has been in the last decade or so to help clarify these technologies and push their adoption. We’ve seen web standards go from being a tool of the few to a tool of the many. We’ve seen people preach the importance of separation of concerns–HTML for structure, CSS for styling, Javascript for interaction. A great deal of effort has gone into clarifying the ever evolving, never quite sane world of web standards. I fear if we’re not careful with it, improper use of this buzzword threatens to undo at least some of that work.

在过去十年左右的时间里,已经做了很多工作来帮助澄清这些技术并推动其采用。 我们已经看到Web标准已经从少数几个工具变成了许多个工具。 我们已经看到人们鼓吹关注点分离的重要性-HTML表示结构,CSS表示样式,Javascript表示交互。 为了弄清不断发展的,从未真正健全的Web标准世界,人们付出了巨大的努力。 我担心如果我们不谨慎的话,不恰当地使用此流行语可能会至少破坏某些工作。

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2011/01/html5-as-a-buzzword/

内核 网络流行语

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