
Question :

on several machines that i've upgraded from Natty to Oneiric, i get an error every boot (one for every NTFS partition) :Serious errors were found while checking the disk drive for /windows/c.

Press I to ignore, S to skip mounting, or M for manual recovery

following the suggestion in this answer, i ran fsck from the manual recovery shell.i got this output :fsck from util-linux 2.19.1

fsck: fsck.ntfs: not found

fsck: Error 2 while executing fsck.ntfs for /dev/sda1

i can't find fsck.ntfs , and command-not-found doesn't help either.how can i make this error go away?

by the way, i've tried booting into Windows (XP) several times, thinking that Windows would repair the filesystems.but apparently Windows thinks the filesysystems are just fine.and it's odd that all NTFS filesystems are affected.

Also, i can work around this problem by dropping to a recovery shell and issuing mount -a , but for my coworkers'sakes i need unattended boot.Answer 1 :

fsck.ntfs is usually only a link to ntfsfix which is an utility from the package ntfsprogs that is already available with a standard installation of Ubuntu.

you can make a simbolic link between fsck.ntfs and ntfsfix to solve this permanently :sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ntfsfix /sbin/fsck.ntfs

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/ntfsfix /sbin/fsck.ntfs-3g

keep in mind that this utility came from a reverse engineering process and are not the best option to manage your filesystem, the NTFS filesystem does not belong to the GNU/ linux world.Answer 2 :

i think it could be noted for some people that ntfsfix gets installed into /bin/ instead of /usr/bin .sosudo ln -nsf /bin/ntfsfix /sbin/fsck.ntfs

sudo ln -nsf /bin/ntfsfix /sbin/fsck.ntfs-3g

if you have already created the symlink from /usr/bin/sudo rm -f /sbin/fsck.ntfs

sudo rm -f /sbin/fsck.ntfs-3g

and then create the symlinks again.

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