对于客户端,可通过加载logon script的方式,让其启动时,自动加载到注册表中,保存为.reg格式,根据需要修改WSUS的IP,注意端口,默认为80端口,此时只需http://IP即可,若指定了8530,则需要加上端口号。也可以按需要修改下列键值的大小。

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
















Range = 0|1

0 = Treat minor updates like other updates.

1 = Silently install minor updates.


Range=n; where n=time in hours (1-22).

Time between detection cycles.


Range = 0|1

1 = Enable DetectionFrequency.

0 = Disable custom DetectionFrequency (use default value of 22 hours).


Range = 0|1;

1 = Logged-on user gets to choose whether or not to restart his or her computer.

0 = Automatic Updates notifies user that the computer will restart in 5 minutes.


Range = 0|1

0 = Enable Automatic Updates.

1 = Disable Automatic Updates.


Range=n; where n=time in minutes (1-1440).

Time between prompting again for a scheduled restart.


Range = 0|1

1 = Enable RebootRelaunchTimeout.

0 = Disable custom RebootRelaunchTimeout(use default value of 10 minutes).


Range=n; where n=time in minutes (1-30).

Length, in minutes, of the restart warning countdown after installing updates with a deadline or scheduled updates.


Range = 0|1

1 = Enable RebootWarningTimeout.

0 = Disable custom RebootWarningTimeout (use default value of 5 minutes).


Range=n; where n=time in minutes (1-60).

Time, in minutes, that Automatic Updates should wait at startup before applying updates from a missed scheduled installation time.

Note that this policy applies only to scheduled installations, not deadlines. Updates whose deadlines have expired should always be installed as soon as possible.


Range = 0|1

1 = Enable RescheduleWaitTime

0 = Disable RescheduleWaitTime(attempt the missed installation during the next scheduled installation time).


Range = 0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7

0 = Every day.

1 through 7 = The days of the week from Sunday (1) to Saturday (7).

(Only valid if AUOptions equals 4.)


Range = n; where n = the time of day in 24-hour format (0-23).


The WUServer value is not respected unless this key is set.



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