
Facebook keeps an Activity Log of absolutely everything you do—tracking things you like, post, or share on someone’s Timeline. You can view that Activity Log anytime you like. Here’s how.

Facebook会保留您所做的所有工作的活动日志-在某人的时间轴上跟踪您喜欢,发布或共享的事情。 您可以随时查看该活动日志。 这是如何做。

什么活动日志有用 (What Activity Log Is Useful For)

While being able to scroll back through every Facebook interaction you’ve ever had might seem a little terrifying (yes, you really did like that many cat photos) and even creepy, it’s actually useful.


Look at your News Feed and you’ll see dozens of posts your friends have liked or commented on. If they haven’t shared them, those items don’t appear on their timeline. Your friends get all the same notifications from you. The only way you can see what they all might see is through your Activity Feed. Just look at each item and you’ll see who can see it. In the screenshot below, for example, all of Ferdy’s friends can see that I’ve commented on his post. It’s likely that Facebook’s algorithm has shown that activity to some of our mutual Friends as well.

查看您的新闻源,您会看到数十个朋友喜欢或评论的帖子。 如果他们尚未共享它们,则这些项目不会显示在其时间轴上。 您的朋友会从您那里收到所有相同的通知。 看到他们所有人可能看到的唯一方法是通过活动Feed。 只需查看每个项目,您就会看到谁可以看到它。 例如,在下面的屏幕截图中,Ferdy的所有朋友都可以看到我对他的帖子发表了评论。 Facebook的算法也可能向我们的某些共同朋友显示了该活动。

Activity Feed is also good for making sure apps aren’t doing stuff without you knowing about it. Our editor, for example, says he checks it every time he gives a new app permission to do something, just to make sure it hasn’t posted to his timeline or done something crazy. You can see below that, although Spotify has pushed something to Facebook, only I can see it (the lock icon indicates that it’s private).

Activity Feed还可以确保您在不了解应用程序的情况下不会做任何事情。 例如,我们的编辑说,他每次给新应用授予执行某项操作的权限时都会对其进行检查,以确保该应用未发布到自己的时间轴上或执行过疯狂的操作。 您可以在下面看到,尽管Spotify已将某些内容推送到Facebook,但只有我可以看到它(锁定图标表示它是私人的)。

From the Activity Feed, you can even undo anything you’ve done on Facebook. Click the “edit” button (the little Pen icon) next to any post and you can unlike, delete, or hide that post. If someone decides to “frape” you by liking a few hundred Justin Bieber fan pages, Activity Feed is the simplest way to undo the damage.

在活动Feed中,您甚至可以撤消在Facebook上所做的任何事情。 单击任何帖子旁边的“编辑”按钮(钢笔小图标),您可以与之不同, 删除或隐藏该帖子。 如果有人决定通过喜欢几百个贾斯汀·比伯(Justin Bieber)粉丝页面来“欺骗”您,那么“活动源”是消除损害的最简单方法。

如何访问您的Facebook活动日志 (How to Access Your Facebook Activity Log)

Log in to Facebook, head to your profile, and then click the “View Activity Log” button at the bottom right of your cover photo.


Now you’ll see everything you’ve ever done on Facebook in one big list.


If you’re looking for specific posts, you can use the “Activity Search” box. You can also filter the feed so you just see specific posts by selecting one of the options in the sidebar on the left. And you can navigate by year with the sidebar on the right.

如果您要查找特定帖子,则可以使用“活动搜索”框。 您还可以过滤供稿,因此只需选择左侧边栏中的选项之一即可看到特定的帖子。 您可以使用右侧的侧边栏按年份导航。

You can also view your Activity Log in the mobile app. Head to your profile and tap “Activity Log” underneath your cover photo.

您还可以在移动应用程序中查看“活动日志”。 转到您的个人资料,然后点击封面照片下方的“活动日志”。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/320102/how-to-see-a-log-of-everything-you’ve-ever-done-on-facebook/



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