git 代理 git

Following my post on Git and its basic definitions, I decided to bundle up some more articles about Git, this time with more advanced topics. While there is no shortage in posts about Git, I have collected those that are particularly interesting or entertaining to me. I'll keep updating the article as I find more interesting posts worth sharing.

在发布有关Git及其基本定义的文章之后 ,我决定将更多有关Git的文章捆绑在一起,这一次是更高级的主题。 尽管关于Git的帖子并不短缺,但我收集了一些对我特别有趣或有趣的帖子。 当我发现更多值得分享的有趣帖子时,我将继续更新本文。

教程,命令集和提示集 (Tutorials, Command Collections, & Tips Collections)

How to Git — This is a detailed tutorial that is aimed at both beginners and advanced users. The tutorial starts with an explanation of what Git is, but it also lets you skip the introduction and get to the next part, which is about Git configuration. Next, it gives tips on how to do various things in Git (e.g., stash), and then it moves on to advanced tips. In short, it covers the whole range of Git proficiency levels. The tutorial’s font is large, clear, and easy to read, which is another point in its favor.

如何进行Git —这是针对初学者和高级用户的详细教程。 本教程首先介绍了什么是Git,但也可以让您跳过介绍,而转到下一部分,它是有关Git配置的。 接下来,它提供了有关如何在Git中进行各种操作(例如隐藏)的提示,然后继续介绍高级提示。 简而言之,它涵盖了Git熟练程度的整个范围。 本教程的字体大,清晰,易于阅读,这是它偏爱的另一点。

This post - Little Things I Like to Do with Git - as its name implies, is not exactly a step-by-step guide, but a collection of interesting things the author does with Git: for example, he calls blame praise, hides spaces, shows changed words instead of lines, shows a log from a certain date, checks for changes before pull, and many other commands.

这篇文章- 我喜欢用Git做的小事 -顾名思义,它并不完全是循序渐进的指南,而是作者用Git做的一系列有趣的事情的集合:例如,他praiseblame ,掩盖了空格,显示更改的单词而不是行,显示从特定日期开始的日志,在提取之前检查更改,以及许多其他命令。

Useful Git Commands — This is a list of Git commands split into categories: Installation, Color Settings, Recommended Aliases, and much more. A few that I liked: show commit info, show commits by author.

有用的Git命令 -这是Git命令的列表,分为以下几类:安装,颜色设置,建议的别名等。 我喜欢的一些:显示提交信息,按作者显示提交。

This post explains some common git commands such as rebase, add, status, log, and it ends with a recommended exercise to practice what is learned in the post. Cool idea! This post also introduced me to the -p parameter that enables committing parts of files!

这篇文章解释了一些常见的git命令,例如rebaseaddstatuslog ,并以建议的练习结尾,以练习从中学到的知识。 好主意! 这篇文章还向我介绍了-p参数,该参数可用于提交部分文件!

Pick. Squash. Drop. Rebase! in comics is a short post that explains these Git commands in a nutshell, using cartoon visualizations. After reading the above, you can read this article, which describes in depth how to squash and rebase before a merge.

挑。 壁球。 下降。 变基! 漫画中的一则简短文章使用卡通可视化工具简要介绍了这些Git命令。 阅读以上内容后,您可以阅读本文,其中详细介绍了在 merge 之前 如何 squashrebase

A post that explains commands that are more advanced and less familiar such as amend, stash, cherry-pick, and interactive rebase.


互动网站 (Interactive Sites)

An impressive site that teaches Git interactively. Although it’s called Learn Git Branching, it teaches everything about Git.

一个令人印象深刻的网站,可以交互式地教Git 。 尽管它称为Learn Git Branching,但它可以教授有关Git的所有知识。

This is a site with a nice idea: it asks you what you want to accomplish with Git, and then gives you the appropriate command.


关于Git的帖子 (Posts that Talk About Git)

Do you know how Git got its name? Git was developed by Linus Torvalds, the developer of Linux. The word git in British English means an unpleasant person. According to Wikipedia, this is how Torvalds explained his choice of this name for the system he developed: “I’m an egotistical bastard, and I name all my projects after myself. First Linux and now Git.” (Note that according to this thread on Quora, Torvalds did not give Linux its name.) If you go to Wikipedia you can read about other reasons and other acrostics that analyze Git’s name. Thank you to Shani Fedida for introducing me to this piece of info.

您知道Git是如何命名的吗? Git由Linux开发人员Linus Torvalds开发。 英式英语中的git一词表示不愉快的人。 根据Wikipedia所说,Torvalds就是这样解释他为自己开发的系统选择此名称的:“我是一个自负的混蛋,我以自己的名字命名所有项目。 首先是Linux,现在是Git。” (请注意,根据Quora上的该主题 ,Torvalds并没有给Linux命名。)如果您访问Wikipedia,则可以了解分析Git名称的其他原因和其他技巧。 感谢Shani Fedida向我介绍这一信息。

Comparing processes within Git that do the same thing — this post examines Git commands that seemingly perform similar tasks, and explains each command’s uniqueness. The post compares revert , checkout and reset, as well as merge and rebase. Besides, the post has many illustrative images to enhance understanding. This post is part of a series that has additional engaging episodes such as Team Etiquette when Working with Git, and Tips and Tricks.

比较Git中执行相同操作的进程 -这篇文章检查了看似执行相似任务的Git命令,并解释了每个命令的唯一性。 该职位比较revert , checkoutreset ,以及mergerebase 。 此外,该帖子还提供许多说明性图片,以增进理解。 这篇文章是该系列文章的一部分,该系列还有其他引人入胜的情节,例如《 与Git合作时的团队礼节》以及《 技巧与窍门》 。

Speaking of etiquette, the next post (in Hebrew) is very detailed on the subject of being considerate of team members when Committing, and what Git commands aid in the process when the assumption is Git’s log should read like a story. The post also has links to the author’s previous articles about the issue of courtesy, and the job arrangements that arise from it.

说到礼节,下一篇文章(希伯来语)非常详细地介绍了在Committing时要体贴团队成员的主题, 而当假设是Git的日志时 ,Git命令在此过程中所提供的帮助应该看起来像一个故事。 该帖子还具有作者以前有关礼貌问题的文章以及由此产生的工作安排的链接。

The subject of Understanding the Git Commit’s Hash seems to be a less talked about topic, and this post expands upon it: what the hash consists of, how it can change, and how it can affect the repository.

理解Git Commit的哈希表这个话题似乎很少被讨论,而这篇文章对此进行了扩展:哈希表由什么组成,如何改变以及如何影响存储库。

A half-hour of a Behind-the-Git-Scenes lecture.


A series of videos about Git and its Processes (in Hebrew). The videos explain the commands, what is behind them, and how to perform them optimally. The first video seeks to change the way we perceive Git: instead of thinking of it as a system that saves changes and enables us to combine one’s changes with others, imagine Git as a graph. It’s a significant concept change, but it aids in understanding what actually happens when you commit, merge, and so on.

有关Git及其过程的一系列视频(希伯来语)。 视频介绍了这些命令,其背后的内容以及如何最佳地执行它们。 第一个视频旨在改变我们对Git的理解方式:将Git想象成一个图表,而不是将其视为一个保存更改并允许我们将更改与其他更改结合在一起的系统。 这是一个重大的概念更改,但有助于您在进行提交,合并等操作时理解实际发生的情况。

备忘单 (Cheat Sheets)

A Short Cheat Sheet — a link that contains several Git commands and their descriptions. It does have a nice feature, which is a Copy button near each command.

简短备忘单 —包含几个Git命令及其说明的链接。 它确实有一个不错的功能,它是每个命令旁边的“复制”按钮。

A Git Cheat Sheet PDF file. Has many commands.

Git作弊表 PDF文件。 有很多命令。

结束语 (Closing Words)

Do you have any favorite posts about Git? Favorite commands? Statements or rules? I’d be glad to hear them! Thanks for reading, I hope that you found this article helpful.

您有关于Git的最喜欢的帖子吗? 最喜欢的命令? 陈述或规则? 我很高兴听到他们的声音! 感谢您的阅读,希望您对本文有所帮助。

-This post was originally posted on my blog (Hebrew).

-此帖子最初发布在我的博客 (希伯来语)上。


git 代理 git


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