
For small businesses and start-ups looking to compete and thrive on the internet, one of the best USPs you can have is great customer service. When you have great customer service, more visitors turn into customers, more of those customers will return and many will spread the message about how good your company is. It’s a triple whammy win situation.

对于希望在互联网上竞争和发展的小型企业和初创企业,您可以拥有的最佳USP之一就是出色的客户服务。 当您提供优质的客户服务时,会有更多的访客变成客户,更多的客户会回来,并且许多人会传播有关您的公司状况的信息。 这是三重败局。

But online customer service has a lot more to it than tradition customer service and much of what you need to do revolves around your website and how you use it to offer customers a great and easy buying experience. You can’t get away with just putting a phone number on the screen and having someone sitting waiting at the other end. In this article, we’ll explain what you need to make your site and business offer top quality customer service.

但是,在线客户服务比传统的客户服务具有更多的优势,您需要做的很多事情都围绕着您的网站以及如何使用它来为客户提供良好而轻松的购买体验。 仅在屏幕上放置一个电话号码并让其他人坐在另一端等待您就无法摆脱。 在本文中,我们将说明使网站和企业提供最高质量的客户服务所需的条件。

出色的在线客户服务如何改善销售? (How does great online customer service improve sales?)

A customer who first encounters your company via your website will have one of three responses, they will find the experience positive, average or negative. To make the sale, you must aim to make that experience as positive as possible. You may not have the cheapest offer or even the best products, but if your website helps build a better relationship with customers, they are more likely to buy from you.

首次通过您的网站遇到您的公司的客户将获得以下三种响应之一,他们会获得正面,平均或负面的体验。 要进行销售,您必须致力于使这种体验尽可能积极。 您可能没有最便宜的报价,甚至没有最好的产品,但是如果您的网站有助于与客户建立更好的关系,则他们更有可能向您购买。

改善在线客户服务的主要技巧 (Top tips to improve online customer service)

让客户的生活更轻松 (Make life easier for your customers)

If you go to a shop and cannot find what you are looking for, you would expect a member of staff to go and look for you. Whilst this isn’t easily done online, the nearest thing you can do is to make it as easy as possible to find things. In this sense, great customer service starts with easy navigation. Make sure your menus are prominent and that everything they need is listed in them. Have a search bar so that they can find things without having to trawl through endless product pages looking for the items they want.

如果您去商店却找不到想要的东西,那么您会希望有一名工作人员去找您。 虽然这不容易在网上完成,但是您可以做的最接近的事情就是尽可能轻松地找到东西。 从这个意义上说,出色的客户服务始于轻松的导航。 确保菜单突出显示,并且其中列出了所需的所有内容。 有一个搜索栏,使他们可以查找商品,而不必在无休止的产品页面中寻找所需的物品。

If you are an e-commerce site, provide customer reviews too, so that they can get honest and informed feedback from other customers about the products they are considering.


使您的网站随时随地为客户服务 (Make your site work for customers on the go)

We now do twice as much internet surfing on mobiles as we do on computers, so it is vital that your website is designed to be mobile friendly, otherwise you may lose a lot of business. This is particularly important for local businesses and online stores.

现在,我们在移动设备上的上网速度是计算机上的两倍,因此,将网站设计为适合移动设备访问非常重要,否则您可能会失去很多业务。 这对于本地企业和在线商店尤为重要。

Local businesses can benefit from people in the vicinity wanting to check out if you are open or have something in stock. For e-commerce stores, you’d be surprised how many customers find products in physical stores and then look on their phone for a cheaper online option before deciding where to buy from. If your site is mobile friendly, you can benefit from these consumer behaviours.

本地人可以从附近的人那里受益,他们希望检查您是否营业或存货。 对于电子商务商店,您会惊讶地发现有多少客户在实体商店中找到产品,然后在决定从何处购买商品之前,先在手机上寻找更便宜的在线选择。 如果您的网站适合移动设备,则可以从这些消费者的行为中受益。

让客户轻松与您联系 (Make it simple for customers to contact you)

There are several ways to make it simple for customers to get in touch with your business. One of the best is to offer live chat on your website. This makes it easy for them to ask questions about products and services and get instant responses to their questions. Often, with the internet, it is the speed of response to these questions that brings the sale. If they can’t get the answers from your site, they will from your competitor.

有几种方法可以简化客户与您的业务的联系。 最好的方法之一是在您的网站上提供实时聊天。 这使他们可以轻松地询问有关产品和服务的问题并获得对他们问题的即时答复。 通常,借助互联网,对这些问题的响应速度才带来了销售。 如果他们无法从您的网站获得答案,那么他们将从您的竞争对手那里获得答案。

In addition to live chat and traditional contact methods such as email, contact forms and telephone, you should also consider using your social media accounts for customer service. Not only will these help with answering customer questions quickly; your responses may be seen, shared and liked, resulting in new customers.

除了实时聊天和传统的联系方式(例如电子邮件,联系表和电话)外,您还应该考虑使用社交媒体帐户进行客户服务。 这些不仅有助于快速回答客户问题; 您的回复可能会被看到,共享和喜欢,从而吸引新客户。

培训您的客户服务人员 (Train your customer service staff)

There is no point having live chat and social media customer service functionality if the person at your end is giving poor quality information or is pushing for the hard sell. You need to ensure that your frontline staff has both customer relations skills and detailed product or service knowledge to answer visitor’s questions. A customer service representative who fails to give you the answer you need is offering poor service which won’t help with your conversion rates.

如果您身边的人提供的信息质量较差或正在努力销售,则没有实时聊天和社交媒体客户服务功能的意义。 您需要确保一线员工既具有客户关系技能,又具有详细的产品或服务知识,才能回答访客的问题。 一位无法给您所需答案的客户服务代表提供的服务质量很差,对您的转化率没有帮助。

Good representatives will have a clear knowledge of industry jargon and will understand the products or services in enough detail to be able to better serve and educate visitors about how to use the products and help them make informed buying decisions.


将答案在线 (Put the answers online)

If you find that customers keep asking the same set of questions about your products, you can save them time and take the pressure off your customer service reps by putting the answers in a FAQ page, knowledge base or, if it relates to a specific product, in the product description. For example, software sellers always put a list of system requirements on their product specifications so customers know that it will run on their computers.

如果您发现客户对您的产品不断提出相同的问题,则可以通过在FAQ页面,知识库或与特定产品有关的答案中节省他们的时间,减轻客户服务代表的压力。 ,在产品说明中。 例如,软件销售商总是在其产品规格上列出系统要求的列表,以便客户知道它将在其计算机上运行。

礼貌和简单的英语条款和条件 (Polite and plain English terms and conditions)

You’d be surprised how many people opt out of a purchase because the terms and conditions are either too complex to understand or because they appear threatening. Rewording the terms so that they are clear to most people makes it much more likely that they will accept them.

令您惊讶的是,有多少人选择退出,因为这些条款和条件要么太复杂以至于难以理解,要么因为它们似乎具有威胁性。 重新措词以使大多数人都清楚它们可以使他们更容易接受它们。

To give you an idea, of how you need to write your terms, it may be worth considering that the average reading age of adults in the UK is 9 and that over 40% of people have a reading age under 11. The reading age of The Sun newspaper is around 8 and even The Guardian is only around 14. For many people, the average T & C page is too difficult to understand.

为了让您了解您需要如何编写术语,应该考虑一下英国成年人的平均阅读年龄为9岁,并且超过40%的人的阅读年龄低于11岁。 《太阳报》大约有8张,甚至《卫报》也只有大约14张。对于许多人来说,平均的T&C页面太难理解了。

The other problem with terms and conditions is that they can be couched in terms which are not consumer friendly: “if you do not… then we will.”  If you have put a lot of effort into making the rest of your site user-friendly, these aggressive sounding terms can be a real conversion killer.

条款和条件的另一个问题是,它们可以用对消费者不友好的术语来表达:“如果您不……那么我们会。” 如果您付出了很多努力使网站的其余部分变得易于使用,则这些激进的用语可能会成为真正的转化杀手。

透明度 (Transparency)

A clear sign of good customer service is transparency; making sure there are no hidden extras or costs.

优质客户服务的一个明显标志是透明度; 确保没有隐藏的额外费用或费用。

One of the most frequently asked questions on e-commerce sites is the cost of shipping – mainly because many sites hide this until customers reach the checkout page. What these sites don’t realise is that lots of customers leave before getting to the checkout page simply because they cannot see the shipping costs. Making this information easy to find and transparent will help improve the service you offer to customers and increase conversion rates.

电子商务网站上最常问到的问题之一是运输成本–主要是因为许多网站都将其隐藏,直到客户到达结帐页面为止。 这些网站没有意识到的是,许多客户只是因为看不到运输成本而离开,才前往结帐页面。 使这些信息易于查找和透明将有助于改善您为客户提供的服务并提高转换率。

Other areas which need to be made clear are your returns and complaints policies. Although you must follow strict laws covering online and distance selling,  not all consumers are aware of their rights and it’s a matter of good service, therefore, to make it clear what your policies are.

需要明确的其他方面是您的退货和投诉政策。 尽管您必须遵守涵盖在线销售和远程销售的严格法律 ,但是并非所有消费者都了解他们的权利,因此,要明确您的政策是良好服务的问题。

结论 (Conclusion )

The Internet has given customers the ability to voice approval and disapproval for businesses they come across every day. By spending time and effort on creating a website which offers excellent customer service, you give yourself a unique selling point that enables you to boost your company’s reputation, increase traffic and convert more of those visitors into customers.

互联网使客户能够对他们每天遇到的业务进行语音批准和拒绝。 通过花费时间和精力来创建一个提供优质客户服务的网站,您可以为自己提供一个独特的卖点,从而可以提高公司的声誉,增加访问量并将更多的访问者转化为客户。

If you run an online business and are seeking a reliable web host that prides itself on the quality of its own 24/7 customer service, then take a closer look at our business hosting packages.





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