
  1. 需要添加eigen库,详细见eigen库的使用
  2. 两个程序:一个是求解IGA的类(.h文件)IGA_Plate.h ;另一个是主程序
  3. 将eigen库添加后, 直接运行主程序可出结果






IGA_Plate.h 文件

#pragma once#include<iostream>
#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
#include <vector>class  IGA_Plate
{public://初始物理量static double E;          //弹性模量static double mu;         //泊松比static double t;          //厚度static MatrixXd Node;     //节点信息矩阵,第一列为节点编号,2-4列分别为x,y(,z)坐标static MatrixXd ele;      //单元信息,第一列为单元编号,后面各列为单元上的节点编号static vector<double> U;   //节点向量static vector<double> V;static int p;              //基函数次数public://int num_GK = ele.rows() * Node.rows();      //总刚的大小  2*12//int num_Ke = ele.rows();                       //单刚的个数  2//int num_ele_node = ele.cols() - 1;             //单刚中节点的个数  9//int size_Ke = ele.rows() * (ele.cols() - 1);   //单刚矩阵的大小MatrixXd D_Matrix(){MatrixXd D(3, 3);D << 1, mu, 0,mu, 1, 0,0, 0, (1 - mu) / 2;D *= (E / (1 - mu * mu));return D;}MatrixXd D = D_Matrix();//求基函数的值 (函数求值)double OneBasisFun_withreturn(int p, int m, vector<double>& U, int i, double u){// p: p次B样条    m:节点向量的个数-1   // U: 节点向量[u0,u1,...,um]   i:区间段[ui ui+1,...,ui+p+1]    // u:求p次B样条基函数 Ni,p 在u点的函数值double Nip;vector<double> N(p + 1);if ((i == 0 && u == U[0]) || (i == m - p - 1 && u == U[m])){Nip = 1.0;return Nip;}if (u < U[i] || u >= U[i + p + 1]){Nip = 0.0;return Nip;}int jj, j;for (jj = 0; jj <= p; jj++) {if (u >= U[i + jj] && u < U[i + jj + 1])N[jj] = 1.0;elseN[jj] = 0.0;}double saved;int k;for (k = 1; k <= p; k++){if (N[0] == 0.0) saved = 0.0;else saved = ((u - U[i]) * N[0]) / (U[i + k] - U[i]);for (j = 0; j < p - k + 1; j++){double Uleft = U[i + j + 1];double Uright = U[i + j + k + 1];if (N[j + 1] == 0.0){N[j] = saved; saved = 0.0;}else{double temp = N[j + 1] / (Uright - Uleft);N[j] = saved + (Uright - u) * temp;saved = (u - Uleft) * temp;}}}Nip = N[0];return Nip;}//求单个基函数的导数double DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(int p, vector<double>& U, int i, double u){// 原先是DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(int p,int m,vector<double> &U,int i,double u,int n)// 但是我看参数 n 没有用到,就将 int n   删除了// m:节点向量的个数-1  没有用到,就将 int m   删除了// p: p次B样条     // U: 节点向量[u0,u1,...,um]   i:区间段[ui ui+1,...,ui+p+1]    // u:求p次B样条基函数 Ni,p 在u点的导数值double DersOnebasisfun_value;if (p == 3) {double Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i, u);double Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i + 1, u);double Uipi = 1.0 / (U[i + p] - U[i]);double Uip1i1 = 1.0 / (U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]);if ((U[i + p] - U[i]) == 0)Uipi = 0.0;if ((U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]) == 0)Uip1i1 = 0.0;DersOnebasisfun_value = p * (Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 * Uipi - Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 * Uip1i1);if (u == 1.0){u = 0.99999;double Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i, u);double Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i + 1, u);double Uipi = 1.0 / (U[i + p] - U[i]);double Uip1i1 = 1.0 / (U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]);if ((U[i + p] - U[i]) == 0)Uipi = 0.0;if ((U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]) == 0)Uip1i1 = 0.0;double DersOnebasisfun_value_zero = p * (Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 * Uipi - Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 * Uip1i1);DersOnebasisfun_value = -DersOnebasisfun_value_zero;//cout<< "Hehehehhe" <<  " " << i << " " << Onebasisfun_i_pminus1  << " " << Uipi  << " " <<  Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1  << " " << Uip1i1 << " " << DersOnebasisfun_value_zero << "\n";}}if (p == 2) {double Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i, u);double Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i + 1, u);double Uipi = 1.0 / (U[i + p] - U[i]);double Uip1i1 = 1.0 / (U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]);if ((U[i + p] - U[i]) == 0)Uipi = 0.0;if ((U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]) == 0)Uip1i1 = 0.0;DersOnebasisfun_value = p * (Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 * Uipi - Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 * Uip1i1);if (u == 1.0){u = 0.99999;double Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i, u);double Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i + 1, u);double Uipi = 1.0 / (U[i + p] - U[i]);double Uip1i1 = 1.0 / (U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]);if ((U[i + p] - U[i]) == 0)Uipi = 0.0;if ((U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]) == 0)Uip1i1 = 0.0;double DersOnebasisfun_value_zero = p * (Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 * Uipi - Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 * Uip1i1);DersOnebasisfun_value = -DersOnebasisfun_value_zero;//cout<< "Hehehehhe" <<  " " << i << " " << Onebasisfun_i_pminus1  << " " << Uipi  << " " <<  Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1  << " " << Uip1i1 << " " << DersOnebasisfun_value_zero << "\n";}}if (p == 1){if (i == 0)DersOnebasisfun_value = -1;else {DersOnebasisfun_value = 1;}}return DersOnebasisfun_value;}//将第k个单元的节点编号  对应的坐标用9*2的向量存储Eigen::MatrixXd coor(Eigen::MatrixXd Node, Eigen::MatrixXd ele, int k){// k从0开始  0对应第一个单元  1对应第二个单元...MatrixXd coor(9, 2);                     //节点坐标MatrixXd _ele = ele.block(k, 1, 1, 9);   // 将第i个单元节点编号用向量存储起来for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){int j = _ele(i);             // j: 代表第几个节点编号coor(i, 0) = Node(j - 1, 1);coor(i, 1) = Node(j - 1, 2);}return coor;}//计算单元的雅克比矩阵Eigen::MatrixXd Jacobi(Eigen::MatrixXd Node, Eigen::MatrixXd ele, int k, vector<double> U, vector<double> V, int p, double u, double v){// Node: 节点坐标信息    ele:节点信息   k:表示的第k+1个单元// U:U方向的节点向量    p:B样条基函数的次数   // 计算雅克比矩阵 (每个单元有且只有一个雅克比矩阵)MatrixXd J(2, 2);       //雅克比矩阵J.setZero();MatrixXd _ele = ele.block(k, 1, 1, 9);   // 将第k个单元节点编号用向量存储起来MatrixXd coor1(9, 2);coor1 = coor(Node, ele, k);              //将第k个单元的节点编号  对应的坐标用9*2的向量存储MatrixXd der_eta_xi(2, 9);               // 用于存储相应基函数的导数int num;int Length_U = U.size();int Length_V = V.size();for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){num = _ele(i);             // num : 代表第几个节点编号// 将节点编号和基函数对应起来      // 1 ---  N0,2 * M0,2   2 ---- N0,2 * M1,2   3 ---- N0,2 * M2,2// 4 ---  N1,2 * M0,2   5 ---- N1,2 * M1,2   6 ---- N1,2 * M2,2   7 ---  N2,2 * M0,2...... int val1 = (num - 1) / 3;        // val1: 表示U方向的第几个基函数   对应求导函数DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(p, U, i, u)中的iint val2 = (num - 1) % 3;        // val2: 表示V方向的第几个基函数double U_xi = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p, Length_U - 1, U, val1, u);    //U方向基函数double V_eta = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p, Length_V - 1, V, val2, v);double der_U_xi = DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(p, U, val1, u);   //U方向基函数导数double der_V_eta = DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(p, V, val2, v);der_eta_xi(0, i) = der_U_xi * V_eta;der_eta_xi(1, i) = U_xi * der_V_eta;}J = der_eta_xi * coor1;return J;}// 计算单元应变矩阵BEigen::MatrixXd B_matrix(Eigen::MatrixXd Node, Eigen::MatrixXd ele, int k, vector<double> U, vector<double> V, int p, double u, double v){// Node: 节点坐标信息    ele:节点信息   k:表示的第k+1个单元// U:U方向的节点向量    p:B样条基函数的次数   // 计算单元应变矩阵BMatrixXd B(3, 18);B.setZero();MatrixXd J = Jacobi(Node, ele, k, U, V, p, u, v);int num;int Length_U = U.size();int Length_V = V.size();MatrixXd der_Ni_xy(2, 1);MatrixXd der_Ni_xi_eta(2, 1);for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){MatrixXd _ele = ele.block(k, 1, 1, 9);   // 将第k个单元节点编号用向量存储起来num = _ele(i);             // num : 代表第几个节点编号// 1 ---  N0,2 * M0,2   2 ---- N0,2 * M1,2   3 ---- N0,2 * M2,2// 4 ---  N1,2 * M0,2   5 ---- N1,2 * M1,2   6 ---- N1,2 * M2,2   7 ---  N2,2 * M0,2...... int val1 = (num - 1) / 3;        // val1: 表示U方向的第几个基函数   对应求导函数DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(p, U, i, u)中的iint val2 = (num - 1) % 3;        // val2: 表示V方向的第几个基函数double  U_xi = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p, Length_U - 1, U, val1, u);   //U方向基函数double V_eta = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p, Length_V - 1, V, val2, v);double  der_U_xi = DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(p, U, val1, u);  //U方向基函数导数double der_V_eta = DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(p, V, val2, v);double der_Ni_xi = der_U_xi * V_eta;double der_Ni_eta = U_xi * der_V_eta;                //Ni对η(eta)的导数der_Ni_xi_eta(0, 0) = der_Ni_xi;der_Ni_xi_eta(1, 0) = der_Ni_eta;der_Ni_xy = J.inverse() * der_Ni_xi_eta;            //求出Ni在物理域上的导数B(0, 2 * i) = der_Ni_xy(0, 0);B(1, 2 * i + 1) = der_Ni_xy(1, 0);B(2, 2 * i) = der_Ni_xy(1, 0);B(2, 2 * i + 1) = der_Ni_xy(0, 0);}return B;}//将节点向量中的重节点值去掉(只保存一个)vector<double> val_vector(vector<double> vec){// 因为要用到高斯积分,第一步要将每个单元的积分上下限 和节点向量的值 对应起来vector<double> val_vec;                          //新定义一个向量,用于存储节点数值val_vec.push_back(vec[0]);for (int i = 0; i < vec.size() - 1; i++){if (vec[i] != vec[i + 1]){val_vec.push_back(vec[i + 1]);          //用于存储节点向量U中  不同节点的值(重节点的值只保存一个)}}return val_vec;}// 计算单元刚度矩阵 Eigen::MatrixXd IGA_Stiffness(Eigen::MatrixXd Node, Eigen::MatrixXd ele, int k, vector<double> U, vector<double> V, int p, MatrixXd D, double t){// Node: 节点坐标信息    ele:节点信息   k:表示的第k+1个单元// U:U方向的节点向量    p:B样条基函数的次数   t:厚度// 计算单元刚度矩阵// 因为要用到高斯积分,第一步要将每个单元的积分上下限 和节点向量的值 对应起来MatrixXd Ke(18, 18);Ke.setZero();MatrixXd B(3, 18);B.setZero();MatrixXd J(2, 2);J.setZero();// 将节点向量中的重节点值去掉(重节点信息只保存一个)vector<double> val_U;val_U = val_vector(U);                // 调用函数 val_vector(vector<double> vec)   将节点向量中的重节点值去掉vector<double> val_V;val_V = val_vector(V);// 求U和V方向的积分上下限double U_a, U_b, V_a, V_b;double u, v;int num_U = k % val_U.size();         // U方向的第几个区间int num_V = k / val_U.size();U_a = val_U[num_U];                   // U方向上的积分下限(参数域区间左端点)U_b = val_U[num_U + 1];               // U方向上的积分上限(参数域区间右端点)V_a = val_V[num_V];V_b = val_V[num_V + 1];// Gauss积分   U和V方向都使用两点Gauss公式// 高斯点double Gauss[4][2];Gauss[0][0] = -0.57735;Gauss[0][1] = -0.57735;Gauss[1][0] = 0.577350;Gauss[1][1] = -0.57735;Gauss[2][0] = 0.57735;Gauss[2][1] = 0.57735;Gauss[3][0] = -0.57735;Gauss[3][1] = 0.57735;for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++){u = (U_b - U_a) * Gauss[j][0] / 2 + (U_b + U_a) / 2;v = (V_b - V_a) * Gauss[j][1] / 2 + (V_b + V_a) / 2;B = B_matrix(Node, ele, k, U, V, p, u, v);J = Jacobi(Node, ele, k, U, V, p, u, v);Ke += t * (U_b - U_a) / 2 * (V_b - V_a) / 2 * B.transpose() * D * B * J.determinant();}return Ke;}// 组装总体刚度矩阵 Eigen::MatrixXd IGA_Assembly(Eigen::MatrixXd Node, Eigen::MatrixXd ele, vector<double> U, vector<double> V, int p, MatrixXd D, double t){// Node: 节点坐标信息    ele:节点信息   k:表示的第k+1个单元// U:U方向的节点向量    p:B样条基函数的次数   t:厚度// 组装刚度矩阵int num_GK = ele.rows() * Node.rows();      //总刚的大小  2*12MatrixXd Gk(num_GK, num_GK);Gk.setZero();int num_Ke = ele.rows();                       //单刚的个数  2int num_ele_node = ele.cols() - 1;             //单刚中节点的个数  9int size_Ke = ele.rows() * (ele.cols() - 1);   //单刚矩阵的大小MatrixXd Ke(size_Ke, size_Ke);                           //单元刚度矩阵Ke.setZero();for (int k = 0; k < num_Ke; k++){Ke = IGA_Stiffness(Node, ele, k, U, V, p, D, t);     // 第k个单元刚度矩阵MatrixXd _ele = ele.block(k, 1, 1, 9);               // 将第k个单元节点编号用向量存储起来VectorXi Dof(num_ele_node * 2);                      // 定义一个  单刚中节点的个数*2  的向量(9*2)  用于组总刚for (int r = 0; r < num_ele_node; r++){Dof(2 * r) = _ele(r) * 2 - 2;Dof(2 * r + 1) = _ele(r) * 2 - 1;}for (int n1 = 0; n1 < num_ele_node * 2; n1++){for (int n2 = 0; n2 < num_ele_node * 2; n2++){Gk(Dof(n1), Dof(n2)) = Gk(Dof(n1), Dof(n2)) + Ke(n1, n2);}}}return Gk;}VectorXd Solve_1_Model(MatrixXd K, VectorXd U, VectorXd P, int len_U){//置“1”法求解方程组//K:总刚   U:初始化的节点位移向量  P:节点力for (int j = 0; j < len_U; j++){if (U(j) == 0){K.block(j, 0, 1, K.cols()).setZero();    //将总刚矩阵K的行 置“0”  K.cols():K矩阵的列长K.block(0, j, K.rows(), 1).setZero();    //将总刚矩阵K的列 置“0”  K.rows():K矩阵的行长K(j, j) = 1;P(j) = 0;          //节点力置“0”}}// 节点位移U =;         //LU分解求解线性方程组K * U = Preturn U;}};


#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
#include <vector>
#include "IGA_Plate.h"//初始物理量
double IGA_Plate::E = 10;            // 弹性模量
double IGA_Plate::mu = 0.3;          // 泊松比
double IGA_Plate::t = 0.01;          // 厚度//节点信息,第一列为节点编号,2-4列分别为x,y,z坐标
MatrixXd Node_Matrix()
{MatrixXd Node(12, 3);Node << 1, 0, 0,2, 0, 1,3, 0, 2,4, 0.5, 0,5, 0.5, 1,6, 0.5, 2,7, 1.5, 0,8, 1.5, 1,9, 1.5, 2,10, 2, 0,11, 2, 1,12, 2, 2;return Node;
MatrixXd IGA_Plate::Node = Node_Matrix();MatrixXd ele_Matrix()
{MatrixXd ele(2, 10);ele << 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12;return ele;
MatrixXd IGA_Plate::ele = ele_Matrix();
// 节点向量
vector<double> IGA_Plate::U = { 0,0,0,0.5,1,1,1 };
vector<double> IGA_Plate::V = { 0,0,0,1,1,1 };int IGA_Plate::p = 2;// 输出矩阵的各个值
void Print(MatrixXd K)
{for (int j = 0; j < K.rows(); j++){for (int i = 0; i < K.cols(); i++){cout << K(j, i) << "  ";}cout << endl;}
}int main(void)
{//初始物理量IGA_Plate iga_2d;iga_2d.D_Matrix();// 组装刚度矩阵int num_GK = iga_2d.ele.rows() * iga_2d.Node.rows();      //总刚的大小  2*12MatrixXd Gk(num_GK, num_GK);Gk.setZero();Gk = iga_2d.IGA_Assembly(iga_2d.Node, iga_2d.ele, iga_2d.U, iga_2d.V, iga_2d.p, iga_2d.D, iga_2d.t);// 载荷向量 VectorXd F(num_GK);F.setZero();F(18) = 1.0 / 3;F(20) = 1.0 / 3;F(22) = 1.0 / 3;VectorXd disp(num_GK);         // 位移 displacement disp.setOnes();disp(0) = 0; disp(1) = 0; disp(2) = 0; disp(4) = 0;int len_disp = 2 * iga_2d.Node.rows();       //节点位移矩阵长度disp = iga_2d.Solve_1_Model(Gk, disp, F, len_disp);cout << "-----------分割线-------------" << endl;cout << "\n 节点位移 disp = \n" << disp << endl;


IGA_Plate.h 文件

#pragma once
#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
#include <vector>class  IGA_Plate
{public://初始物理量static double E;          //弹性模量static double mu;         //泊松比static double t;          //厚度static int p;              //基函数次数static MatrixXd Node;     //节点信息矩阵,第一列为节点编号,2-4列分别为x,y(,z)坐标static MatrixXd ele;      //单元信息,第一列为单元编号,后面各列为单元上的节点编号static vector<double> U;   //节点向量static vector<double> V;public:int num_GK = ele.rows() * Node.rows();         //总刚的大小  2*12int num_Ke = ele.rows();                       //单刚的个数  2int num_ele_node = ele.cols() - 1;             //单刚中节点的个数  9int size_Ke = ele.rows() * (ele.cols() - 1);   //单刚矩阵的大小 18int num_BasisFun_V = V.size() - p - 1;         //V 方向基函数个数public:MatrixXd D_Matrix(){MatrixXd D(3, 3);D << 1, mu, 0,mu, 1, 0,0, 0, (1 - mu) / 2;D *= (E / (1 - mu * mu));return D;}MatrixXd D = D_Matrix();//求基函数的值 (函数求值)double OneBasisFun_withreturn(int p, int m, vector<double>& U, int i, double u){// p: p次B样条    m:节点向量的个数-1   // U: 节点向量[u0,u1,...,um]   i:区间段[ui ui+1,...,ui+p+1]    // u:求p次B样条基函数 Ni,p 在u点的函数值double Nip;vector<double> N(p + 1);if ((i == 0 && u == U[0]) || (i == m - p - 1 && u == U[m])){Nip = 1.0;return Nip;}if (u < U[i] || u >= U[i + p + 1]){Nip = 0.0;return Nip;}int jj, j;for (jj = 0; jj <= p; jj++) {if (u >= U[i + jj] && u < U[i + jj + 1])N[jj] = 1.0;elseN[jj] = 0.0;}double saved;int k;for (k = 1; k <= p; k++){if (N[0] == 0.0) saved = 0.0;else saved = ((u - U[i]) * N[0]) / (U[i + k] - U[i]);for (j = 0; j < p - k + 1; j++){double Uleft = U[i + j + 1];double Uright = U[i + j + k + 1];if (N[j + 1] == 0.0){N[j] = saved; saved = 0.0;}else{double temp = N[j + 1] / (Uright - Uleft);N[j] = saved + (Uright - u) * temp;saved = (u - Uleft) * temp;}}}Nip = N[0];return Nip;}//求单个基函数的导数double DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(int p, vector<double>& U, int i, double u){// 原先是DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(int p,int m,vector<double> &U,int i,double u,int n)// 但是我看参数 n 没有用到,就将 int n   删除了// m:节点向量的个数-1  没有用到,就将 int m   删除了// p: p次B样条     // U: 节点向量[u0,u1,...,um]   i:区间段[ui ui+1,...,ui+p+1]    // u:求p次B样条基函数 Ni,p 在u点的导数值double DersOnebasisfun_value;if (p == 3) {double Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i, u);double Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i + 1, u);double Uipi = 1.0 / (U[i + p] - U[i]);double Uip1i1 = 1.0 / (U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]);if ((U[i + p] - U[i]) == 0)Uipi = 0.0;if ((U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]) == 0)Uip1i1 = 0.0;DersOnebasisfun_value = p * (Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 * Uipi - Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 * Uip1i1);if (u == 1.0){u = 0.99999;double Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i, u);double Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i + 1, u);double Uipi = 1.0 / (U[i + p] - U[i]);double Uip1i1 = 1.0 / (U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]);if ((U[i + p] - U[i]) == 0)Uipi = 0.0;if ((U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]) == 0)Uip1i1 = 0.0;double DersOnebasisfun_value_zero = p * (Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 * Uipi - Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 * Uip1i1);DersOnebasisfun_value = -DersOnebasisfun_value_zero;//cout<< "Hehehehhe" <<  " " << i << " " << Onebasisfun_i_pminus1  << " " << Uipi  << " " <<  Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1  << " " << Uip1i1 << " " << DersOnebasisfun_value_zero << "\n";}}if (p == 2) {double Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i, u);double Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i + 1, u);double Uipi = 1.0 / (U[i + p] - U[i]);double Uip1i1 = 1.0 / (U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]);if ((U[i + p] - U[i]) == 0)Uipi = 0.0;if ((U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]) == 0)Uip1i1 = 0.0;DersOnebasisfun_value = p * (Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 * Uipi - Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 * Uip1i1);if (u == 1.0){u = 0.99999;double Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i, u);double Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p - 1, U.size() - 1, U, i + 1, u);double Uipi = 1.0 / (U[i + p] - U[i]);double Uip1i1 = 1.0 / (U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]);if ((U[i + p] - U[i]) == 0)Uipi = 0.0;if ((U[i + p + 1] - U[i + 1]) == 0)Uip1i1 = 0.0;double DersOnebasisfun_value_zero = p * (Onebasisfun_i_pminus1 * Uipi - Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1 * Uip1i1);DersOnebasisfun_value = -DersOnebasisfun_value_zero;//cout<< "Hehehehhe" <<  " " << i << " " << Onebasisfun_i_pminus1  << " " << Uipi  << " " <<  Onebasisfun_iplus1_pminus1  << " " << Uip1i1 << " " << DersOnebasisfun_value_zero << "\n";}}if (p == 1){if (i == 0)DersOnebasisfun_value = -1;else {DersOnebasisfun_value = 1;}}return DersOnebasisfun_value;}//将第k个单元的节点编号  对应的坐标用9*2的向量存储Eigen::MatrixXd coor(Eigen::MatrixXd Node, Eigen::MatrixXd ele, int k){// k从0开始  0对应第一个单元  1对应第二个单元...MatrixXd coor(num_ele_node, Node.cols()-1);               // 每个单元的节点坐标存储为一个矩阵   节点坐标二维 Node.cols()-1 = 2MatrixXd _ele = ele.block(k, 1, 1, num_ele_node);         // 将第k个单元节点编号用向量存储起来for (int i = 0; i < num_ele_node; i++){int j = _ele(i);             // j: 代表第几个节点编号coor(i, 0) = Node(j - 1, 1);coor(i, 1) = Node(j - 1, 2);}return coor;}//将节点向量中的重节点值去掉(只保存一个)vector<double> val_vector(vector<double> vec){// 因为要用到高斯积分,第一步要将每个单元的积分上下限 和节点向量的值 对应起来vector<double> val_vec;                          //新定义一个向量,用于存储节点数值val_vec.push_back(vec[0]);for (int i = 0; i < vec.size() - 1; i++){if (vec[i] != vec[i + 1]){val_vec.push_back(vec[i + 1]);          //用于存储节点向量U中  不同节点的值(重节点的值只保存一个)}}return val_vec;}//计算单元的雅克比矩阵Eigen::MatrixXd Jacobi(Eigen::MatrixXd Node, Eigen::MatrixXd ele, int k, vector<double> U, vector<double> V, int p, double u, double v){// Node: 节点坐标信息    ele:节点信息   k:表示的第k+1个单元// U:U方向的节点向量    p:B样条基函数的次数   // 计算雅克比矩阵 (每个单元有且只有一个雅克比矩阵)MatrixXd J(2, 2);       //雅克比矩阵J.setZero();MatrixXd _ele = ele.block(k, 1, 1, num_ele_node);   // 将第k个单元节点编号用向量存储起来MatrixXd coor1(num_ele_node, 2);coor1 = coor(Node, ele, k);                         //将第k个单元的节点编号  对应的坐标用9*2的向量存储MatrixXd der_eta_xi(2, 9);                          // 用于存储相应基函数的导数int num;int Length_U = U.size();int Length_V = V.size();for (int i = 0; i < num_ele_node; i++){num = _ele(i);             // num : 代表k单元中第i个节点编号// 将节点编号和基函数对应起来      // 1 ---  N0,2 * M0,2   2 ---- N0,2 * M1,2   3 ---- N0,2 * M2,2// 4 ---  N1,2 * M0,2   5 ---- N1,2 * M1,2   6 ---- N1,2 * M2,2   7 ---  N2,2 * M0,2...... // val1: 表示U方向的第几个基函数   对应求导函数DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(p, U, i, u)中的i// val_U.size()int val1 = (num - 1) / num_BasisFun_V;int val2 = (num - 1) % num_BasisFun_V;        // val2: 表示V方向的第几个基函数double U_xi = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p, Length_U - 1, U, val1, u);    //U方向基函数double V_eta = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p, Length_V - 1, V, val2, v);double der_U_xi = DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(p, U, val1, u);   //U方向基函数导数double der_V_eta = DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(p, V, val2, v);der_eta_xi(0, i) = der_U_xi * V_eta;der_eta_xi(1, i) = U_xi * der_V_eta;}J = der_eta_xi * coor1;return J;}// 计算单元应变矩阵BEigen::MatrixXd B_matrix(Eigen::MatrixXd Node, Eigen::MatrixXd ele, int k, vector<double> U, vector<double> V, int p, double u, double v){// Node: 节点坐标信息    ele:节点信息   k:表示的第k+1个单元// U:U方向的节点向量    p:B样条基函数的次数   // 计算单元应变矩阵BMatrixXd B(3, 2 * num_ele_node);B.setZero();MatrixXd J = Jacobi(Node, ele, k, U, V, p, u, v);int num;int Length_U = U.size();int Length_V = V.size();MatrixXd der_Ni_xy(2, 1);MatrixXd der_Ni_xi_eta(2, 1);for (int i = 0; i < num_ele_node; i++){MatrixXd _ele = ele.block(k, 1, 1, num_ele_node);   // 将第k个单元节点编号用向量存储起来num = _ele(i);             // num : 代表第几个节点编号// 1 ---  N0,2 * M0,2   2 ---- N0,2 * M1,2   3 ---- N0,2 * M2,2// 4 ---  N1,2 * M0,2   5 ---- N1,2 * M1,2   6 ---- N1,2 * M2,2   7 ---  N2,2 * M0,2...... int val1 = (num - 1) / num_BasisFun_V;        // val1: 表示U方向的第几个基函数   对应求导函数DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(p, U, i, u)中的iint val2 = (num - 1) % num_BasisFun_V;        // val2: 表示V方向的第几个基函数double  U_xi = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p, Length_U - 1, U, val1, u);   //U方向基函数double V_eta = OneBasisFun_withreturn(p, Length_V - 1, V, val2, v);double  der_U_xi = DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(p, U, val1, u);  //U方向基函数导数double der_V_eta = DersOneBasisFun_double_First_Ders(p, V, val2, v);double der_Ni_xi = der_U_xi * V_eta;double der_Ni_eta = U_xi * der_V_eta;                //Ni对η(eta)的导数der_Ni_xi_eta(0, 0) = der_Ni_xi;der_Ni_xi_eta(1, 0) = der_Ni_eta;der_Ni_xy = J.inverse() * der_Ni_xi_eta;            //求出Ni在物理域上的导数B(0, 2 * i) = der_Ni_xy(0, 0);B(1, 2 * i + 1) = der_Ni_xy(1, 0);B(2, 2 * i) = der_Ni_xy(1, 0);B(2, 2 * i + 1) = der_Ni_xy(0, 0);}return B;}// 计算单元刚度矩阵 Eigen::MatrixXd IGA_Stiffness(Eigen::MatrixXd Node, Eigen::MatrixXd ele, int k, vector<double> U, vector<double> V, int p, MatrixXd D, double t){// Node: 节点坐标信息    ele:节点信息   k:表示的第k+1个单元// U:U方向的节点向量    p:B样条基函数的次数   t:厚度// 计算单元刚度矩阵// 因为要用到高斯积分,第一步要将每个单元的积分上下限 和节点向量的值 对应起来MatrixXd Ke(size_Ke, size_Ke);Ke.setZero();MatrixXd B(3, 2 * num_ele_node);B.setZero();MatrixXd J(2, 2);J.setZero();// 将节点向量中的重节点值去掉(重节点信息只保存一个)vector<double> val_U;val_U = val_vector(U);                // 调用函数 val_vector(vector<double> vec)   将节点向量中的重节点值去掉vector<double> val_V;val_V = val_vector(V);// 求U和V方向的积分上下限double U_a, U_b, V_a, V_b;double u, v;int num_U = k % val_U.size();         // U方向的第几个区间int num_V = k / val_U.size();U_a = val_U[num_U];                   // U方向上的积分下限(参数域区间左端点)U_b = val_U[num_U + 1];               // U方向上的积分上限(参数域区间右端点)V_a = val_V[num_V];V_b = val_V[num_V + 1];// Gauss积分   U和V方向都使用两点Gauss公式// 高斯点double Gauss[4][2];Gauss[0][0] = -0.57735;Gauss[0][1] = -0.57735;Gauss[1][0] = 0.577350;Gauss[1][1] = -0.57735;Gauss[2][0] = 0.57735;Gauss[2][1] = 0.57735;Gauss[3][0] = -0.57735;Gauss[3][1] = 0.57735;for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++){u = (U_b - U_a) * Gauss[j][0] / 2 + (U_b + U_a) / 2;v = (V_b - V_a) * Gauss[j][1] / 2 + (V_b + V_a) / 2;B = B_matrix(Node, ele, k, U, V, p, u, v);J = Jacobi(Node, ele, k, U, V, p, u, v);Ke += t * (U_b - U_a) / 2 * (V_b - V_a) / 2 * B.transpose() * D * B * J.determinant();}return Ke;}// 组装总体刚度矩阵 Eigen::MatrixXd IGA_Assembly(){// Node: 节点坐标信息    ele:节点信息   k:表示的第k+1个单元// U:U方向的节点向量    p:B样条基函数的次数   t:厚度// 组装刚度矩阵MatrixXd Gk(num_GK, num_GK);Gk.setZero();MatrixXd Ke(size_Ke, size_Ke);                           //单元刚度矩阵Ke.setZero();for (int k = 0; k < num_Ke; k++){Ke = IGA_Stiffness(Node, ele, k, U, V, p, D, t);     // 第k个单元刚度矩阵MatrixXd _ele = ele.block(k, 1, 1, 9);               // 将第k个单元节点编号用向量存储起来VectorXi Dof(num_ele_node * 2);                      // 定义一个  单刚中节点的个数*2  的向量(9*2)  用于组总刚for (int r = 0; r < num_ele_node; r++){Dof(2 * r) = _ele(r) * 2 - 2;Dof(2 * r + 1) = _ele(r) * 2 - 1;}for (int n1 = 0; n1 < num_ele_node * 2; n1++){for (int n2 = 0; n2 < num_ele_node * 2; n2++){Gk(Dof(n1), Dof(n2)) = Gk(Dof(n1), Dof(n2)) + Ke(n1, n2);}}}return Gk;}VectorXd Solve_1_Model(MatrixXd K, VectorXd U, VectorXd P, int len_U){//置“1”法求解方程组//K:总刚   U:初始化的节点位移向量  P:节点力for (int j = 0; j < len_U; j++){if (U(j) == 0){K.block(j, 0, 1, K.cols()).setZero();    //将总刚矩阵K的行 置“0”  K.cols():K矩阵的列长K.block(0, j, K.rows(), 1).setZero();    //将总刚矩阵K的列 置“0”  K.rows():K矩阵的行长K(j, j) = 1;P(j) = 0;          //节点力置“0”}}// 节点位移U =;         //LU分解求解线性方程组K * U = Preturn U;}};


#include <Eigen/Dense>
using namespace Eigen;
using namespace std;
#include <vector>
#include "IGA_Plate.h"//初始物理量
double IGA_Plate::E = 10;            // 弹性模量
double IGA_Plate::mu = 0.3;          // 泊松比
double IGA_Plate::t = 0.01;          // 厚度//节点信息,第一列为节点编号,2-4列分别为x,y,z坐标
MatrixXd Node_Matrix()
{MatrixXd Node(12, 3);Node << 1, 0, 0,2, 0, 1,3, 0, 2,4, 0.5, 0,5, 0.5, 1,6, 0.5, 2,7, 1.5, 0,8, 1.5, 1,9, 1.5, 2,10, 2, 0,11, 2, 1,12, 2, 2;return Node;
MatrixXd IGA_Plate::Node = Node_Matrix();MatrixXd ele_Matrix()
{MatrixXd ele(2, 10);ele << 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12;return ele;
MatrixXd IGA_Plate::ele = ele_Matrix();// 节点向量
vector<double> IGA_Plate::U = { 0,0,0,0.5,1,1,1 };
vector<double> IGA_Plate::V = { 0,0,0,1,1,1 };int IGA_Plate::p = 2;// 输出矩阵的各个值
void Print(MatrixXd K)
{for (int j = 0; j < K.rows(); j++){for (int i = 0; i < K.cols(); i++){cout << K(j, i) << "  ";}cout << endl;}
}int main(void)
{//初始物理量IGA_Plate iga_2d;iga_2d.D_Matrix();// 组装刚度矩阵int num_GK = iga_2d.ele.rows() * iga_2d.Node.rows();      //总刚的大小  2*12MatrixXd Gk(num_GK, num_GK);Gk.setZero();Gk = iga_2d.IGA_Assembly();cout << "-----------分割线4-------------" << endl;// 载荷向量 VectorXd F(num_GK);F.setZero();F(18) = 1.0 / 3;F(20) = 1.0 / 3;F(22) = 1.0 / 3;VectorXd disp(num_GK);         // 位移 displacement disp.setOnes();disp(0) = 0; disp(1) = 0; disp(2) = 0; disp(4) = 0;int len_disp = 2 * iga_2d.Node.rows();       //节点位移矩阵长度disp = iga_2d.Solve_1_Model(Gk, disp, F, len_disp);cout << "-----------分割线3-------------" << endl;cout << "\n 节点位移 disp = \n" << disp << endl;cout << "-----------分割线6-------------" << endl;cout << iga_2d.val_vector(iga_2d.U).size() << endl;cout << iga_2d.U.size() << endl;


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