Host Command (Response) Function Supported by BP-HSM Note
00 Echo Test Message X
10 Generate 3DES Working Key, Any Type X
11 Export a Working Key in AKB Format X
13 Import a Working Key in AKB Format X
14 Load ATM Master Key – IBM 3624
14 Load ATM Master Key – IBM 4731
15 Change ATM Communications Key – Docutel
15 Change ATM Communications Key – IBM 3624
15 Change ATM Communications Key – IBM 4731
1A Export a Working Key to non-AKB Format X
1E Generate New Initial Key for PIN Pad Using Visa DUKPT
30 Encrypt PIN – ANSI Format 0 X
31 Translate PIN X
31 Translate PIN – Visa DUKPT X
32 Verify PIN – Atalla 2×2
32 Verify PIN – Atalla DES BiLevel
32 Verify PIN – Burroughs
32 Verify PIN – Clear-PIN Comparison X
32 Verify PIN – Diebold
32 Verify PIN – IBM 3624 X
32 Verify PIN – Identikey
32 Verify PIN – NCR X
32 Verify PIN – PIN-Block Comparison X
32 Verify PIN – Visa X
33 Translate PIN – ANSI to IBM 4731
33 Translate PIN – ANSI to PIN/Pad
33 Translate PIN – ANSI to PLUS and PLUS to ANSI
33 Translate PIN – IBM 3624 to IBM 3624
33 Translate PIN – IBM 3624 to PIN/Pad
33 Translate PIN – IBM 4731 to IBM 4731
33 Translate PIN – IBM 4731 to PIN/Pad
33 Translate PIN – PIN/Pad or Docutel to IBM 4731
33 Translate PIN – PIN/Pad or Docutel to PIN/Pad
35 Translate PIN – Double-Encrypted Input or Output
36 Verify Double-Encrypted PIN
37 PIN Change – Atalla DES Bilevel
37 PIN Change – Diebold
37 PIN Change – IBM 3624
37 PIN Change – Identikey
37 PIN Change – NCR
37 PIN Change – Visa
39 Translate PIN And Generate MAC
3A Verify Card and PIN – IBM3624 X
3A Verify Card and PIN – NCR X
3A Verify Card and PIN – Visa X
3D Generate PVN and IBM Offset
55 Encrypt, Decrypt Or Translate Data X
58 MAC Translate
59 Generate MAC and Encrypt or Translate Data
5C Verify and Generate MAC for Visa DUKPT
5D Generate CVV/CVC X
5E Verify CVV/CVC X
5F Verify MAC and Decrypt PIN X
70 Load Volatile Table Value
71 Delete Volatile Table Value
72 Verify Volatile Table Value
7E Generate Check Digits X
90 Decrypt PIN X
93 Generate Random Number X
94 Generate Initialization Vector X
95 Reformat Initialization Vector X
96 Verify Initialization Vector X
97 Encrypt/Decrypt Data X
98 Generate MAC X
99 Verify MAC X
9A Network Security Processor AKB header list
9A Network Security Processor Clear Log
9A Network Security Processor Configuration Status
9A Network Security Processor Count Status
9A Network Security Processor Crypto Test
9A Network Security Processor Status ID
9A Network Security Processor Status Key
9B Verify ACR Response MAC
9E Translate Working Key from Current MFK to Pending MFK
9F Replace the Current MFK with the Pending MFK
BA PIN Translate (ANSI to PIN/Pad) and MAC Verification X
BB Translate PIN (ANSI to PLUS) and Verify MAC X
BD Translate PIN and Generate MAC
BE Verify VSVC S1 Signature and Generate VSVC S2 Signature
BF Verify VSVC S3 Signature
D0 Verify Clear PIN
101 Configure Network Security Processor Option X
102 Command Monitoring
105 License Premium Value Commands and Options
106 Define Temporary Serial Number
107 Confirm Temporary Serial Number
108 Define Security Policy
109 Confirm Security Policy
113 Translate an AKB to 3DES-ECB or 3DES-CBC
117 Import TR-31 Formatted Working Key X
118 Export Working Key in TR-31 Format X
11B Import Non-AKB Formatted Working Keys X
11C Convert Atalla DES Key to 3DES AKB Format
11E Generate Atalla 2×2 PVN
120 Generate RSA Key Pair
121 Load RSA Key into RSA Key Table
122 Generate AKB for Root Public Key
123 Verify Public Key and Generate AKBPUB
124 Generate Digital Signature
125 Verify Digital Signature
126 Generate Message Digest
12A Generate AKB of Root Public Key
12B Translate Public or Private Key AKB from MFK to PMFK
12C Verify or Delete RSA Key Table Entry
12F Generate ATM Master Key and encrypt with public key
135 Export RSA Private Key in ECB encrypted format
136 Generate a TR-34 Key Block
138 RSA Data Decrypt
139 Sign TR-34 Message
304 Verify CMAC using TDES
305 Generate CMAC using TDES
30A Calculate PIN Offset
32C Verify ePIN
335 PIN and PIN-Block Translate
346 PIN Translate – DUKPT to 3DES and Verify MAC
347 PIN Translate – DUKPT to 3DES and Generate MAC
348 Verify DUKPT MAC X
350 Verify EMV ARQC
351 EMV PIN Change
352 Generate EMV MAC
354 Generate EMV ICC Master Key
356 Validate CAP Token
357 Verify dCVV X
358 Generate ISO/IEC 9796-2 Digital Signature
359 Verify dynamic CVC3 X
35A Verify AMEX CSC X
35B Generate AMEX CSC X
35F Verify Discover DCVV
365 Verify Visa Cloud-Based Payments
36A Verify AMEX Expresspay value – Magstripe Mode
37B Generate ePIN Offset
386 Generate DUKPT MAC
388 DES DUKPT Encrypt/Decrypt Data X
38C Derive DUKPT Initial PIN Encryption Key X
390 Encrypt/Decrypt Data using AES X
392 Generate Check Digits for an AES Key X
39A Generate AES or HMAC Symmetric Key
39B Generate MAC using HMAC
39C Verify MAC using HMAC
3FC EMV PIN change from IBM3624 offset
3FD Authenticate multiple EMV scripts
1101 Get ID of Current Image
1104 Get Temporary Serial Number Information
1110 Get System Configuration Information
1111 Get System Date and Time X
1113 Get Average CPU Utilization
1120 Get System Information
1216 Get Battery Life Remaining
1221 Return IP Address of Network Security Processor
1223 TCP/IP Socket Information
1226 Get Key Check Digits X
1227 Reset to Factory State
1228 Confirm Reset to Factory State

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