
  1. 网口驱动设备树

&fman0 {

ethernet@f0000 {

compatible = "fsl,fman-memac";

reg = <0xf0000 0x1000>;


mdio@f1000 {

#address-cells = <1>;

#size-cells = <0>;

compatible = "fsl,fman-memac-tbi";

reg = <0xf1000 0x1000>;

  1. };
  2. MAC名称为fman-memac,在内核组件查询memac
  3. 可以看到这里的phy ,mdio,mac驱动都找到了,点击获取更加详详细的信息

用search 查询具体的驱动文件



serial0: serial@11c500 {

cell-index = <0>;

device_type = "serial";

compatible = "fsl,ns16550", "ns16550";

reg = <0x11c500 0x100>;

clocks = <&platform 1>;

clock-names = "platform-div2";

interrupts = <36 2 0 0>;

interrupt-parent = <&mpic>;


serial1: serial@11c600 {

cell-index = <1>;

device_type = "serial";

compatible = "fsl,ns16550", "ns16550";

reg = <0x11c600 0x100>;

clocks = <&platform 1>;

clock-names = "platform-div2";

interrupts = <36 2 0 0>;

interrupt-parent = <&mpic>;


Component DRV_SIO_FDT_NS16550 {

NAME            UART support for ns16550-compatible FDT devices

SYNOPSIS        ns16550 SIO support for FDT device

MODULES         vxbNs16550Sio.o vxbFdtNs16550Sio.o

LINK_SYMS       vxbFdtNs16550Drv








Note: the "original" path uses the name of the device before a driver is bound.  This

is the path that must be used when blacklisting devices for the hypervisor

mainbus-0 at root nexus

mainbus-0: <Freescale T2080QDS>


current path: '/mainbus0/fdtBus0'


current path: '/mainbus0/fdtBus0/fslBookeTimer0'

original path: '/mainbus0/fdtBus0/timer0'


current path: '/mainbus0/fdtBus0/simpleBus0'

original path: '/mainbus0/fdtBus0/bman-portals0'


current path: '/mainbus0/fdtBus0/simpleBus0/fsl,bman-portal0'

original path: '/mainbus0/fdtBus0/simpleBus0/bman-portal0'


current path: '/mainbus0/fdtBus0/simpleBus0/fsl,bman-portal1'

original path: '/mainbus0/fdtBus0/simpleBus0/bman-portal0'


current path: '/mainbus0/fdtBus0/simpleBus0/fsl,bman-portal2'

original path: '/mainbus0/fdtBus0/simpleBus0/bman-portal0'


current path: '/mainbus0/fdtBus0/simpleBus0/fsl,bman-portal3'

original path: '/mainbus0/fdtBus0/simpleBus0/bman-portal0'




Driver [eeprom] class [vxbFdtBus] [At24 eeprom] (0x2f815c) (refs: 0)

Driver [i2c] class [vxbFdtBus] [Freescale Integrated I2C Controller] (0x2f8194) (refs: 1)

Driver [rtc] class [vxbFdtBus] [Dallas rtc] (0x2f81f4) (refs: 1)

Driver [fslBookeTimer] class [vxbFdtBus] [freescale booke timer driver] (0x2fdb04) (refs: 1)

Driver [genericPhy] class [vxbMiiBus] [Generic 10/100/1000 PHY driver] (0x2fe778) (refs: 3)

Driver [sgmiiPhy] class [vxbMiiBus] [Freescale SGMII PHY driver] (0x2fe7d0) (refs: 0)

Driver [mmdPhy] class [vxbMiiBus] [Clause 45 MMD PHY driver] (0x2fe834) (refs: 4)

Driver [memacMdio] class [vxbFdtBus] [Freescale MEMAC MDIO driver] (0x2fe8a8) (refs: 8)

Driver [memac] class [vxbFdtBus] [Freescale MEMAC END driver] (0x2fe9a8) (refs: 6)

Driver [QorIQQman] class [vxbFdtBus] [Freescale QorIQQman driver] (0x2fea10) (refs: 1)

Driver [fsl,qman-portal] class [vxbFdtBus] [Freescale QorIQQman Portal driver] (0x2fea60) (refs: 18)

Driver [QorIQFman] class [vxbFdtBus] [Freescale QorIQFman driver] (0x2feb08) (refs: 1)

Driver [QorIQBman] class [vxbFdtBus] [Freescale QorIQBman driver] (0x2feb38) (refs: 1)

Driver [fsl,bman-portal] class [vxbFdtBus] [Freescale QorIQBman Portal driver] (0x2feb88) (refs: 18)

Driver [qoriqClock] class [vxbFdtBus] [Freescale QorIQ clock driver] (0x2ff384) (refs: 1)

Driver [qoriqL3Cache] class [vxbFdtBus] [QorIQ L3 cache driver] (0x2ff3a4) (refs: 1)

Driver [coreNetL2Cache] class [vxbFdtBus] [CORENET L2 cache driver] (0x2ff3e4) (refs: 1)

Driver [qoriqFpga] class [vxbFdtBus] [Freescale QorIQ FPGwA driver] (0x2ff41c) (refs: 1)

Driver [qoriqLaw] class [vxbFdtBus] [Freescale Integrated LAW Controller] (0x2ff484) (refs: 1)

Driver [fslSdhc] class [vxbFdtBus] [freescale SDHC driver] (0x2ff52c) (refs: 1)

Driver [usbRootHub] class [vxbUsbRootHub] [USB Root Hub Driver] (0x2ffb08) (refs: 0)

Driver [usbDev] class [vxbUsbBus] [usb device driver] (0x2ffb50) (refs: 0)

Driver [usbCompDev] class [vxbUsbBus] [usb composite device driver] (0x2ffb70) (refs: 0)

Driver [ulpiViewPortPhy] class [vxbFdtBus] [USB ULPI ViewPort PHY FDT Driver] (0x2ffc9c)

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